5 Recommended Telework Desks A Must-See for People Starting a New Life! Let's learn how to choose a desk that allows you to work comfortably at home [February 2022 version]

DOMY HOME "L-shaped computer desk" (Source: Amazon)

5 recommended desks for telework

 Telework has been introduced in many companies, and many people are probably preparing their work environment at home. Some people may be considering purchasing desks and chairs that are easier to use as telework is taking longer than expected. [Image] Fuji Boeki "Computer Desk" This time, we will introduce points on how to choose a desk for telework where you can work comfortably, as well as recommended products. Please refer to it if you are starting a new life this spring.

Telework desk: Choose the size based on "room size" and "work content"

 When choosing a desk, the first thing you look at is the size. In fact, some people say that "the size was too big and it didn't fit the room." On the other hand, if it is too small, work efficiency will be poor, so it is difficult to find the right size. If you work only with a laptop, you can secure enough space even with a width of 100 cm and a depth of 50 cm. However, if you use an external keyboard on which to place the monitor, it is recommended to choose a slightly larger one. Depth is especially important, and it is said that having enough space to work with your arms on it will help reduce the burden on your shoulders. For people who use paper a lot, the depth makes it easy to spread documents and notes. Even if you can't put a wide desk in your room, you should pay particular attention to the depth when choosing it. If the size of the room allows, a desk with a depth of about 60 to 70 cm is recommended.

Telework desks: There are automatic and manual lifting types

 Standing desks are expected to help prevent back pain, maintain health, and improve work efficiency. In the past few years, it has become a hot topic in Japan, and it is spreading with the recommendation of telework. Therefore, what is attracting attention is the lifting type that can be used as both a normal desk and a standing desk. The advantage of the type that automatically raises and lowers using electricity is that the height can be easily adjusted. Depending on the product, you can also store several of your favorite heights. In the case of manual operation, the height is adjusted with a handle or one touch of gas pressure. You have to adjust the height yourself, but you can buy it about 10,000 yen cheaper than the automatic one. Automatic is recommended for those who want to change the height frequently, and manual is recommended for those who do not plan to change it often.

Next page: Desk for telework: Focus on other functional aspects Last update: Fav-Log by ITmedia