Basic knowledge of 5s activity

If you work in the manufacturing and construction industry, you may have heard the word 5s activity once.Introducing 5S activities has visible effects such as improving productivity, safety management, and quality control.In addition, the organization is activated and has a major impact on technical traditions and human resource development.I will explain the characteristics and precautions of such 5S activities over eight times.


1st: Reason to work on 5s activities

This time, let's learn the meaning, purpose, and elements of 5s activities while looking at the case.

1.What is 5s activity?

5S activities are generic term for "organizing, tidy, cleaning, cleanliness, and discipline".If you write in Roman letters, all the initials will be S, so it is called 5S activity.Recently, it seems that they are working on 5S activities not only in the manufacturing and construction industry, but also in the service industry.However, despite the well -known known, the true meanings and effects are not understood.It is a year -end cleaning, an extension of cleaning up, and is confused with discarding.


See the photo in Fig. 1.A is an old -fashioned and disturbed state.B is a clean and clear office.In fact, these two photos are photographed by the same department of the same company before and after 5S activities.The results came out in 4 months 5S activities.At first glance, it just looks like the cleaning up has progressed.In fact, the position of employees and desks have changed, improving office functionality.This is evidence that employees' awareness has changed significantly.

In recent years, people's values have been diversified, and the gap between generations and departments is not small.Previously, the meaning of the word "properly" and "neat" of managers and managers was shared within the organization.But now it is no longer transmitted.In other words, consciousness shifts all over the organization.If you do 5S activities correctly, you can unify this gap of this consciousness.

Figure 2 shows the manufacturing site before and after the 5S activity of a small manufacturer.


The company was unable to change it because the manufacturing site was narrow.There was a gap between the departments and the communication was not well received.However, the selected leaders and members learned the technology to improve through 5s activities, developed them at the manufacturing site, and improved their productivity.Before and after 5s activities, workers, places, work are the same, and of course the same is true.But it looks like another company.

2.5s activity is a tool of "consciousness reform"

In fact, 5S activities are "tools for consciousness reform".Humans are experienced creatures, so they cannot easily throw away their conventional ideas.In addition, work has been added to the industry's common sense and regional characteristics, so it is difficult to change.When it comes to organizations, the consciousness varies depending on the interdo generational disparity and the difference between the positions and departments, and it cannot be changed further.

In such a situation, 5S activities play a major role.Reason,...

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3.5s activity element

5S activities consist of five elements: "organizing", "tidy", "cleaning", "clean" and "discipline".It is an abstract word that seems to appear in moral textbooks.Because it is abstract, it is easy to assume that it is easy to clean up.However, 5S activities are organized activities, and each element has meaning and connection.

  1. 整理:不要なものを捨てる。必要なものだけを残す。
  2. 整頓:必要なものを働きやすく再配置する。そして表示を行う。
  3. 清掃:表示に従って、頻度を決めて「点検保守」を行う。
  4. 清潔:整理、整頓、清掃という3つのSを維持する。
  5. しつけ:組織が定めたルールを全員で守る。

And 5S activities must be performed in order from the top (Fig. 3).Each element is connected, and ...

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2nd: What is the 5S activity arrangement?

Last time, while looking at the case, I learned the meaning, purpose, and elements of 5S activities.This time, I will explain the framework of 5S activity and the first element, "Organizing".

1.5s activity framework

It is important to note when you start 5s activities.Each element is considered as one flow, not a single point.When working in an organization, consider with a framework of 2S (organizing / tidy), 2S (cleaning / cleanliness) and 1S (discipline).Following these three stages, 5S activities are completed and maintained.

2.What is the "organizing" of 5s activity?

"Organizing" in 5S activities simply means "discard unnecessary things and leave only necessary things."To put it simply, it's important to throw away what you don't need, but you need to be careful.The organization has various values, and the meaning of unnecessary things depends on the career and position.For example, old machines that newcomers do not need are also important for veterans.At first glance, unnecessary documents are important for other departments.Unnecessary meanings are gradually increasing in the workplace because unnecessary meanings are not unified or understood in the organization.

There are three psychology that causes an organization that can not throw away things.

  1. 使うかもしれない(将来への恐れ)
  2. もったいない(高価なもの)
  3. 思い出がいっぱい(会長や社長の思い入れ)

The most troublesome thing in this is ...

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3.Red bill strategy for process sharing

Psychology that cannot be thrown away, and the accumulation of situations where things cannot be thrown away have worsened the functionality of the organization.In 5S activities, when performing the first "organizing", consider the standards of what to throw away in the organization.For example, the unified view of the organization, such as unused periods, broken machines, tools and equipment that do not fit the current standard, and surplus materials.Based on that, we will carry out "Red Tag Operation".

