Veteran mother holding the key to Qualit's high quality used PC

 Qualit is popular for used PC sales at a price of 10 to 20 % cheaper than the market.However, I believe that the true value of Qualit is not the price, but the grading (rank evaluation).

 One day in August.In order to confirm the truth, we visited Yokogawa Rental Rent Lease Technical Center Hashimoto Tech in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture.

Infiltrate!Technical Center Hashimoto Tech

 Hashimoto Tech is a department that specializes in IT equipment among the technical centers that function as a logistics warehouse for rental products.Qualit has its establishment in one corner of Hashimoto Tech.

 Qualit is a service that carefully refiners and sells products carefully selected from rental -up products (rental returns) held by Yokogawa rental leases mainly in the rental industry.

 There are two major rental routes for rental -up products, and the returned PC is first collected in Hashimoto Tech.Those who are allowed to rental after inspection, checking, and cleaning, etc. will be stocked again as the inventory of rental rental rental rental items.

 On the other hand, even if a defect below the C rank was discovered at the time of return and the one was less than the standard for re -rental, or the appearance checked as B rank or higher, demand as rental items depending on the number of years from the product release date.If you do not satisfy, it will be turned on the resale (resale) route, including Qualit, and is stocked as a resale item.

 There are several resale routes, one of which is the company's sales site, Qualit.The other is Yahoo auction!Exhibition at the inner shop.In addition, wholesale to other used sellers.Unfamily operating products are taken to a specialist as junk.

 Those with lower specifications compared to the current PC and those that have been elucidated from the release date are down to other used sellers, and about 80 % of resale items correspond.The remaining 10 percent will be sold directly in -house, but the refinerbish products sold at Qualit are carefully selected.

 In summary, the following two types of Qualit products are the following two types of Yokogawa rental leases.

・ The grade is less than the C rank, but the PC / grade that has not been so long has been so high, but has passed to some extent (3-5 years) PC.

 Even if you look at this mechanism alone, it can be seen that there is a considerable difference between other used sales products and products handled by Qualit.In other words, the following grades handled by Qualit are turned to other used sellers, and products that are higher than the product handled by Qualit are re -rental products, and they are not on the used

Qualit's mother who plays the grading of the product

 How is the resale targeted product that has been around for Qualit?I visited Hashimoto Tech this time to explore the secret.

 This is because the ASCII editorial department has been reviewing several Qualit sales products, but in fact, it was ashamed to see where the difference was determined.Even if it is said to be S class and A class, it does not seem to have a wound at a glance, and it is said to be a person, B class, person, and C class.However, it is extremely difficult to distinguish the boundaries.

IT Division Qualit Center Director Takahiko Kameda

 When I was guided to the IT Division Takahiko Kameda, Qualit Center, and actually interviewed the grading site, surprisingly, Quallit's grading was done by only one woman.

 Mayumi Otsuka.She is a dedicated grading and cleaning person in charge of Qualit, who can also be called Qualit's mother.

Qualit's grading person Mayumi Otsuka.It is said that the discovery of flaws such as scratches is based on tactile diagnosis.


 In fact, we showed Otsuka's grading check work.

 In order to find a scratch, the finger belly is first followed along with the edge and line of the product and searching for a catch.

 After examining the line, apply light to the face and see if there is no refraction in the light.If there is a scratch on the surface, even if it is a small scratch, the light will not spread flat and will always be reflected in another direction.Check it again with your finger and check the degree.

 Otsuka says in the sirot that tends to rely on visuals because of the idea that the appearance is important, but the degree of scratches is the best diagnosis with tactile sensation.Based on the diagnosis, the degree of individual scratches is assessed in light of the determined reference value, and the final product rank is determined in total.

 After checking the scratches, the grading work is over.Then move on to cleaning work.

 Products sold at Qualit have already been cleaned once as part of the arrival of Hashimoto Tech before reaching Otsuka -san.Nevertheless, Mr. Otsuka re -perform cleaning in his beliefs.The cleaning performed with Qualit is different from rental products.

Otsuka: "The rental item is in -house in -house that returns to our company after the use period is over, but what is sold at Qualit is a product that will leave our company and become a personal property. When the customer gets it.I don't think I'm discomfort. "

We are particular about how to wind the attached power cable, unwind a beautifully wrapped cable, and rewind it according to our own aesthetics.

