A must -see for business people chased by multitasking!ASUS's latest attention PC that can do anything was amazing

「watasack creative works」の渡邊桜さんデジタルクリエイター(企画・編集・制作)。グラフィックデザインやwebデザイン、イラスト、写真撮影、コピーライティング、切り絵の制作など、幅広く活動をしている

What do you need to smartly judge multitasking?

―― Thank you for your cooperation today!First of all, please tell us what kind of work you usually do.

Mr. Watanabe: We are producing content in various fields, such as advertising, corporate owned media, and magazines.I often get into a project from a project and get involved as a director, and I often move my hands as designers, illustrators and copywriters.

――It seems to be quite multitasking!

Watanabe: That's right.Multiple projects are always ongoing at the same time, and I have a variety of ways to get involved, so I go back and forth in various tasks every day.

――What kind of software or tools are you used?

Watanabe: Is it especially long spent use of Illustrator, Photoshop, and Indesign?Depending on the job, we operate WordPress etc. on the browser, or create illustrations on a different tablet device from the PC.In addition, I use contact tools and Office software on a daily basis.

--I see.Where do you often work?

Watanabe: Basically, I go at home.However, I often go out for meetings and shooting, so I sometimes work in a satellite office in the meantime, or work at a hotel when I go far away on a business trip.There is one desktop PC at home, but when I go out, I use a notebook PC purchased as a sub -machine.

What are the dissatisfaction created by multitasking?

――Are you dissatisfied with doing multiple tasks at the same time?

Mr. Watanabe: When working on a laptop PC, if you start multiple software at the same time, your PC may become heavy and your work may stop.For example, when editing images placed in Illustrator with Photoshop, you want to work while comparing software and comparing changes.It's especially easy to handle large data.

――Is your notebook PC not so large?

Watanabe: Yes.Since the notebook PC was originally used only for meeting on the go, it is not enough to do normal work outside.

――If you change the place or work, you need a PC that suits it.Do you have any other problems?

Mr. Watanabe: I can't help it as a notebook PC, but it is inconvenient that the screen is small.Especially when editing images, there are a lot of pallets over the image, making it difficult to work.Even in office work, I feel a little stressed when opening multiple windows at the same time, such as creating an email while looking at the schedule and planning book.

――I really understand!That's why if you buy a PC with a large screen, the size will be large and it will be difficult to carry.

Watanabe: That's right.Because it always has it, we now give priority to easy and portable.After that, it is essential that the color reproducibility and the resolution of the screen are high because the design and image are edited.

The essential conditions of a laptop PC to handle multitasking from the story with Mr. Watanabe are "crisp movement", "easy to carry", and "high color reproducibility".He was even more happy if the screen was improved.

Help multiple tasks!ASUS new ZenBook

ここまでのお話に出てきたような条件にフィットするノートPCが、ちょうどこの春にASUSから発売されました。そこで今回、複数タスクと向き合う方におすすめのアイテムとして、その最新ノートPC『ASUS ZenBook Duo 14 UX482』『ASUS ZenBook Pro Duo 15 OLED UX582』をご紹介します。渡邊さんのお悩みもこちらのPCで解決できるはず……!

マルチタスクに追われるビジネスパーソン必見! なんでもこなせるASUS最新注目PCがすごかった

With one multitasking!"ASUS ZENBOOK DUO 14 UX482"

The ASUS ZenBook Duo 14 UX482 is a 14 -inch notebook PC equipped with second display in the world.Mr. Watanabe immediately used it.

Watanabe: The whole is thin and compact, and it has a smart impression including the design.I feel particular about the clean appearance.

The thinnest part of the PC is 16.9mm, total weight is 1.6kg, easy to carry.

Watanabe: This is what it looks like!The display is exciting in a novel form.

The major feature is the other display, SCREENPAD PLUS, which can be used as a touch panel between the main display and keyboard.

