Field on January 1, 2022!What are the points of the revised electronic book storage method?

Both corporations and sole proprietors can handle "money forward cloud"


電子帳簿保存法の改正のポイントや、改正に対応できるソフトの要件など、気になるポイントをご紹介します。バックオフィス業務を削減できるマネーフォワード クラウドの魅力にも触れているので、創業時の人的リソースを確保したい方も必見です。

* In the "Founding Handbook" that writes this article, more fulfilling information is also explained in the thick "Founding Handbook / Printing Version".Please order it because you can get it for free.

Contents of this article

  • Precautions of the Electronic Book Preservation Law
  • Advantages of the Electronic Book Preservation Law
  • Compatible with the electronic book storage method!The charm of Money Forward Cloud
  • Attractive 3: Money Forward Cloud Accounting does not require paper book storage pipes!
  • Various services of money forward
  • Money forward if it corresponds to amendment to the Electronic Book Storage Law
  • I want to keep here just before the enforcement!Points of revision of the Electronic Book Storage Law

    Image source: The National Tax Agency "Electronic Book Preservation Law has been revised"


    What is an electronic book book storage method?

    The Electronic Book Storage Law abbreviated the "Law Concerning Special Cases for Saving Nocturnal Books Created using an electronic calculator".



    The revision of the Electronic Book Preservation Law

    The following four points in the revision of the Electronic Book Storage Law are as follows.


    In the conventional electronic book preservation method, it was possible to keep the printed on paper as the original.However, after January 1, 2022, the transaction information must be saved in principle in accordance with the requirements of electronic data and the electronic book storage method.Until now, it was necessary to obtain permission from the tax office chief in advance when preserving electronic books and scanners, but in order to reduce the burden of business operators, the preliminary approval system of the tax office was abolished.I am.

    In addition, "appropriate administrative processing requirements are abolished", such as the maintenance of internal regulations and strengthening the check system, which was stipulated in internal control (for preventing fraud), and saved more electronic books.It has become easier to work on.

    Furthermore, with the "easing time stamp requirements", the assignment period was unified in a maximum of about two months, and the signature of the recipient before reading with a scanner was unnecessary.Then, "ease of search requirements" was done, and there were many conventional items, and it would be better if we could search for "date, amount, and business partners".In addition, if the NTA or the like is requested to download an electronic data, there is no need for search conditions setting requirements.






    Reference: Liberal Democratic Party "Tax Revision of Tax Revision 4th Fiscal Dowa"

    Precautions of the Electronic Book Preservation Law


    Keep the receipt after the deadline on paper.

    Advantages of the Electronic Book Preservation Law


    You can no longer need management and storage space such as receipts, reducing back office work such as postal work that occurs in the interaction of the original paper.Furthermore, it is also nice to be able to search easily by digitizing the necessary documents and receipts.In addition, costs such as shipping costs and paper printing can be reduced.

    Compatible with the electronic book storage method!The charm of Money Forward Cloud

    電子帳簿保存法に対応するためには、対応したシステムやソフトを導入する必要があります。マネーフォワード クラウドなら、電子帳簿保存法に対応しており要件に則してデータを保存することができます。

    Attraction 1: Automatically saves electronic trading data

    マネーフォワード クラウド会計」で仕訳に添付した証憑は、改正電子帳簿保存法の保存要件に対応している「Money Forward Cloud BOX」に自動で保存されます。さらにデータ連携した銀行明細やクレジットカード明細も自動でデータ保存されるので便利です。


    Attraction Part 2: The information required for search requirements for scan storage is automatically converted



    The following 5 important points in the scanner preservation requirements are as follows.


    Attractive 3: Money Forward Cloud Accounting does not require paper book storage pipes!

    マネーフォワード クラウド会計は、電子帳簿保存法に対応するため、2021年12月に帳簿保存に必要な「仕訳履歴保存」や「マスタ履歴保存」機能をリリースしました。

    マネーフォワード クラウドなら、会計だけではなくMoney Forward Cloud invoice・経費・勤怠・給与など、多彩なバックオフィス業務サービスを提供しています。低コスト・短期間で、経理業務全体の効率化をはかることができ、日々の取引入力といった面倒な事務作業を効率化し、業務効率を大幅に改善できます。

    Various services of money forward

    As introduced, money forward offers a variety of back office business services.


    Introducing the service of money forward that you want to use in the electronic book storage method.

    Money Forward Cloud final tax return (sole proprietor)

    個人事業主の会計帳簿の電子対応なら、マネーフォワード クラウド確定申告がおすすめです。

    It corresponds to both white and blue declarations, and all the functions required for final tax returns from input to tax return are available.We can automatically acquire the data of the statement and propose accounts based on the obtained data.It supports not only the final tax return / financial statement creation, but also submits the tax return documents and E-Tax.Since there is a carryover function next year, the takeover is smooth.


    Money Forward Cloud Accounting (Corporation)

    法人の会計帳簿の電子対応なら、マネーフォワード クラウド会計がピッタリです。



    Money Forward Cloud BOX

    個人事業主・法人問わず電子取引の電子保存なら、電子帳簿保存法に対応しているMoney Forward Cloud BOXが便利です。

    Not only corporations but also sole proprietors must respond to the obligation to preserve electronic preservation, so please save the invoices received by e -mail with electronic data.

    The capacity and the number of people are unlimited, and it is also a nice point that it can be used for 0 yen when using money forward cloud BOX alone.

    Money Forward Cloud invoice

    請求書の作成には、Money Forward Cloud invoice


    It is recommended for the founding period where you can reduce the number of man -hours and secure valuable human resources.

    Money forward cloud expenses

    「電子帳簿保存法に対応したい」「業務をアウトソースしたい」という法人・個人事業主のお悩みに対応しているのがMoney forward cloud expensesです。

    It corresponds to the import of journals, the salary of the replacement expenses, etc., and can save data on data such as journals and effort to work on employees.

    Money Forward Cloud Debt Payment

    Money Forward Cloud Debt Paymentは、支払の請求書管理に関わる業務を効率化することができる、クラウド型債務管理システムです。請求書を効率的に管理し、支払いや請求書の課題を解決することができます。


    Money forward if it corresponds to amendment to the Electronic Book Storage Law


    マネーフォワード クラウドには、ご紹介したサービス以外にも、勤怠・給与などの人事労務のサービスもあり、基本料金内ですべてのサービスを利用することができます。※一部サービスは利用状況により従量課金が発生します。


    Money forwards that can reduce the cost of paper documents and receipts in response to the revision of the Electronic Book Storage Act, reduce the cost of paper documents and receipts.You can check the details and download the materials with the URL below, so please check if you are interested.

    「マネーフォワード クラウド」の詳細はこちら

    (Supervision: Money Forward Co., Ltd.) (Edit: Founding Handbook Editorial Department)

    このカテゴリでみんなが読んでいる記事 1位便利なアプリ・サービスあなたの会社に合った補助金・助成金がすぐわかる!自動マッチングツールを導入しよう 2位便利なアプリ・サービス法人に固定電話は必要? おすすめや比較をして紹介します! 3位便利なアプリ・サービス無料でカンタンに自作の名刺を作る方法&おすすめテンプレート・作成ツール12選