Understand new manufacturing. Media 5 Selections of QOLs made with 3D printers during the gap time of working at home

Making lab

by Hitoshin

2021/03/10 07:30


It's been almost a year since I was staying at home around the world, and I was at home and connected to people by ZOOM or Clubhouse, and I was at home and asking for a meal at Uber Eats or Deep -Domination Hall.increased.In addition, I think that dancing at home, fitness using a ring cones (Nintendo) ringcons, which enhances home time, and the demand (?) At home is increasing before.In the meantime, the inconvenience that I noticed because I had more time at home has become more worrisome than before.Looking back over the past year, I noticed that the "place where I was worried about sober" in such a house had been solved with a 3D printer.This time, I would like to introduce five life hacks that have been solved in a plain 3D printer.

Level 1: Make just a good hook

I think that there are almost no hooks in the right place in the right place, but there were two hooks in my home and 3D printers.It is really easy to make a hook, measuring the dimensions of the location you want to attach with a ruler or major, and modeling hooks that match that size with 3D CAD.

First of all, it is a hook for hooking the dryer on the storage door.If you use a commercially available S -shaped hook, the door will not close, so you can make a hook that can close the door properly by making the shape of the shape of the door perfectly along the shape of the door.rice field.

Another hook was made to put a shopping bag to throw away the garbage in the kitchen.I also wanted to make a hook to hook on the door, but I designed a hook that hooked directly on the sink because the height was low to throw away the garbage.

If you buy a 3D printer but don't know what to make, I think it's a good idea to make a really familiar hook.Modeling is easy just to write a cross section and push it out, it's very convenient and I really use it every day.It's just a hook ...

Level 2: Make the PC can be stored on the back of the desk

I wanted a desk and chair when I worked at home, but I bought a Desk called Itoki Yubik because my home was small.However, it was a bit narrow to use the laptop (MacBook) and use the wireless keyboard and mouse, so I decided to store the MacBook under the desk while fixing the external display with a monitor arm and converted it to a clam shell.

新しいものづくりがわかるメディア 在宅勤務のスキマ時間に3Dプリンターで作ったQOLを上げる地味なもの5選

Clamshell: Use with the MacBook closed

The ubik has a structure with a top plate on the legs of the pipe, so make a 3D print part that fits in this pipe and fix the MDF shelf just below the top plate.The 3D print part is the same as the hook, the dimensions of the pipe and the thickness of the MDF are measured and modeled according to the shape.

The 3D print parts are made of four of the same shape, and the plate is inserted into the pipe on the back of the top plate.The two laptops that I usually use can be used in a slightly more relaxed state, so both can be used with clam shells.

When working, both the keyboard and the mouse can switch the connection destination with Bluetooth, so you can use two laptops by seamlessly.In this way, the production of fixing or installing something to a specific place seems to be unique to a 3D printer.

Level 3: A perfumed dish that is active at home

The time spent at home has increased, and the opportunity to burn the incense that was sleeping at home has increased.There is an incense that I bought at a glance at a glance, but it is a type that stands sideways, and the ash spills in the incense dish (a dish that receives incense ash).I started to go.

Therefore, I decided to make a horizontal incense dish to use this favorite incense.The incense ash does not have a fire, so it may be good to make a fragrant dish with plastic at home, so I model it in about 10 minutes.

Although it is simple, it is designed to be a little organic curve using the new function SUBD of Rhinoceros7 called Rhinoceros7.I think that a similar shape can be created by using the sculpt function even with Fusion 360.If you can make a simple shape with 3D CAD, you may want to try a modeling with such a curved surface.

The size of the fragrance was adjusted so that it could be used for a less than 20cm incense, so we had a fragrant dish that can be used enough for a slightly longer incense.The ash falls on the arena neatly, making it a very satisfying finish.If you can afford it, I think that cleaning will be easier if you polish and finish with a file, but this time the traces of the laminated layers are beautiful, so leave them as they are.

Level 4 | Door guard stopper that balances security and ventilation

When you want to ventilate your home, you can often hear that if you open the entrance as well as the window in the room, you can make a passage of air and ventilate efficiently, but there is anxiety for crime prevention.My home is an auto -locked apartment, but recently, in addition to courier dealers, Delivery traders and other companies are getting in and out of the auto lock, so it has become difficult to open the door a little.

Still I want to ventilate the room ...The entrance door at home has a door guard, so I thought I could open the door of the entrance a little while locking with the door guard, so I decided to design with a 3D printer.

At first, I modeled a simple shape to fix it to the door frame so that the door guard does not move.This still satisfies the function, but in fact, it would be enough to fix the door -to -side and the vertex of the U -shaped to fix this door guard, and the left side was floating and nothing was useful.

Therefore, the improved version is designed to be 3 points fixed, and modeling is used to use the generational design function of Fusion 360 to aim for a structurally optimized shape.According to the calculation result, it is quite flesh and thin parts.

I felt a little anxious because it looked thinner and poorer than I imagined, but when I actually used it, I was able to fix the door weight firmly and open the gap.To use the generational design function, a paid account for Fusion 360 is required, and the cost of operating and writing data also incures cloud credit, but it is possible to create a mechanically calculated shape in machine learning.It is a very interesting function because it can be done.The next item will also create a 3D printed work that utilizes this generator design.

Level 5:20 kilograms that can withstand the weight of the bed mount

Finally, I will introduce an example of a desk fixed to the headboard of the bed with a 3D -printed part.Here, the 3D print parts that are the parts and desk legs for fixing the desk top plate to the headboard will be modeled using the Fusion 360 generational design function as before.Model the part to screw to the top plate and the part to clamp the headboard, and then put in the loading conditions.It is a calculation that can be set to withstand 10kg loads with one leg, and can put up to 20kg in total.

The 3D printing part was a little big, so it took 8 hours and 35 minutes for one leg.In addition, since the filament was cut off on the way, it was two -tone because only one leg was supplemented with a different color filament.This part has a complex shape like a generous design, so the strength of the 3D printer can be used.

When the output is over, take the support material, screw it on the top plate, and finally fix it to the headboard with a clamp.Since only the load that applied directly below was set without thinking too deeply, the power from the side was a bit easy to shake, but except for this, it is a solid desk that was made simple.became.

Currently, this desk has been removed, but when I was using it, I was declining the first emergency, so I mainly performed desk work on this, two laptops, displays (this desk).(Fixed with an arm), a small circulator, such as a small circulator.It looks like a bone -like 3D printing part, which is the result of calculation with generator design, so you can see that it was properly set.

at the end

We introduced a home hack that uses 3D prints, from those that can be easily imitated in order of difficulty to those that use a little CAD skill (and functions that can be used with paid software).In this world where you spend more time at home, why not buy a 3D printer and make something useful from yourself so that you can live a little more comfortably using a 3D printer?