The world's first clone sheep birth [July 5, 1996 (Heisei 8)]

The world's first clone sheep in the UK, the beginning of the bio -new era

 On July 5, 1996, a lamb was born at a research institute in Scotland.The name is "Dolly".This is the first success in the world to apply a technology called "clone", which completely copies the shattery cells of a 6 -year -old sheep.

The world's first clone sheep birth [July 5, 1996 (Heisei 8)]

 The birth of Dolly predicted the beginning of the biotechnology era.This is because if you can copy the organs, you will open the way to overcome the difficulty in treatment such as cancer.

 On the other hand, in the birth of Dolly, the problem of "how far humans can manipulate gene" must be discussed in reality.

 After Dolly, various animal clones such as cows, cats, and pigs were born one after another.In January of this year, the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced that it had succeeded in making monkeys with genes similar to humans, and has controversial to create clones.

"Regenerative medicine", "drug discovery", "genetic treatment".All are big themes in the stock market.The progress of science may depend on the brain of the scholar, but ethics and morals are a problem that everyone thinks.

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The world's first clone sheep birth [July 5, 1996 (Heisei 8)]

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