From Lavie to university students, NECPC aiming for a "one person" PC standing in the gaze of the users

 ICT is now becoming essential for education, such as a single day off in 2020 due to the corona evil, online classes at universities, and a compulsory programming education in elementary schools.

 Meanwhile, NEC Personal Computer (hereafter NECPC), which is ideal for "PC" for elementary school students, and , which were developed in collaboration with college students, were considered from the user's perspective.It has been developed and gained popularity.


* K12: An abbreviation that refers to the educational period from kindergarten to primary and secondary education (high school), which is used in English -speaking countries such as the United States and Switzerland.In terms of educational sites in Japan, it corresponds to the period from the older kindergarten to the third grade of high school.

NEC Personal Computer Product Product Planning Division Director Hiroshi Moribe

About 20 years after joining the company, he has been engaged in product strategy and product planning work on NEC PCs.Currently, he promotes product planning of NEC PCs and product Evangelist activities for PC brands for consumers.

NEC Personal Computer Product Product Planning Headquarters Hideko Kitazaki

LAVIE 小学生から大学生まで、使う人の視線に立った「1人1台」PCを目指すNECPC

In charge of planning software installed under the PC brand for consumers.

30% of Japanese K12 PC ownership

―― Thank you for today. is used with elementary school children, but it is very easy to use and I like it.NECPC focuses on the development of a PC for learning, from children to college students, but what was the reason for that?

* Because of the online interview, there are some coarse parts.

Moribe: First, Japanese children began with overwhelmingly not having their own PCs compared to other countries.It is a little old data, but according to the 2013 Cabinet Office, 70%of Japan's 13-15 years old, there is no desktop PC or notebook PC.increase.It was a very small number, given that more than 80%of South Korea, the United States, the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Sweden, which are other surveyed countries, have more than 80%.This became a trigger to consider PCs for K12 and university students.

Compared to the United States, the United Kingdom, France, South Korea, etc., Japan's K12 generation PC ownership.Quoted source: Data, "Youth without a PC" Cabinet Office "Survey on the Worlds of You and Foreign Affairs" (2013) Restored what Toshihiko Maita created.

―― It's really low.Nevertheless, many families have purchased children's PCs in the wake of a temporary closure due to the death of the corona last year.

Moribe: Certainly, the number of Corona has increased a little, and the K12 generations of K12 generations have been 26%to 30%.30%may feel that it is more, but on the contrary, 70%do not have it, which is still low compared to other countries.

The K12 generation PC ownership surveyed by NECPC in 2020.If Japan increases the ownership of children -only PCs to 77 % at the same level as other countries, 6 million units are expected to be sold.

Moribe: However, at school, the GIGA School concept has made it one by one, and in the questionnaire, about two -thirds of parents think that they want a PC for children.There is also a result of being.

 Nevertheless, some of the reasons for not buying a PC were "seem to be just games" and "still early", but some of the purchased families are satisfied with 86%of parents.