Children who unlock their smartphone restrictions on their own-Some children who "limit" from themselves

 "I have increased the use time of children online and games for children at home in Corona," said many teachers and parents."The number of problems is increasing due to the increase in usage time. It seems that the school has passed for a while after the school has resumed."There are many survey results that can be seen with similar results.

 How are junior and senior high school students facing online dependence?I would like to see junior and senior high school students using iOS devices such as iPhone and iPad as an example.

Children who cancel the screen time on their own

 Many children are killing their parents, even if their parents are restricted with the screen time function, and to cancel the restrictions."How did you know how to make a random password that wasn't your birthday," said his parents.It is a convenient screen time function, but it is not versatile and can be released.

 "I was restricted from my parents on screen time, but I really wanted to use it, and I asked a question on the net.Said a junior high school student who told me.

 There are several ways, one of which is to change the time setting.If the time limit for each app exceeds the time limit, the icon of the app becomes darker.Tap this when the time limit is limited, and it cannot be used unless you enter a screen time password.

 However, there is a way to cancel the restriction.Just select "Date and Time" from "General" in the settings, turn off "Automatic settings" and make the date after tomorrow.If you tap the app that is back to the original state, you can use it as usual."I can't return the date again after playing," he said.

 This was the method when other parents heard from other parents that they were looking for the method on their own and canceled the screen time.She said, "I saw that I was playing, even though it was already limited, and I realized that it was strange."


 There seems to be other ways, and searching on the Internet can find various ways.There seems to be some ways that can no longer be done with updates, but the methods introduced are still used and are introduced as tricks on the Internet.

For children who "restrict their usage time from themselves"

 The use time of smartphones and tablets for children is increasing, and many children are increasingly dependent.It is true that the use time of the Internet is increasing, but how to behave for that varies greatly from child to child.

 "I just look at YouTube too long, and the games and SNS time will be too long, but I really have to study more, so I use screen time," says junior high school girls who use screen time.She is a student, not a parent, but he uses the screen time function to control himself.

 The worries were that once I started using my smartphone, it was just time.When her friend contacted me and noticed, I was exchanging LINE for nearly three hours.So she started using the screen time function himself.

 Specifically, first check the total use time of the smartphone and check the usage status.After all, he felt that it was too long, so he set the time limit and pause time of the app to limit the usage time."I turn off my LINE or game app notifications, or tell my friends that I can only reply until 9 o'clock at night.I have done it. "

 The Z meeting, which uses the iPad for correspondence education, introduces how to use screen time to control yourself, but this is quite close.

It is important for children to want to limit

 As I introduced, if you really want to use or unlock the restrictions, you can search online or ask questions.In some cases, I asked a friend and a friend of a friend.However, restrictions are not meaningless.SNS and games are made to use more, and it is often difficult to limit on their own.In such a case, it is a chance to stop at the time you have decided.

 Even if a child is forced to restrict it after becoming a full -fledged state, it will be difficult to limit the child he wants to use.Rather, it's important for children to think that they are "too long used" and "restrict their use."To do so, it is important to watch the child usage time and prepare a chance to stop using the restriction function.By all means, I hope that children will help you control the usage time well.

Akiko Takahashi

IT journalist.He writes articles such as books, magazines, and web media, consultants for companies, lectures, and seminars.She is familiar with web services such as SNS and information literacy education.Former elementary school teacher."Books that turn into a smartphone x social and profitable company", "Books that can be profitable with Facebook x Twitter" (both Nippon Business Publishers) and others.His recent book is "People Drowning in Social Media addiction" (Gentosha).

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