I want to know before enrolling! Choose a computer that college students will not regret!

After completing the common test for university admission, the entrance examination has started in earnest. The new life from April has become more and more realistic. This time, we will introduce what kind of computer has functions suitable for university students and where it is best to buy it.

Computer circumstances of modern university students

Nowadays, many universities are adopting online lessons, so today's university students use computers much more frequently than before. Let's take a look at how modern university students are using personal computers.

When I asked university students and graduate students how to use their laptops, they found that they were not only "creating assignments" (19 years old, female) and "taking online classes" (20 years old, male) at the university, but also "entry and resume". In the daily life, "online volunteer activities" (22 years old, female) and "part-time job at home" (21 years old, male) were mentioned. Computers are indispensable for making presentations and presentations in seminars and laboratories, and it was found that current university students have more opportunities to use computers than their parents think .

Then, what kind of function should the personal computer have to do them? Asking college students about the functions they currently have on their laptops, "Camera / Microphone / Printer" (19 years old, female) "Pen that can write directly on the screen" (20 years old, female) Voices such as were raised. It seems that the personal computer used by university students must have a function that not only creates documents but also intuitively writes PDF files and data distributed by faculty members .

PCs with the above functions are also sold in general, so you can purchase them at mass retailers. However, the warranty period is usually one year. Since university students use personal computers for various purposes on a daily basis, there are more chances of breakdowns and malfunctions. The time when writing a graduation thesis or when important job hunting is imminent is just when the use of a personal computer reaches its peak. If your computer breaks down at that time, you won't be able to see it.

In this way, it is important not only to have abundant functions and specifications, but also to be able to use it with peace of mind, such as operating firmly for 4 years. Then, which computer can you recommend with specifications that have the perfect functions for university students?

Easy to study and use! Surface is recommended for college students!

University students who make full use of computers in classes, club activities, job hunting, etc. Nowadays, even after graduation, it is often required to "master the computer". Then, what kind of personal computer can acquire digital skills from the time of college student?

I would like to recommend the PC brand "Surface" sold by Microsoft . Let's introduce why "Surface" is recommended for university students.

1. Surface is the most familiar to new generation high school students

2022 is the year when many of the "high school students who have learned using a 2in1 computer that can also be used as a tablet" enter university. Surface is the number one installed in public high schools, and about 1 in 2.5 students of public high schools (including plans) who have installed terminals use Surface. In other words , "I'm used to it in my experience." * 1 Survey of terminal deployment status at prefectural high schools (March 2021) MM Research Institute, Inc. (Tokyo, Minato) * 2 Excluding manufacturers and undetermined OS ・ * 1 Microsoft Japan based on MM Research Institute survey data Estimate

In my new life at the university, I have a lot to remember. If you are familiar with the model since you were in high school, you can reduce the burden of "learning how to use a new computer" as much as possible.

2. Discerning functions and high performance that make studying easier

After going on to school, you will often be confused about how to proceed with classes that are completely different from when you were in high school. Even in such a case, Surface is a reliable ally. You can freely write shapes and symbols using the Surface Pen without having to type on the keyboard. You can write directly to a PDF file like a memo.

You can also shoot a board or note and paste it into the digital note app "One Note"! You can convert the shot resume text into text with One Note, so you don't have to retype it with the keyboard after returning home. .. * What is "One Note"? A digital note application that comes standard with Windows and can be used by anyone for free.

入学前に知っておきたい! 大学生の後悔しないパソコン選び!

The CPU installed in the Surface Pro series is the latest 11th generation Intel Core processor. Even if you work with multitasking such as taking notes on a PC while taking online lessons with SSD installed, you can proceed smoothly without stress. There are some situations where you may get damaged or have trouble, such as hitting your desk during daily use. In that respect, the Surface Pro series has cleared as many as 19 US military procurement standard tests, which are MIL standard tests, and it is safe because it has high durability!

3. Private is also fulfilled with this one

I want to use my computer not only in class but also in private.

Since the keyboard can be removed, it can be used as a light tablet, and you can watch games and videos on a larger screen than a smartphone. It is also equipped with a kickstand that is self-supporting and can be adjusted to an angle that makes it easier to see the screen.

