Pick up the latest 5 recommended "Chromebook" models [Winter 2021 Edition]

"FMV Chromebook 14F"

 "Chromebook" is a new genre of laptop that is neither Windows nor Mac. [Image] "HP Chromebook x2 11" with detachable keyboard The Chromebook is attracting attention for its relatively reasonable price range, fast start-up, and long battery life. We will introduce notable models from products announced in 2021.

What is a Chromebook?

 Chromebooks are devices that run Google's "Chrome OS" and can use the web browser "Chrome" and some Android apps. As a laptop computer, there are many lightweight and compact models, making it ideal for carrying around. In addition to browsing the web, it is also possible to watch videos on YouTube and Netflix, create business documents, spreadsheets, and create presentation materials using "Google Documents" on the web browser. The data it handles is mainly stored in the cloud on the Internet, and is characterized by its strong security. Basically, it is assumed to be used in an environment where you can connect to the Internet. Note that Windows and Mac software cannot be used.

The first consumer Chromebook from a Japanese manufacturer

 Fujitsu's "FMV Chromebook 14F" is a Chromebook with a 14-inch wide display (1920 x 1080 pixels). It claims to be the first domestic manufacturer in consumer products. NEC and Sharp also offer Chromebooks, but they are mainly for educational institutions and corporations. If you choose a domestic brand Chromebook at an EC site or home appliance mass retailer, it can be said to be the most promising candidate. The main memory is 8GB, and the storage is about 128GB (SSD). It also features a Fujitsu PC keyboard, which has a reputation for keystrokes, and was supervised by a keyboard meister to achieve comfortable typing. You can also output video to an external display or TV from the HDMI output terminal. The actual price is around 77,000 yen.

Next page: Portable 11.6-inch multimode Chromebook Last update: Fav-Log by ITmedia