The 30th generation must see! Use the nostalgic MSX on your mobile phone

The first generation of MSX and ASCII combination. As the first computer, as a game console, and as a hobby machine for computer communications and multimedia, MSX is supported.

 A reader in his 30s who used to be a computer teenager might react to the word MSX.

 The so-called "MSX" is the world unified standard for 8bit personal computers put forward by ASCII (now ASCII Media work) and Microsoft in 1983. In Japan, in addition to Sony, Panasonic Industries (now Panasonic), Toshiba, Fujitsu and other manufacturers that also sell PC, Hitachi Studios, Sanyo Motor, Victor, Casio and other home appliance manufacturers have also joined the MSX.

 By the way, 1983 was also the year Nintendo launched the Famicon (family computer). Famicon,MSX, which is almost a special game machine, is a very good computer, and you can also program yourself to enjoy it. Its influence has even led many programmers active in today's IT industry to comment: "I grew up in MSX."

Please check the MSXPLAYer related articles here!

That "MSX" is resurrected in Windows Mobile!

 Such MSX, after about 25 years, has been resurrected into a modern machine. By installing simulation software for Windows Mobile machines, the MSX environment of previous years can be reproduced on smartphones.

A campaign to buy the mobile EM ·ONE α with a limited edition of MSX MAGAZINE is now under way.

(C) 1984iTAChoco Systems Original created by iTAChoco=Rasho ENTERBRAIN,INC.

 Since last year, ASCII Media has limited the number of units to 1000 and sold CD-ROM packages of 10 marketing software led by simulator software and "Bocoscowers" on EMY's "EM ONE α" (related websites). The easy-to-move "EM ·ONE α", equipped with a full keyboard on a large LCD screen, is a suitable environment for MSX, which is not only a game but also can be programmed.

The software that reproduces MSX in "EM ·ONE α" is called "MSXPLAYer". By installing it, MSX is embedded in your terminal. Of course, you can take it with you. MSXPLAYer contains a lot of game software. These are the procedures that have actually been sold on the market or contributed to magazines.

 Of course, compared with modern games, the content is very simple, but Mini Game is also full of the original fun of the game. In addition, such games can be made by programming. I am glad to hide the software in my pocket and show it to my friends.

Special cooperation between "EM ·ONE α" × "MSX MAGAZINE" is under way.

The bundled version of "EM-ONE α", which includes homemade MSX games and games, is also on limited sale.

30代必見! 懐かしのMSXをモバイルで使う

 In addition, "EM ·ONE α" with the "CD-ROM version of MSX MAGAZINE Special number" featuring 10 MSX games and "MSX BASIC" that can be used in homemade games is on sale. It's a special package limited to 1000 sets that can only be bought here.

「EM・ONEα」「MSX MAGAZINE」スペシャルコラボキャンペーン

Let's run the program in basic!

 MSXPLAYer also includes a programming environment, of course, because MSX itself. It is actually quite epoch-making to be able to make programs on mobile devices.

 The programming language of MSX is MSX-BASIC. Many people know the development environment of Windows-"Visual Basic", but the root of Visual Basic is also BASIC. Grammar also has a lot in common, and understanding BASIC should also be helpful to people who want to learn programs in the future.

[mode selection screen] enter 1 or 2 first, and then press Enter. 1 is an ordinary game mode, but 2 does not display the screen, so it is difficult to remember.


[question screen] if it is displayed as "LISTEN", then the question of the sound begins. The mark of the card corresponding to each direction of the cursor key flashes according to the sound.


[solution screen] if it is displayed as "ANSWER", go to the solution. Press and hold the cursor key as you remember to reproduce the same sound.


[GAME OVER] if you make a mistake midway, the game is over. At this point, end the program by pressing Space.


 Here, a simple sample program is prepared. This is a "sound game" that tests memory. The rules are simple. Since each sound is assigned to a cursor key, the sound can be reproduced sequentially. Each time the correct answer, the memory of the voice will be increased by one, if you can remember 10, will be erased. If you make a mistake along the way, it's a pity that the game is over.