 When he joined the company, Mr. Otsuka was thoroughly prepared as a cleaning person.He is a genuine cleaning mania, saying, "If you see dirty PCs used in the company, you want to clean it."

 So, I asked Mr. Otsuka, a professional of such a PC cleaning, about the secrets of keeping his PC clean and tips for cleaning.

Otsuka -style PC cleaning tips

■ Cleaning tool ・ It is good to use the cut end of the sheets and the Japanese to clean the PC.・ Water, alcohol, and detergent to prepare when cleaning PC.・ Detergent is OK for industrial detergent or home cleaning detergent. You can use it diluted.・ Alcohol is OK with commercially available sterilized alcohol.・ Recommended for removing dirt is “Geki -kun” (melamine sponge).・ When using "Geki -kun", just stroke it lightly. Don't rub it strongly. ■ Tips for cleaning the LCD display -LCD should be wiped with a sheet cloth containing water, and then wiped dry. ■ Tips for IMAC cleaning ・ IMAC is useless, and only dry wiping is recommended. It is best to have finger oil etc. ■ Tips for cleaning rubber parts ・ Cleaning the rubber space used in ThinkPad, etc. with water. After that, it is light and light. ■ Tips for cleaning cables and cables dirt are alcohol. Wet tissue with alcohol is also possible. ■ Tips for cleaning keyboard cleaning and keyboard cleaning first suck the garbage accumulated in the groove with a vacuum cleaner.・ Next, set up a keyboard and brush.・ Because the scum comes out, I will smoke again with a vacuum cleaner.・ Especially dirty parts are removed with a flathead screwdriver, etc., and wipe the inside with a cotton swab with alcohol.・ Wrap the cloth around the brush to add alcohol or detergent to polish the key top.・ The keyboard of the laptop PC is sprayed with alcohol on the sheets and Japanese tap, cover the key top, and rub it with a brush for shoes from above.・ Clean the keyboard from left to right, from top to bottom.

 It's a pleasure to look at the gadgets that are getting cleaner in front of you.If you are skipping your PC cleaning, I would like you to use this article to clean your PC.

Used PC that should be greeted with surprise

 As a trial, I had an iPad of the same model number from S rank to C rank, and compared the difference.As expected, the S rank and the C rank are completely different, but if you compare products with S, A, A, and B, and one rank difference, it is almost impossible to determine which grade above.Also, even the C -ranked product at the bottom makes me think it's not bad.

 All the products on the Qualit site are all done by Mr. Otsuka, cleaning, and packing alone.It is no exaggeration to say that Otsuka himself is Qualit.Otsuka's guide is around 20 cars a day.In other words, new products are added to Qualit, around 20 units a day.Therefore, we have also introduced a lineup of V -ranking products that do not retake them for such grades, cleaning, and Qualit.

 The biggest problem of Qualit is that there is no Otsuka's successor.Yahoo auctions have begun measures such as outsourcing grading, but outsourcing outside requires standards.However, Mr. Otsuka's standard value is strict in the company.If there are any scratches that are a little worrisome, lower the grade and assess it.Occasionally, opinions about the staff and product ranks.As a company, I want to sell it a little higher, so it seems that I sometimes lean on a slightly sweeter judgment, but Otsuka does not give up if he is worried, and eventually sells it in grading attached by Otsuka.It seems to be.

 Even if you talk to an external contractor who specializes in the above -mentioned grading, Director Kameda will smile if it is said that the grading of Qualit is one rank higher than usual.

 However, there are many repeaters in Qualit, and there have been no complaints about product grade.It is more important to be able to buy good things cheaply.Director Kameda says that if the current product is satisfied with the customer, he will not change the grade.

Qualit product that finishes grading, cleaning work and waiting for shipping

 It is said that the most popular product of Qualit is the super beautiful S -class.However, only the Qualit products are more convincing and even a bargain product of B -class and C class.I understand that it is a beautiful beautiful product, but if you are thinking about introducing a used PC, please get the Qualit B class and C -class products once.I think you can understand the surprise of this grade!?The price should be reasonable and satisfying.

 Qualit has a "PC that should be greeted with surprise," which is strictly grated by Otsuka's commitment and carefully refined.

Provided by: Yokogawa Rental Lease Co., Ltd.

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