``If you write it down, your behavior will change.'' The secret to turning your life around with the meaning note

If you are a business person, everyone makes "notes" on a daily basis. In the last few years, the note-taking technique called "bullet journaling" has become a worldwide boom, and the "power of notes" is attracting attention both in Japan and overseas.

In this "Deepening Memo Technique" special feature, while "thinking ability" and "thinking ability" are considered essential skills for business people, we will introduce the effectiveness of "memo" that is a great help and how to use it. I will continue.

In the 3rd installment, Chie Yamada, the developer of the “Meaning Note” method for seizing opportunities, will appear. She talked about how she writes down the events buried in her mundane daily life and how she uses them to create opportunities. This is the first part.

Chie Yamada

Developer of the "Meaning Note" method for seizing opportunities. Through this method, he experienced many positive changes in his life, such as participating as an outside director of a foreign-affiliated startup company from a state where the whole family was unemployed. Currently, he introduces the theory and method of the meaning note through seminars, lectures, and the book "Meaning Note: Writing 3 Opportunities a Day, You'll See Your Way Forward" (Kinpusha). Support realization.

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"Meaning Note" that led to success in life's pinch

When you want to make your work and life better, "Memo" can help you. There are various ideas for note-taking, such as a "ToDo list" that visualizes what to do and a "diary" that looks back on actions and emotions.

Among them, what is interesting about "Meaning Note" is that it is a "method for seizing opportunities".

By finding "opportunities" in the events that have happened to you, you can not only see the path you should take (= lead to action), but also "self-esteem and happiness will definitely increase." "Meaning Note" developer Chie Yamada.

If you have a notebook and a pen, you can start taking notes right now.

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In the first part, I will explain the first flow, "How to write a chance".

New Edition Meaning Note Write three chances a day and you will see the way forward

1,760 yen

“Attaching meaning” to events that change behavior and results

“Chances” here refer to daily events. But just writing it down does not serve as a meaning note.

The important part of this method is the "meaning" part, that is, the "meaning".

Meaning is to clarify what you felt and thought about the opportunity. Mr. Yamada says that this meaning "has the power to change lives." By finding value and possibility in an event, you can change your behavior after that, and you can also change the result.

At any chance, you should be able to feel one of "awareness, learning, decision, good thing, premonition (possibility)". Specific examples are as follows.

Example ①: Meaning of “learning”

"I participated in the event. I learned a lot from hearing more interesting stories than I expected!"

Example 2: Meaning of "premonition"

"You have been selected as a member of a new project. Maybe they are expecting you!"

"Three times a day" is a must. Be Aware of Priorities

It is best to think positively about meaning as in the example above.

However, it is important here to write down the meaning of "I felt bad" honestly. Negative emotions can also lead to great opportunities later on.

We tend to think that the more opportunities we have to write down, the better, but the more information and options we have, the more hesitant.

I recommend that you identify what is important to you and narrow it down to three things that move your heart the most. .

There are so many hidden "opportunities" in the most overlooked

The key is to find three opportunities every day, no matter how boring your day is. Don't give up saying "I couldn't find it today, so just one...".

Rather than a fulfilling day, a day spent lazing around at home without doing anything is a better opportunity to develop an eye for finding opportunities, says Mr. Yamada. This is because they tend to turn their attention to things that they would normally overlook, squeeze out opportunities, and try to attach some meaning to them.

What I want to change is the definition of "chance".

From the word, we tend to have the image of "one-time chances of good fortune that don't come many times in life," but Mr. Yamada says, "I want you to look at other opportunities."

In his book, he classifies chances into three categories: Kirakira Chance, Warashibe Chance, and Spicy Chance.

[Three opportunities to write]

Mr. Yamada positively perceives the seemingly negative spicy chance, saying, ``Especially for spicy chances, you will be able to recognize that it is rather an opportunity by continuing to write and repeat training.''

You can't always find a chance to sparkle every day. Rather, the "Meaning Note" makes us realize that there are "opportunities" sleeping even in the midst of the many things that go wrong.

It can be short sentences or simple words. From today, let's give meaning to three events a day and write them down.

In the second part (scheduled to be released on July 22nd), Mr. Yamada will introduce "how to look over the notebook", which Mr. Yamada describes as "the true value of the meaning notebook."

We will teach you how to take advantage of the opportunities you have written, turn them into ideas and awareness that will lead to the future, and how to find patterns of success.

New Edition Meaning Note Write three chances a day and you will see the way forward

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