At the same time as opening the PC, the main unit and "SCREENPAD PLUS" rose at an angle that is easy to operate.This angle is designed to improve the ease of typing, exhaust heat, and audio performance, and is outstanding when used.

Watanabe: I tried using "SCREENPAD PLUS", but it looks like a dual display.The work area is large and very convenient.Since the window can be displayed without stacking, the efficiency of the work is greatly increased.Until now, it seemed terrible that I had been coming and going while shifting the position of the window many times (laughs).I can work so comfortably on a laptop ...!

Mr. Watanabe: I thought the registration function of the "Task Group" was very convenient.If you register a group of frequently used software and functions, you can start up at once with one touch.I have a wide variety of business areas, so it seems that I can significantly reduce the trouble of softening software by registering for each job, such as "writing manuscript", "for Web design", and "for DTP".。

Watanabe: What impressed me was the function called "Control Panel".I was surprised that the dedicated interface displayed in "SCREENPAD PLUS" can operate the in -house function of the four Adobe software ( *).* Photoshop, Lightroom, AfterEffects, Premirepro

Mr. Watanabe: Especially, it is interesting to be able to operate intuitively with a dial or slider.It seems to be especially well used when trying to make significant changes in the trial basis at the early stage of image processing and design.In addition, you can customize the tools to be displayed on the panel, so I am glad that you can arrange them to your liking.

――How about the part of the “crisp movement” and “color reproducibility” that you were concerned about?

Mr. Watanabe: Even if I started multiple apps, it moved crispy.I was able to work comfortably without hardening or slowing down even if I handled heavy images!* You can choose between Intel® Core ™ i5-1135G7, Intel® Core ™ i7-1165G.

Mr. Watanabe: I felt that the screen was beautiful and the color reproducibility was high.Not only RGB but also CMYK (printing color mode) seems to be close to the actual color.

The screen is full HD.In addition, the width of 100%SRGB, the color accuracy and display of Pantone® authentication, is also focused on the creators who want to stick to the subtle colors.

"ASUS ZENBOOK PRO DUO 15 OLED UX582" that supports multitasking more powerfully

Next is the 15 -inch notite PC "ASUS ZENBOOK PRO DUO 15 OLED UX582" for high -spec creators.The CPU is equipped with Core i7 as standard and the memory is 32GB.

Watanabe: When I started my PC, I was impressed by the screen.The display of "ASUS ZENBOOK DUO 14 UX482" was also beautiful enough, but this is even more beautiful and intense.

――How about the specifications and comfort?

Watanabe: 32GB of memory is amazing on a laptop PC.I think it's a particularly nice part for creators.I was also worried that the GPU was equipped with the RTX3070.It seems that it will work quickly and play an active part in video editing and 3D data.

――It is also featured that the trackpad part becomes a one -touch numeric key.

Watanabe: I'm happy to be able to use the numeric keypad.Especially in design work, it is helpful because many numbers are entered, such as when specifying the size of objects and fonts.

Experience two notebook PCs ...

Mr. Watanabe: I felt that it was a PC that was reliable in facing multitasking with useful functions and high specifications.It seems to increase daily productivity.Until now, I had been thinking about laptops as a sub -machine, but I think that if this spec and usability, it will be active as a main machine!

--thank you very much!

忙しいビジネスパーソンにとって、PCの使いやすさや速さは、仕事の効率・速さに直結する重要な事項。マルチタスクに向かうために作られたノートPC『ASUS ZenBook Duo 14 UX482』『ASUS ZenBook Pro Duo 15 OLED UX582』を味方につければ、快適な作業環境を整えられそうです。気になる方はぜひ一度検討してみてはいかがでしょうか?

ASUS ZenBook Duo 14 UX482詳細はこちら >

ASUS ZenBook Pro Duo 15 OLED UX582 詳細はこちら>

ASUS ZenBook Duo 14 UX482 Standard specifications

ASUS ZenBook Pro Duo15 UX582 Standard specifications

[PR] Provided by ASUS JAPAN Co., Ltd.