Konami's gaming PC "ARESPEAR C700+".One of the beginnings that creates “Konami -like”

Konami in the game made a computer for e -sports


 Konami Amusement, a Konami Group, is in charge of amusement machines, has launched the "ARESPEAR" series that handles PCs and devices for e -sports.

コナミが作ったゲーミングパソコン「ARESPEAR C700+」。“コナミっぽさ”を醸し出すはじまりの1台

 Konami is a long -established game maker and has a wide range of fields, including home games and arcade games.He is also active in E -sports, and has also been a professional league with titles such as "Winning Eleven", "Live Powerful Pro Baseball", and "Beatmania IIDX".

 It is unusual for a game maker to make a personal computer and sell it to the general public.In June, "ESPORTS Ginza Store" may be opened, and you may want to produce a comprehensive production of e -sports soft hard boxes (buildings).

 The gaming PC of the "ARESPEAR" series is currently available in three models, and the "ARESPEAR C700+" to be used this time is the highest model.It's a pretty unique machine, so let's look at it step by step.