Operation in the red bill is an effort to judge unnecessary things by using three -color bills in the activity promotion team and department.The red bill is discarded, the blue bill should be moved, and the yellow bill is applied to those that cannot be judged by them (Fig. 2).Figure 3 is a waste with a red bill.


The red bill activity is ...

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4.Precautions of "organizing"

When pouring a new one into a bowl, you can't put a new one unless you throw away the one you have previously entered.Similarly, even organizations need to reset their previous sensations and consciousness once when incorporating new concepts and climate.The "organizing" of 5s activity has the role of this reset.The accuracy and goodness of this activity determine the final level of 5s activity.

There are two precautions for "organizing" in 5S activities.The first is the storage deadline.Financial documents are obliged to store seven years (or nine years).In addition, those that have a storage deadline for customer requests cannot be disposed of without permission.If you throw away equipment and equipment during the depreciation period, it is necessary to perform complicated procedures in accounting.Be careful of these points and make a drastic decision.

The second is ...

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3rd: What is the tidy of 5S activities?

Last time, I explained the first "organizing" to be performed in 5S activities.The "organizing" of the 5S activity was to throw away unnecessary things and leave only the necessary things.This time, I will explain the next "organizing" to be performed next to "organizing".

1.What is the "tidy" of 5S activities?

"Organizing" is to create an environment where the worker is easy to move and work, so that the position of the thing can be understood.The important thing in 5S activities is to create an easy -to -work environment.

Have you ever felt that the aisle and loading route are narrow and difficult to move because you don't know where you need what you need in offices and factories?Such a phenomenon occurs in places where unnecessary things are overflowing.The productivity and communication of the organization may be greatly inhibited, and personal motivation may be reduced.

2.Renewal drawing diagram to secure conductors

If you stand at the entrance of the office or the center of the factory at the end of the first "organizing" of 5S activities, you will get a lot less thing and get a refreshing impression.You can see how useless.Many organizations that worked on 5S activities were unnecessary for several 4 ton trucks.Some organizations treated 42 unnecessary items for large dump trucks.As a result, new space is generated in the office and factory.Let's make a "re -arrangement map" to make the space a work space.Figure 1 shows the re -arrangement plan of the actual office and warehouse.It is also specifically written and where.


The important thing in making a rearrangement diagram is ...

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3.Importance of display

The most important thing in 5S activities is the "display" of tidy.The display is a mechanism that knows what is there.It means that not only those in the department, but also those in other departments and those who have seen it for the first time can be understood at a glance.Fig. 4, Figure 5 shows the actual display example.


There are various offices in the office.There are those that are managed, shared, and those used by certain people.There are also things to be put in stores, stored, and returns at stores.In the factory, there are products in various processes, such as materials, intermediate goods (in the middle of processing), primary completion, before inspection, completion of inspection, and shipments.moreover,...

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4.Precautions when displaying

When displaying, first unify the size and font.The display size is divided depending on the place and the place, such as 3 cm, 5 cm, and 10 cm.The display of the middle category is A3 size, and the large category that hangs from the ceiling requires a huge size.We will also consider the color of the paper used for the display.In the factory, the material and materials are yellow, the intermediate goods are green, the intermediate product is red, the test is completed, and the shipments are blue.。recently,...

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5.Relationship between display and productivity


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4th: What is cleaning, cleanliness and discipline of 5S activities?

5S activities are not just slogans.Even if a poster of 5s activity is paste on the wall, the organization does not change.It is important to actually move your body and understand each element.Last time, I explained the "tidy" performed in 5S activities.This time, I will explain the next “cleaning”, “clean”, and “discipline” to be performed next to “organizing” and “organizing”.

1.Know the nature of the organization

Since this basic knowledge began, there were some questions about photos before and after activities, "How can you do that vivid changes?"If you compare before and after the activities, you will get the impression of another organization.That's because we are preparing carefully before we enter the activity.

The organization has the "2: 6: 2 law".Organizations that are not aware of anything are 20 % of the "groups with a sense of crisis that should not be done", 60 % of the "groups that attach to the stronger", and the remaining 20 % of "groups that do not want to change".It is divided into.(Figure 1)



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2."Cleaning" is essential for maintaining activities


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3.If you are conscious of "cleanliness", your activities will not stagnate

5S活動の「整理」「整頓」「清掃」は、体を動かして活動を行う「Do Action」です。対して「清潔」は、維持するための「〜ing」活動です。「整理」で不要なものを捨てる。「整頓」で表示された場所にものを戻す。「清掃」でそれらを点検保守する。この3項目を維持することで、「清潔」は保たれます。業界にかかわらず、不潔な場所から高い品質の製品やサービスは生まれません。昨今は、顧客の要求レベルが高くなり、...

