"Access restrictions can be easily escaped." You should teach how to use it by prohibiting tragedy of children who fall into internet addiction on a tablet distributed by schools


The GIGA School Initiatives initially aimed to realize it until 2023.However, the expansion of the new colon virus has been ahead of FY2010.According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "Survey on Utilization of Terminal Utilization, etc." (August 2021), as of the end of July, public elementary schools nationwide, etc..1 %, 96 for junior high schools, etc..5 % have started using terminals in "all grades" or "some grades".

「アクセス制限は簡単に抜けられる」学校の配るタブレットでネット中毒に陥る子どもたちの悲劇 禁止するより使い方を教えるべき

CHROMEBOOK and iPad are noticeable for the distributed terminals.According to the MM Research Institute's "Market Survey of CHROMEBOOK in Japan" (October 2020), the number of CHROMEBOOK in 2020 in 2020 is 1,571,000 units due to the increase in demand in the GIGA School concept.It is growing.

So what is the actual situation?Let's take a look at the Trend Micro's "Security Survey on GIGA School 2021" (July 2021) for parents with first -year and third -year junior high school children.

According to the report, as of the end of June 2021, 41 parents answered that their children received their terminals from school..2 %, teachers 70.7 %, the terminal was not yet well -formed to the child.Even if the local government has been distributed, it may not be used without preparing for the school site.

Asking parents who answered that the child had received the terminal about the trouble experience in using the child's terminal, it turned out that about 20 % had already experienced trouble.Parents 22.0 %, 38 teachers.5 % said that the child had experienced problems related to cyber crimes and online use by using the terminal deployed in the GIGA School Concept.

次ページ1234関連記事子どもに月経や射精について話すときに「絶対使ってはいけない言葉」2つ「すべての親は真似するべき」ヒカキンの親が絶対にやらなかった"あること"「たくさん食べればがん予防が期待できる」世界の長寿地域で定番化している"ある食材"ランキング#学校・教育問題 #インターネット