Break the news "Too many problems to bring"!What is a surprisingly easy "discarded camping technique"?

Both the solo and the family are appropriate camping luggage

I want to make sure that unnecessary goods are used in the camp, but I want to thoroughly focus on what I want to enjoy.

ニュース 「持っていくもの多すぎ問題」を打破!  意外とカンタンな「断捨離キャンプ術」とは

 Although it is extreme, humans are usually divided into two people who have a lot of luggage when they go out and are almost empty -handed.People with a lot of luggage are super heavy in business bags, including chargers, earphones, digital cameras, spare batteries, LED lights, gum, gummy, throat candy, notebook PC / tablet.[24 images] People who are empty -handed, such as a goods checklist that helps to create a camp, is cool just to hold a small bag at most.Cash and Creca are screwed into your pocket, and you can carry only the minimum.In fact, people with a lot of luggage seem to be packed with anxiety and sides of the sides of the sides, so it is a so -called worry.If you consider it positively, it can be said that it corresponds to crisis management assuming any scene, but what if a person with a lot of luggage becomes a camper?Certainly, you can see that camping gears are fascinating and looked at the mail order site.However, bringing all the proliferated camping gear is not a smart act.People with lots of luggage usually need to be careful, and excess assumptions tend to increase their belongings.

Stop "I'm relieved, it's inconvenient if you don't have it" and review it one by one.

 When I camped with multiple friends before, there was a guy who hanged only the tent and sleeping bag.When asked, "Is that so much?" He said, "I think someone will bring various things."I was impressed, "You're amazing."I am rather moderate and not a lot, but I can't beat him.Of course, it is troublesome to rely on others so far, but it is inevitable that the tarp is dubbed, and there are no need to need two bonfire.There is no objection that "bring only what you need" is reasonable.Now, how can solo can and family cans be reviewed, even if it's not a group camp?For example, a person who ignites a bonfire with a gustoch requires a fuel CB can.If you use a cassette stove, you can use this CB can, but if you cook with a bonfire, you don't need a cassette stove.If you do it with a gas stove without a bonfire in the morning, it makes sense to bring it, but if you cook a breakfast with a small bonfire, you can omit the gasastro, CB can, and cassette stove.If you review the camping style, you will find something you don't need to bring.So, some patterns are followed below.