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4."Discipline" is the life of the organization

When visiting an organization that has not conducted 5S activities, employees often do not say hello or have a bad impression.I often see clothes that are dirty and sloppy.Even if the company's reception is compatible, it may be a terrible response.Then, no matter how good the product or service you have, the impression of the organization will be worse at once.And most of the vehicles are dirty, and the workplace is full of dust.

The ultimate goal of 5s activity is that it has been disciplined.


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5th: 5S rules and organizational fleet

5S activities are not the purpose, but a "tool" to activate the organization.If you can use it well, you can expect a great effect, and if you make a mistake, it will put a heavy burden on the organization.This time, I will explain the rules for maintaining and continuing activities.

1.Why the rules are not followed

The rules in the organization are often not protected and become a skeleton.The same is true for 5S activities.Compared to activities that are easy to see, such as organizing and tidying, the activity is going down from cleaning, which makes it harder to see.And clean and discipline will disappear.

There are three reasons why the rules are not followed in the organization.

Let's take a closer look at each reason.


This is one of the reasons why the introduction of ISO management systems in quality and environment has become a skeleton.Are your company in a hurry only before the audit?The manual becomes more complicated as the amount is increased, and it is not read.It is necessary to seriously consider whether all employees are not reading the manual, but can really perform good performance.



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2.Three points to be aware of when formulating the rules

What should I be aware of when I try to keep 5S activities and maintain it?In conclusion, you can do the opposite of why you are not protected.


First, limit the total amount of the rules to two A4 paper.If you print on both sides, it will be one A4 paper, and it can be widely known not only to regular employees but also to part -time jobs.


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3.Action guidelines for creating an organization

When creating the rules, the viewpoint of rebuilding the organizational culture is essential.From this point of view, there are elements that should be held down when creating rules.It is an organizational person and a member of society.As shown in Fig. 4, they are bridging their own rules and social rules, and are necessary to respond to diversified values.



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4.Details also determine the lower rules

A4 paper is not possible with two sizes.At that time, say, "Details will follow the rules of the attached sheet" and systematize the rules.For example, machine management, cleaning rules, equipment management rules, safety procedures, etc. cannot be written with two A4 paper.Review the lower rules and incorporate them into 5S rules.


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6th: Create profits from the site

5S activities have a close relationship with profits.Sometimes you hear the harsh opinion that you can't make a profit just because you have just cleaned it up.However, many of the organizations that have been consolidated to the company's company and have been able to comply with 5S activities, and are making a firm profit.This time, I will introduce why 5S activities are effective to generate profits from the site.

1.It is important to recognize profits

As 5s activity progresses, we will reconstruct the mechanism for securing the place and aisle, work procedure, information sharing, and manners such as greetings and telephone support.As a result, the understanding of what to do and what to stop before the start of 5s activities.For example, the instructions of "clearing up" or "cleaning properly" are not concrete.The 5S activity will make it clear how to get rid of it, and the work activities that have been done with the personal sense will be unified.

The same is true for profits."Profit" as an accounting term is abstract and difficult to understand, and it is difficult to have a common recognition as an organization.However, as with 5S activities, if all employees can have clear and unified perceptions, the profitability of the organization will change significantly.

2.New concept of absolute profit

In the organization, various numbers are used as communication tools.There are sales, profits, profit and loss, previous year's compared, previous month, gross profit, etc., each of which is meaningful.But not everyone in the organization understands these accurately.For example, the financial statements include five benefits: gross profit, ordinary income, operating income, net income before tax, and net income.It is extremely difficult to make these people understand these people in various positions.Therefore, let's reconstruct the word profit according to the principle.

Organizations have a minimum amount of profit, which will go bankrupt if they are not collected.Define this profit as "absolute profit" as a profit that must be gathered.Absolute profits are expenses that must be paid if you change your perspective.Organizations have four expenses that are necessary, even if there is no job and sales are zero.

These total amounts are expenses that must be paid.If these total amounts can be collected in one year, the organization will not go bankrupt.In other words, the absolute profit is the same value as these total.

 Absolute profit = fixed cost + tax reserve cost + short -term borrowed repayment cost + operating cost



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3.Focus on reducing variable costs

After calculating the absolute profit you need, the goal is to reduce variable costs.Floating costs are the amount required of work, and it fluctuates greatly depending on the size of the work.The breakdown of variable costs includes a lot of expenses paid outside, including material costs, fuel costs, outsourcing and purchasing costs.Therefore, by focusing on reducing variable costs, you can reduce the cost of paid outside and increase profits.

After calculating the absolute profit you need, the goal is to reduce variable costs.Floating costs are the amount required of work, and it fluctuates greatly depending on the size of the work.The breakdown of variable costs includes a lot of expenses paid outside, including material costs, fuel costs, outsourcing and purchasing costs.Therefore, by focusing on reducing variable costs, you can reduce the cost of paid outside and increase profits.

