Excellent compatibility with mobile PC!I started tethering auto

 Although I started using "AHAMO" and started using it, the data capacity of 20GB is extraordinary.

 There is also a comfortable communication environment called "optical line + Wi-Fi 6", but personally, there is a situation that I have not watched streaming videos much recently on the go ...。

 No, I want to see it, I want to see it, but recently my work is too busy!I couldn't afford to go out at all and stayed at home.So I didn't use much data capacity on mobile.

 That's it.I decided.Let's go out this week!And to use Ahamo's data capacity!

 That said, the job is still stacked, so I decided to work while going out using "mobile PC" and "tethering".


 Fortunately, my laptop is "Gram" made by LG (although it was a while ago).It seems that the name is "gram" from 1kg weighing 1kg (990g), and if this is about one, the weight will increase so much even if the luggage increases ... but it is acceptable.

 ...... It's tethering, but in the "AQUOS SENSE5G SH-53A" that I use on the AHAMO line, one of the original "AQOUS convenient functions" has a very compatible function called "tethering auto".That's it.


 "If you are within the specified range" or "if you come out of the specified range" can be automatically turned on.What a useful function.

 In the case of the writer, the tethering auto of "AQUOS SENSE5G SH-53A" was turned on, and when I got out of my home, I turned Wi-Fi tethering.Then set the Wi-Fi settings of the computer to automatically connect both the Wi-Fi and AQUOS tethering.

モバイルパソコンと相性バツグン! テザリングオート始めました

 By doing so, we used a personal computer, using Wi-Fi at home, AQUOS, an Ahamo line outside of home.

 in short.

 Now you can use your computer online wherever you are!You can connect to the Internet without having to set a troublesome tethering before using a computer.

 Well, it's more comfortable than I thought.I thought again that this was a tedious and I didn't have a mobile computer.

 By the way, the folder to place the manuscript is always shared with the desktop computer at home on the "OneDrive", and the memo uses "Google Keep" on the web so that it can be seen on a laptop or on a desktop computer.

 No, it really is a function called tethering auto and a compatibility with going out on a mobile computer.

 Now, first write a note at home halfway, go out and put out a personal computer if you have a little time and draft it.If you have a little time, write the manuscript.Even if you are not sitting at home, you can gradually write the manuscript.


 When you get on the train, you can use a PC and AQUOS SENSE5G as much as possible, work, and work!(What I'm doing is just a stress relief, and the green fee is a bit painful).

 However, it is a bit painful to use this tethering auto.

 Originally, AQUOS SENSE5G has a very good battery life, and it is okay to use it for about 2 days per night if it is a normal usage, but if you go out with tethering auto, it will work one day during the day.It feels a little harsh.It might be better to have a spare battery or to have a facility that can be charged on the way for about an hour.

 You can stop at a co -working space or an internet cafe on the way, or eat lunch at a shop with an outlet.

 If I could do that, I wanted to continue this style for a while (let's go out when I want to go).