First public.Toshiba Dynabook Development and Manufacturing's Heart Performance

 What is the image of Toshiba's PC for this magazine reader? Most of the people probably know the name of "DyanBook".In addition, some people may be associated with the pioneer of notebooks, visual -oriented products such as "KIRA", or manufacturers who make "Regza" on TV.



 This time, the reporter had the opportunity to cover the production line of Toshiba's PC manufacturing base, "ToshiBa Information Equipment Hangzhou: TIH).This is the first time to be published to the press.The company is located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China.Here, we have been developing and manufactured mainly on Toshiba's business PCs, but with the spungeon of the PC business, we have been in charge of consumer mainstream products.

 Many companies are producing in China, which will be cost reduction.However, Toshiba set up a development and manufacturing base in Hangzhou has a different dimension from the immediate cost reduction.It can be said that TIH has built a unique ecosystem that combines various elements, such as the advantage of Hangzhou, the quality of Japan and the ingenuity of local staff.