Mami Okumura, I can't defeat the boss in Ys II ...

Impress E Sports Club Women's Retro Game Team

 Hello, this is Mami Okumura! This time, following the previous one, we will deliver the play article of the PC-9801 version "Ys II" released by Nippon Falcom in 1988!This is an action roll -playing game that will be the sequel to Ys.Currently can be purchased for 440 yen (monthly fee) with project EGG.

レトロゲームは、ビジネス向けのPCでもさくさく動くということで、この連載ではマウスコンピューターさんの「mouse K5」を利用していきます。主な仕様は、Core i7-10750H、メモリ16GB、GeForce MX 350、SSD 512GB、フルHD液晶を搭載しています。レトロゲームをプレイする際の参考にしてください

 Last time, the mission in the volcanic area was completed, and the temple of Salmon was given lightly and finished.In the temple, they gathered materials, such as eavesdropping on the meeting and getting a mysterious code.This time, we decided to proceed carefully while checking the mission of Salmon at the temple.However, I often do it as soon as I go to the temple ...

 Every time I talk, I want you to do this, and there is a lot of information, such as going here.I am also in the state, and I do not know what to do from beginning to end.The difficulty is high for me who is not good at geography, where the doors in the temple are entered, where they get out of other doors.

 At first, talk to the enemy with the magic of telepathy, and review it a little while going around where you can go while remembering the flow.I couldn't get to the place where I wanted to forget the way, so I decided to look back at the previous distribution (laughs).In addition, there are many doors that do not open for some reason in this temple! I tried various items, but they did not open at all.Momo, what do you want to go on!?In retro games, the picture is a lot, so you look at the screen (laughs).


 While doing this, there were some hints from the viewers, and in front of the drop -up lattice that was lowered, I decided to say a code that was eavesdropped at the meeting before!Earlier, I was relatively running away from the enemy ...If you think now, if you have defeated each body firmly, it may have been shortened.


 The tip of the lattice will of course be an area that you have never been to, so I will search again.When I entered the room here, I encountered an enemy that I could not defeat anyway.However, this kind of hand was already a conversation using telepathy magic as usual!

 However, at that price, Adol's body is a blue monster!

 For the time being, I will continue searching for the sewage without knowing it, but this is also a maze ...Stop the maze already! However, when you are going to the end of the sewage, if you are going to go here, the NPC suddenly "It's a monster. After returning to a human, come again! In a different room in the back of the temple.You should take a holy cup and then bring it to the legs in the village.

 So, I aimed at the back left of the temple, but I felt the difficulty of the left back, saying, "Is this temple only!?"I was at a loss many times and finally in the room that would be in the back left! It was just a space that was nothing to enter, but I think I came up with it, but the magic of the lights that I did not use much recently.If you use it suddenly, a treasure chest appears! In them, that holy cup!I was able to return to humans safely here!



 The place where I gave me the information on the holy cup on the sewage was added to the point that I could return with the magic of the return under the name "the escape retreat".Thanks for the magic of the return for directions.


 Even so, all the enemies on the sewage are all strong! Isn't this suitable for raising the level? But now it's left, so I returned to humans, so the NPC proceeded ahead!Furthermore, big hints.When a silver pendant is put on the neck and touched it, it will be transported to the main building! And then get the key to the temple immediately!


 It was a short time that I was crazy.Suddenly, I heard a creepy voice, and everyone who gave me the advice there was a stone! I was impatient and what to do, but I got a lira shell from the item without knowing it.Then, I heard a pendant at the royal palace in the back of the temple, and the explanation of the royal palace I heard from inside the shell! What lucky! Why I chose shells!?It is magic, and in Ys II, there are many lucky things like this (laughs).


 While looking for a pendant, I decided to open the door of the room I hadn't entered before.But the first room I put in the key was a boss!

 Well, it is defeated in less than a second and ends.No matter what you think, you need stronger weapons and level up.


 What you need to do is changing more and more ...

 While searching for a pendant, I tried to save money while raising the level, opened the door of other rooms, but is this okay? I can't organize it at all?I couldn't find the room and I entered the room with a pendant, but the treasure chest was already open.Again, but when I talked about the monsters and the magic of a telepasheet, the enemy said that the pendant was transferred to the sewage road in the back right of the temple!


 Immediately afterwards, get the magic of time stop!For the time being, when I used the magic of time -stop, the enemy stopped working at all.However, the MP was abnormally reduced, so maybe I shouldn't use it much ...?


 I raised one level while I was a short detour, so I revenge in the boss I mentioned earlier!

 I decided to get rid of the details, such as making money, raising the level, and opening the door of the remaining rooms that are not open anyway.Following the sword, the armor seems to be able to get another stronger one! Based on the hints that I have received so far, restart the pendant!The game is over.

 On the way, I arrived at the new area I was not aiming for, so I explored it again.In addition, the number of places to explore will increase! (Laughs).But in the meantime, I finally found a pendant! In addition, I saved more money, and I got an armor called Reflex!


 I thought it was perfect and headed to the boss again, but after all, I decided not to defeat it yet, so I decided to raise my level.If you have a strong enemy, you can efficiently raise the level, so raise the level there.I raised another level and rematched it to the boss, but I couldn't beat it ...Occasionally, you can reduce the physical strength of the other person.The magic of the fire also bounces.


 There is not enough level so much!? And I don't know where to bring a pendant, so this time.I'm frustrated, but when I look at it, I guess it's steadily proceeding!?

 So I think that "Ys II" has finally approached the end! I feel that the difficulty is going up steadily, but I want to aim for all chestnuts in the next distribution week! Enjoy the impressive finale.Ni!

インプレスe-スポーツ部 女子レトロゲーム班『PC-9801イースⅡ』第8回【Twitchアーカイブ】インプレスe-スポーツ部 女子レトロゲーム班『PC-9801イースⅡ』第9回【Twitchアーカイブ】