The CPU is the lifeblood of a laptop computer, and a thorough explanation of how to choose it!

In this corona crisis, we must not only aim for growth, but also eliminate waste and aim for lean management. If you can introduce remote accounting, you can dramatically reduce "costs and working hours". Coming to work just to pay off expenses is like wasting time and money down the drain. In the first place, accounting is an abbreviation for “business management”. If "sales" is the sword that controls the company's attacks, "accounting" is the shield that strengthens the defense. In the era of soaring growth, every company focused on sales, but accounting has become even more important during the corona crisis. This series introduces "know-how for introducing remote accounting". The author is Mr. Yoichi Inoue, a tax accountant who specializes in "integration of accounting and IT". We have published “Remote accounting complete manual 87 know-how to leave money in a small company” and fully convey the method that allows you to do accounting work with peace of mind “anytime, anywhere, anyone”.

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How to choose a laptop

The points of choosing a laptop are "CPU, memory, SSD".

・CPU→It is the brain of a personal computer, and its goodness ・Memory→It shows the speed of rotation ・SSD→A place to store data (Conventional HDDs are cheap, but they are slow and fragile. There is a disadvantage. SSD is recommended)

 There are other factors such as screen size and lightness. The screen size should be around 13 inches or more. Lighter computers tend to be more expensive, but if you work from home and don't carry around much, choose one that weighs about 1.5 kilograms.

The CPU is the key to choosing a laptop Thorough explanation!

 If I had to pick just one of these elements, it would be the CPU. If the performance of the CPU is not good, there are the following disadvantages.

◦ It takes a long time to start up and process the software ◦ I can't start the software at the same time (memory is also related) ◦ My computer freezes and I have to restart it. Unsaved work will be redone

Which CPU do you recommend?

 The point of choosing a CPU is the manufacturer and generation. New CPU models come out year by year, and the name "generation" is used to distinguish between them. For Windows, the CPU manufacturers are Intel and AMD.

◦ Intel Core i5 or 7, 10th to 11th generation ◦ AMD, Ryzen5 or 7, 3rd generation

Now, if you choose based on this criteria, you won't miss much. Conversely, you should avoid

◦ Intel's Core i3, Celeron, 8th Gen and earlier Core i◦ AMD Athlon

 This kind of CPU. If you do not know the generation of the CPU, you can find out by looking at the site It is also useful when searching for the lowest price. Among Intel and AMD, AMD is cheaper and has higher performance, but Intel is the most popular. If in doubt, Intel is safer.

If you skimp on the CPU, it will be an unexpected waste. If the CPU is high performance, the memory and SSD are also high performance. If in doubt, choose by CPU.

 If possible, 16GB of memory would be desirable, but considering the software used for remote accounting, 8GB is sufficient. A 128GB SSD would be nice.