News L⇔R debut 30th anniversary.As a member, Hideki Kurosawa carries on his back, and what he thinks now

Hideki Kurosawa (L⇔R) / Photo = Kiyoshiaki Sasahara_

ニュース L⇔Rデビュー30周年。メンバーとして弟として、黒沢秀樹が背負い、今思うこと

So far, we have covered many musicians.She has been the editor -in -chief for 20 years.Some have been interviewing for a long time.However, there are very many people who do not meet.In the past, even those who met, interviewed every month, went live, and came to know their private deeply, became estranged over time.About 50 years old, I wanted to meet them asexually.I wanted to talk to someone who had some influence on myself as an editor, regardless of the selling and selling.This time, I went to see L⇔R Hideki Kurosawa.Kenichi Kurosawa, his older brother and L⇔R's main composer, died five years ago in a brain tumor.While L⇔R welcomed the 30th anniversary anniversary, I wanted to hear what he thought now.

If you think of it as an artist, you can't win even if you turn upside down.

Since when to meet.It was last 10 years since I happened to meet at a small bar in Sangenjaya.But the appearance and how to speak so much.In a blink of an eye, the distance of time became shorter.Hideki Kurosawa.L⇔R guitarist.After the band's operation was suspended, he was active in various fields as a producer and support as a solo.Of course, she is still doing music, but she married actress Miyuki Sato in her private life.Now I'm busy raising a 3 -year -old boy.He is familiar with his blog "Little Child Daddy, Dad is born" serialized in the web magazine "Hotel Storm".He is now busy, as Sato is appearing on the serial television novel "Okaeri Monet" and the stage "Aoigami / Woman" in the Globe seat, and in a sense, he is in a way House band in John Lennon.It seems that it is fulfilling now, while watching the growth, despite the lack of time."I'm not alone anymore, but raising a child is so hard (laughs). It's hard, and most of the time I had used for myself was deprived. So now, work ... my work ...In the case of music, there is no time to spend there (laughs). How to get involved in music, it's a place to recreate the bass from scratch. Thankfully, customers who wait a little.L⇔R will be the most supported by the 30th anniversary year on November 25.He had been in a magazine at the time, and had been interviewing almost every month since his debut.The story at that time is endless.The impression of Kenichi Kurosawa, my older brother, especially when I met, was intense.At the time of the first interview, he asked in a studio in Roppongi, "What kind of band are Kanemitsu in charge?"When I thought about anything and said, "LUNA SEA and ZI: Kill. The rest is Bakuu."When I invited a hot water supply room of a record company, I handed a paper bag, saying, "These are all wonderful works, so please listen."Among them, Raspberries, Four Fresh Men, Dave Clark Five, Dion, Frankie Vali records, and why this album is wonderful.A month later, when I met, "How was it ... it's okay! I brought this today."Since then, after the monthly interview, Kenichi Kurosawa music seminar has been held for a while.I guess that was an excessive expression of wanting to understand us properly ... but now it's pretty cool (laughs).Kenichi Kurosawa died five years ago in December 2016 due to brain tumors.L⇔r is no longer resurrected in a complete form."It was tough at that time. My brother's illness was discovered, and the situation was getting worse. But that's not to be disclosed until the last minute. That is the right decision as a management.I think. But I have a release or live show. I'm working in the same world, so what's the story? "What are you doing recently?"That's really tough. At a time, I didn't do much work that I came up with.I didn't like it. "Kenichi's disease name became public in October.One year ago, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor and died two months after the announcement.48 years old.It was too young.And for Hideki Kurosawa, he is a respected musician and his brother.I have noticed that there is a conflict to this fact since I was interviewing L⇔R."If you think of it as an artist, you can't win even if you turn upside down. It's really a genius. He was a tremendous person who seemed to be the same on the side.It's full of things that make me feel so different. I guess it was when I was 16 years old. My brother started taking the guitar and learned one new code. In front of me.I was playing it, but it became a song while I was looking at it. That was magic (laughs). I still remember it. Why do you think about this? "He was a person.But geniuses can hardly share it.When I was preparing in the shooting studio, Kenichi, who changed into costumes, approached me and said, "It's an image that dolphins are flying in the sky, but you can see?"Sometimes I met."It's the same in recording. I tell the engineer with that image, so I was often told by producer Daiji Okai," Hideki, translate you! "(Laughs).I understand that. So I asked the engineer to say, "Please cut this moment and raise the back about two steps."This is the true sound of the truth. "What is the sound of the truth (laughs). There were many things like that."Originally a recording engineer, a younger brother who had a sense of balance.The relationship becomes the prototype of L⇔R.Kenichi, who came to Tokyo, made a living as a so -called job composer while working as a band, but the band is not easy.Meanwhile, Hideki was called to Tokyo when he was a high school student."At that time, my brother is a longing for me. I was suddenly called by such a big brother," Come to Tokyo. "I was surprised. I was surprised. So, I form a band with my brother, but I didn't go well.It's too much. "The bands also quit the band, and two brothers left without being able to make their debut (laughs).And the music I don't want to do is so boiled down. At that time, I was around the age of 20, but I was desperate to say that my life was over.Is a well -known story.Finally, in commemoration of Paul McCartney's Tokyo Dome, I was informed at the beginning of the arrow that I thought I would return to the countryside with my brother.Hiroshi Kinoshita, who was strongly invited to say, "Let's do the band together," joined the base and entered the recording.The sound of the debut, but the sound of all of them at that time was a ridiculous sound make -up, unlikely by musicians in their early twenties."The demonstration I made with a mess, thinking that I would return to the countryside just before my debut, is in" L "on the debut album and" Lefty in the Right ", but that is us.For that, I have anger and hatred (laughs). As I mentioned earlier, I've been told that it's a maniac, I've been told that there is no such fashion, so I did it thoroughly at the end.I feel like it. Wow. At that time, the loop, deceleration regeneration, thorough wall of sound. It was all about what I wanted to do, so the heat of the second was really normal.I had a chance to listen again before, but after all we were crazy (laughs). Now that there is a protours, I can do it if I want to do it, but at that time there was no PC.One song contains about 5 songs and performance data. So, in the scene at that time, it was definitely different (laughs). It was often talked about with Mistil and Spitz, but at all.It's another thing. It wasn't such a calm thing. I was touching. So, at the time, I was interviewed a lot, but I was asked about my favorite food in an idol magazine (laughs).Everyone thought it was good. I was aware of it as a pretty cool band (laughs). "