Sample program "sound game"

10 'oto ate game20 'init30 SCREEN 1:COLOR 1,15,15:DEFINT A-Z40 DEFINT A-Z:DEFUSR=&H15650 'select type60 PRINT "1 か゛めんひょうし゛あり":PRINT "2 おと のみ"70 A=USR(0):INPUT "と゛ちらにしますか";ED80 SCREEN 3:OPEN "GRP:" FOR OUTPUT AS #190 FOR N=1 TO 4:C=0:GOSUB 450:NEXT100 PLAY"V15L4"110 'make question120 DIM Q(30):A=RND(-TIME)130 FOR I=0 TO 30:Q(I)=RND(1)*4+1:NEXT:SM=0140 'play&display question150 LINE(0,0)-STEP(63*4,7*4),15,BF160 PSET(8*4,0),0:COLOR 4:PRINT #1,"LISTEN"170 FOR ST=0 TO SM:N=Q(ST)180 GOSUB 390:IF ED=1 THEN C=15:GOSUB 450:C=0:GOSUB 450190 IF PLAY(0) THEN 190200 NEXT ST210 'answer220 LINE(0,0)-STEP(63*4,7*4),15,BF230 PSET(8*4,0),0:COLOR 8:PRINT #1,"ANSWER"240 FOR ST=0 TO SM250 IF STICK(0) GOTO 250260 N=(STICK(0)+1)\2:IF N=0 GOTO 260270 GOSUB 390:IF ED=1 THEN C=15:GOSUB 450:C=0:GOSUB 450280 IF Q(ST)<>N THEN ST=SM:NEXT:GOTO 520290 NEXT ST300 'next step310 IF PLAY(0) GOTO 310320 SM=SM+1:IF SM<10 GOTO 150330 'all clear340 CLS350 PSET(8*4,20*4),0:COLOR 1:PRINT #1,"CLEAR!"360 IF STICK(0)=0 AND STRIG(0)=0 GOTO 360370 END380 'play390 ON N GOTO 400,410,420,430400 PLAY"O4C":RETURN410 PLAY"O4E":RETURN420 PLAY"O4G":RETURN430 PLAY"O5C":RETURN440 'draw450 IF C THEN COLOR C ELSE COLOR 2^(N-1)460 ON N GOTO 470,480,490,500470 PSET(24*4,12*4),0:PRINT #1,CHR$(128)+"C":RETURN480 PSET(36*4,20*4),0:PRINT #1,CHR$(130)+"E":RETURN490 PSET(24*4,28*4),0:PRINT #1,CHR$(131)+"G":RETURN500 PSET(12*4,20*4),0:PRINT #1,CHR$(129)+"c":RETURN510 'out!520 IF PLAY(0) GOTO 520530 CLS540 PSET(8*4,16*4),0:COLOR 1:PRINT #1,"MISS!"550 PSET(0*4,24*4),0:COLOR 1:PRINT #1,"GAMEOVER"560 IF (STICK(0)-STRIG(0))=0 GOTO 360570 END

 After you get the "EM ONE α", be sure to enter this program yourself. The detailed operation of MSXPLAYer, you can play with the package of CD-ROM "MSX magazine special issue EM ·ONE α!" I can do it! There is an introduction in the game & BASIC. In this short program, the game is built correctly, which will be surprising.

 After playing the game, it would be better to transform it with your own hands next time. For example, if you override the 10 of "SM < 10" written in line number 320, you can change it to the number you need to remember to clear. Try to add other kinds of sound, try to play actual music. It all depends on what you think.

 Once you get used to BASIC, challenge the production of original games this time. If you show off your own games to your friends, or make games that can be played by two people, you will certainly enjoy and master the skills of the program at the same time.

 You can also play games. You can make your own games. Get "EM ·ONE α" and enjoy the world of MSX easily!