[I asked 502 people] What were the points did you regret when you bought a PC? -If you use it for a long time, the high -performance model is definitely better!?

Lenovo Japan's "IDEAPAD GAMING 350i" that can be used comfortably for a wide range of applications from business to private




At the same time, when I asked those who are currently doing teleworking about their troubles and events, more than half of the respondents answered that "the operation of the personal computer became heavy or stuck."

If you try to share a large number of people or share screen with a video call application, you may need more machine power than you think.If you buy a low -spec computer with priority on the price, it is likely that you will have great stress in terms of performance.

With more opportunities for private computers with such changes in lifestyle, it seems that the fact that dissatisfaction in performance has become apparent has led to a replacement need.



Even if you say "performance" in a bite, there are various points.What exactly should we focus on?So, I asked the person who purchased a personal computer within the past year about the points that emphasized in working on a personal computer.

If you look at the graph, you can see that more than half of the people emphasize the comfort and high processing performance.It is also noticed that many people mention "comfort of images and video editing".If you actually use a personal computer, the Office app can be used comfortably, but if you try to edit images and videos, it may move.

【502人に聞いてみた】PCを買って後悔したポイントは? - 長く使うなら高性能モデルの方が断然おトク!?

Next, "the ease of pressing the keyboard" seems to be important.The writer also nodded the result of this.This is a point that greatly affects the tiredness and work efficiency of the body, especially when using a computer for a long time in telework.


The most common reason for replacing the above is the overwhelming number of answers such as "performance" and "storage capacity", and the answer "price" is overwhelming.The price of a personal computer is fragile, so it's easy to understand that even if you want a product that is as high as possible, it tends to flow to cheap products.




The questionnaire survey found that "performance" such as CPU and graphics tend to regret buying a laptop.And many people are dissatisfied, such as slower movements than expected, and feeling insufficient specifications because they began to do teleworking.So, what is a personal computer that can be used for a long time and comfortably without feeling the need to buy a new one?

Therefore, I recommend Lenovo Japan's "IDEAPAD GAMING 350i".

Originally developed as a notebook PC for light gamers, it has a very high CPU and graphics performance compared to standard home notes and business PCs.The exterior is simple and sophisticated, and it can be used in business scenes and home use without any discomfort.

パソコンの頭脳に相当するCPUは、インテルの第10世代Core i7-10750HまたはCore i5-10300Hを採用。グラフィックス機能は、専用ビデオカードのNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650、またはその強化版となるGeForce GTX 1650Tiが搭載されている。一般的なホームノートPCが採用しているCPU内蔵のグラフィックス機能に比べると10倍近いパフォーマンスになる。

POINT高性能 CPU・グラフィックスで、重い作業もサクサク

Actually, I tried a higher-level model equipped with Core i7-10750H and GeForce GTX 1650Ti, but it was easy to do not only business apps such as Office, but also heavy tasks such as photo processing and exporting videos.I also executed the "PCMark10" software that checks the comprehensive performance of personal computers, but Essentials indicating basic performance, Productivity indicating the performance of business apps, Digital Content Creation, which indicates the performance of creative apps, is both comfortable.It was over 3,000, which was a guide.In this case, even if the app will be higher functional or the content will be rich in the future, you will be able to respond with plenty of time.

One of the features is that not only CPUs and graphics but also display image quality.A LCD panel of an IPS system with high color reproducibility and wide viewing angle is adopted.In addition, the number of times the screen is replaced in one second (refresh rate) is 120Hz, which is twice as doubled as general notebook PCs.Since the afterimage feeling is low and the movement looks smooth, there is an advantage that visibility such as screen scrolling is high.

Although there are many opportunities to use peripheral devices in telework, the "IDEAPAD GAMING 350i" has a substantial interface.Also, Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5, the latest wireless LAN standard as communication functions.Also supports 0.At the top of the display is a built -in web camera that can be shot with HD image quality.The camera has a privacy shutter that physically covers the lens, so you can reduce the failure that you forget to turn off the camera after the video conference.

What is worrisome when creating a document is the usability of the keyboard, but there is no missing around.The key pitch is about 19mm, and the key top is curved so that it can easily hold it with your finger, so you can input crisp.It is also a nice point that the numeric keypad is standard, and it is easy to enter numerical values with surface calculation software such as Excel.

In addition, a USB mouse is included as a standard, and an optional headset is provided for video calls and the like.

また、レノボ・ジャパンのパソコンを購入すると「LENOVO Premium Care」というサポートに入ることができる。有料のサービスにはなるが、24時間365日受けられる電話サポートや、年に一回のリモートによるPCヘルスチェック、ハード/ソフトの使い方相談し放題など、サポート内容も非常に充実している。さらに他社と一味違うのは、この「LENOVO Premium Care」に入ると基本保証が1年間から3年間に延長できるということ。パソコン自体は長く使えても、せっかくのサポートが途中で切れてしまった……なんて心配も無用だ。

It is a high -performance notebook PC, which is a powerful partner of the telework era.Even with such a high performance, it can be purchased at a reasonable price of 120,000 yen range.It is very cost -effective for long -term eyes.If you want to buy a new computer without regret, it is a product I would definitely recommend.This model will be a consumer electronics retailer -only model, so please go to a nearby shop and check it out.

Know more about "IDEAPAD GAMING 350i" ▷

[PR] Provided: Lenovo Japan Joint Company