4. Acquire skills that are useful even if you become a member of society

Currently, 97.2% of companies have installed Windows OS, and 98.9% have installed Microsoft Office. Since Surface is equipped with the corporate standard Windows 10/11 Pro, you can familiarize yourself with how to use the OS that is standard in the enterprise from the time you were a student. * 1 Source: IDC, Quarterly PCD Tracker 2020 Q3 (2020) * 2 Source: ITR, ITR White Paper "Can Windows 10 be the next-generation corporate client OS?" (2015)

5. Extensive training

Not only basic usage of the device, but also Office products and Surface usage training using touch / pen are held. In the questionnaire after participation, we are proud of a high degree of satisfaction of 91%.

More about Surface

Where should I buy the perfect Surface for college students? Because of the generous support, the University Co-op!

University co-ops all over the country are proposing personal computers with carefully selected models and functions by collecting the experiences and requests of seniors over many years and the wisdom born from them. In 2022, we will sell Surface. When you buy a Surface at the University Co-op, it comes with a full guarantee that you can't buy at a mass retailer.

① Full guarantee

For new students who are not accustomed to handling computers, peace of mind is a big point. It is encouraging to have a guarantee that you can continue to use it for 4 years with peace of mind, whether it is a natural failure or an inadvertent failure. It will respond even if your important computer is out of order. (Manufacturer's warranty 1 year + 3 years extended warranty + 4 years animal warranty)

② Setup support

The University Co-op holds seminars for purchasers at the Co-op, depending on the situation at the university. In many cases, seniors who know the university by hand do everything from planning to operation, and we will teach you from setup to basic operations in an easy-to-understand manner.

* Whether or not the computer training is held and the content will differ depending on the university. * In the Tokyo metropolitan area, there is a university co-op that outsources the operation of computer courses to specialized business partners, and creates and manages courses from scratch with student staff and co-op staff.

③ You can rest assured that the support window is on campus!

The fact that the store on campus serves as a support window is also a great advantage of purchasing at the University Co-op. In addition to accepting repairs, we also respond to consultations on things that you do not understand or have problems with when using a personal computer, such as settings and operation methods. Even if there is a problem, if it can be dealt with at the store, it will be solved on the spot. There is a repair counter on campus where you can easily drop in in your spare time, and there are staff members who can consult with you, which gives you a great sense of security when using your computer.

It usually takes a certain number of days to repair a computer, depending on the state of failure or damage. If you can't use your computer during that time, you will be in trouble, such as "I can't write a report." With the University Cooperative, you can rest assured even in such a case. We offer a free rental service for alternative devices so that you can use your computer during the repair period. * The alternative machine may differ from the purchased model, and the number is limited.

We provide free telephone support for one year so that you can consult about your computer even at night or on holidays when the University Cooperative store is not open. A dedicated operator with abundant knowledge, from setting to normal operation method and troubleshooting, will respond in an easy-to-understand and polite manner.

■ Correspondence period December 1, 2021 to February 28, 2023 (Available on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays including the year-end and New Year holidays) ■ Reception hours 10: 00-23: 00

I don't know if there is a co-op at the destination ...

As of 2020, there are 214 members (205 University Co-op 2 Business Union 6 Intercollegiate Corp 1 Federation (). It's okay if you don't have a co-op. There is a university co-op called "Intercollege Corp" for those who go to a school that doesn't have a co-op store.

Surface has attractive functions for job hunting and going on to higher education even during lectures. And if you are a university co-op, you can rest assured that you have a generous guarantee that you can make proposals because you are familiar with the handling of personal computers by university students. Why don't you try "Choose Surface and purchase it at the University Co-op" for the computer for the celebration of admission .

Thorough support! University Cooperative PC special site →

Information on University Cooperatives

What is a university student co-op?

University Co-operative is an abbreviation of "University Co-op" and is one of the many "Co-operatives". It is an organization in which each user spends money (investment) to become a union member and operates and uses it jointly.

■ Questionnaire survey on laptop computers for university students Period: December 3, 2021 Survey target: University and graduate students who have laptop computers Survey number: 390 Survey method: My Navi News Internet survey

[PR] Provided by: National Federation of University Cooperatives