ASCII Mixi, settlement and digital ID "MIXI M" started.Name change from 6GRAM

Change the service name of "6GRAM" to "mixi M"

 On February 3, Mixi changed the service name of the company's mobile wallet application "6GRAM" to "mixi M" (Mixiem) and managed personal data and ID authentication in addition to existing payment functions.We have started offering platforms.

 6GRAM is an integrated cashless payment service that links the app and real card.In the future, in the case of developing as an integrated platform that manages payment, personal data, and ID authentication, the name of Mixi M is changed so that it is easy for users to understand that it is a Mixi service.

 In addition, the existing functional name is changed due to the service name change to mixi M.The 6GRAM card has been changed to "mixi card".6G CASH will be changed to "mixi Cash" from March 1st.

ASCII ミクシィ、決済・デジタル身分証明「MIXI M」開始。6gramから名称変更

 In the past, 6GRAM has immediately issued multiple virtual prepaid cards on the app, and has developed a mobile wallet app that can be charged and used.MIXI M has provided some of the settlement functions that have been developed mainly in apps (iOS, Android) with browsers, and launched an integrated platform that manages personal data and ID authentication.The app can continue to use the payment function that has been deployed in 6GRAM.The main functions are as follows.

・ Wallet: Bank accounts, credit cards, and Apple Pay make payments at Mixi M wallet (charge) to make payments at Mixi M as a means of paying.

・ Card: Brand prepaid card that can be issued on the app.Available at VISA and JCB member stores (excluding some member stores).It can be used for use between families and friends, such as a balance remittance between friends and a group to share the balance.

・ ID authentication: Account that can be used in common with online services.With a service that supports Mixi M login, you do not need to create an account for each service, and you can sign up and log in smoothly.Mixi Group services that can be used as of February 3rd are "Tipstar" and "Pist6".

・ Asset Management: It is possible to link the compatible services with the consent of the user by assets such as personal data such as the name and address registered in mixi M and the wallet balance.In addition, in services that require identity verification, only the status can be linked if the identity has already been verified at mixi M, and it is not necessary to submit personal information such as license for each service.In the future, we are planning to support data assets (NFT) etc. (timing undecided).