Desktop OS share in November, 2021 is almost flat

StatCounter has announced the desktop OS share for November 2021.

November desktop OS share, 2021 is almost flat

< /tr>< /tr>
Ranking Product This Month's Share Last Month's Share Trend
1 Windows 74.28% 75.18%
2 OS X 16.04% 15.89%
3 Unknown 4.99% 4.23%
4 Chrome OS 2.60% 2.54%
5 Linux 2.08% 2.15%
6 Other 0.01% 0.01% =

The share in Japan is as follows.

< /tr>
Ranking Product This Month's Share Last Month's Share Trend
1 Windows 71.32% 71.46%
2 Unknown 13.84% 13.27%
3 OS X 13.23% 13.58%
4 Chrome OS 0.94% 0.98%
5 Linux 0.66% 0.70%
6 Other 0.00% 0.00% =

Looking at trends over the past year, we can see that globally, trends in Windows' market share and trends in shells, which are classified as "Unknown," are in conflict with each other, and cannot be detected as Windows. It is showing a movement that such shares are detected as "Unknown". Taking this trend into consideration, the market share of Windows and Mac remains almost unchanged. If we limit ourselves to the past year, this trend is similar in Japan as well. In Japan, the share of "Unknown" and Mac is detected at almost the same rate, which is a big difference from the world share.

Statcounter Global Stats analyzed tracking codes embedded in over 2 million sites worldwide and analyzed the browsers/operating systems/screen resolutions used by these sites for over 10 billion monthly page views. thing.