Among the profits actually acquired within a period, the calculation of numbers compared to absolute profits (absolute profit) is very simple.This is the case when shown in the formula.

Acquisition absolute profit = sales -expenses to pay outside


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4.Companion between absolute profits and 5s activities

How do you reduce the variable cost?The largest factor in losing profits from the organization is wasteful.


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5.Profit is sleeping on site

There is an organization that combines 5S activities and the concept of absolute profits, reducing the stock of 180 million yen before the activity to 30 million yen (Figure 5).In factories where the purchase cost of tools and tools exceeded 4 million yen a year, it was less than 1 million yen a year after the mechanism was completed.One company reduced the cost of repair of a machine that costs 28 million yen a year to 9.8 million yen due to the thorough opening inspections and improving internal repair skills.In all organizations, the accuracy of 5S activities is increased by focusing on reducing variable costs, and as a result, profits are increasing significantly.In this way, profits are asleep as much as you want.



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7th: 5s activity and education and training

Last time, I explained the relationship between 5S activities and profits from the viewpoint of creating profits from the site.This time, I will explain the relationship between 5S activities and education and training.The organization has a lot of education and training.There are many education that the organization should do, from industry -specific technologies, laws, regulations, safety, hygiene management, and education by hierarchy.Let's consider whether these education is really working well through 5s activities.

1.Three education lacking in the organization

One of the challenges of modern companies is "diversification of values."Depending on the generation, the awareness of work is gradually different.For example, recent new employees are more likely to enhance private than work.Leave and benefits are more important to choose a company than the salary amount.The values of this generation sometimes collide with corporate management.A commercial, "Can you fight 24 hours a day?" Was played in the 1980s.I hear the mourning of the managers who know the era in various places.In such an era of "diversification of values", there are three educational and training elements that are lacking in the organization.


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2.What is our own rules education?


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3.What is adult education?


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4.What is organizational education?

The most important thing as an organizer is to understand your role.The organization is made up of various departments and positions.Organizers need to exceed their departments and positions and achieve great effects and results as an organization.However, sometimes I get caught by the sexualism of "because I'm a business", "I'm manufacturing", and "I'm a general affairs".Each person tends to look at the organization with a narrow feeling, and tends to be in organizations where communication is not functioning well.


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5.Acquisition and physical acquisition

Generally, education and training in corporate organizations is performed through OJT (on the job training) and OFF-JT (Off The Job Training).Among them, education on organizations and working people must be aware of learning and acquisition.Acquisition and body are the ideas of education used in military organizations.Acquisition is an education and training that teaches the principle, origin, and history as a classroom.Acquisition is an education and training that actually moves and remembers.


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8th: The purpose and effect of the 5S activity

Last time, I explained the relationship between 5S activities and education and training.5S activities are a tool for activating the organization, so it requires the purpose of activity.This time, the last episode, let's explain the purpose and concept necessary to continue activities.

1.Activities for sharing values

The most difficult words of the recent corporate organizations are the words "neatly" and "properly".Even if the owners and executives use this word in the morning greetings and meetings, what they want to convey is not transmitted to their employees.Because, unlike the past, various values are mixed in the organization.The younger generation's idea of wanting a break rather than a high salary is difficult for the elderly to understand, and on the contrary, it is difficult for the younger generation to understand the thinking of the elderly.The way of human relationships in the organization is uniform.


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2.Human resource development and 5s activity

I hear from many managers and executives that there are many employees waiting for instructions.The reason is simple, because corporate organizations handle operations with "instructions" and "instructions".Subordinates may be disposed of if they work at the order and instructions of their boss and go against the instructions or instructions.In such an environment, no human resources with voluntary ideas appear (Fig. 3).



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3.Customers evaluate

The biggest effect of 5S activities is to improve evaluation from third parties.In addition to the visible changes of organizing, organizing, and cleaning, the changes in everyday behavior due to cleanliness and discipline greatly change the impression of customers and business partners.By leveling up the natural behavior that new employees learn, such as greetings, clothes, and telephone support, it will be a marketing activity that enhances the company's evaluation.


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4.At the end

The ultimate purpose of the organization is the survival and development of the organization, and we will conduct various activities such as sales and product development.However, there is no other activity that exceeds the position and generations and performs the same activities for the organization as a whole company.Figure 5 shows a photo of an office of a company that has advanced 5S activities.Any organization can increase the level of 5S activities so far by converting "neat and neat" and "properly".


For the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, a bright topic came out in the Japanese economy.However, looking at the economy of the Olympic country for about 30 years, many countries have fallen after the Olympics, and Japan is expected to slow down after 2020.Eventually, the unpromplished organization will soon disappear for the recession.Whether you can get over this depends on the future efforts of each company.


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