Obunsha publishes the results of the "ICT utilization of high school ICT utilization in 2022"

旺文社、「高校のICT活用実態調査 2022年度版」の結果を公開

Obunsha Co., Ltd. conducted a questionnaire survey on the introduction and utilization of ICT equipment and services at high schools, and published analysis results in comparison with past survey data.[See another image about this article] The survey has been conducted once a year since 2017, and this is the sixth time this year.A total of 805 high schools nationwide were summarized.According to the survey results, there are 85 high schools that have introduced mobile ICT devices for students..There are 38 high schools that introduce BYOD, which uses 8 % and uses student personal terminals in education.It was reported that it was expanding to 5 %.・ For ICT devices introduced and used at high schools nationwide, where mobile terminals and wireless networks are progressing, 69 PC terminals for students (tablet type) are 69..8 % increased since last year.The ratio of "PC terminal (note type) for students" is 38.The number of mobile terminals that combined "tablet type" and "notebook type" has increased from last year to 8 % (excluding duplication of both respondents)..8 % (Fig. 1).Regarding the maintenance status of the network environment, you can use a wireless network anywhere in the school (37).5 %) and "Wireless network can be used in ordinary classrooms in the school" (39).The percentage of 1 %) has increased (Fig. 2).Obunsha has analyzed two results that the environment where mobile terminals can be used on a daily basis are not limited to the areas in the school.・ BYOD will expand, but if you look at Fig. 1 again, 38 "Student's personal terminal (smartphone / PC, etc.)" will be 38..It grew to 5 %.It is equivalent to the same mobile ICT device as "PC terminal (note type)".At Obunsha, the school's consciousness that wants to secure remotely guidance and communication methods for students since 2020, when the school was taken due to infectious diseases measures appeared in the growth of numbers supporting Byod.I analyze that there is.On the other hand, when I checked the usage status of students in the school's private terminals (smartphones, etc.), "I can use it freely in the school" (17).0 %), "If it is for learning, etc., it can be used freely in the school" (28).Although the ratio of 6 %) increased slightly since last year, there was no major change in policies related to the overall use restrictions (Figure 3).Obunsha has analyzed this as a reflection of concerns about the management of hardware, as well as the student's information morals and communication awareness in communication.・ As for the deployment of students at the introduction of student mobile terminals, which has more than half of each student, the proportion of high schools that answered "one student deployment" is 50..It was 1 % (Fig. 4).For the first time since the survey started, it has exceeded half.In high schools where terminals are planned to be introduced in the future, 82 of the answer school.0 % answered that "one student is deployed" (Fig. 5).Regarding the ICT device and teaching support services used by teachers, "there is a terminal for one person per person, and it can be used by any service at personal judgment" (19).7 %) and "There is a terminal for one person per person, and you can use the services of a fixed range" (66).When combined with 1%), the total answer that "one -dedicated terminal can be used" exceeds 80%of the total (Fig. 6).In addition, if you divide the percentage of answers, "There is a terminal for one person per person and can be used in any service at any individual discretion," the national public high school is 12..2 %, private high school 32.There is a difference of 8 %.・ Expectations for reducing the burden of school affairs and papalace, raising teachers and improving students' information morals for points that feel the need for ICT, "Reduction of school affairs" (82) (82) (82.0 %), "Paperless of teaching materials" (70.The answer ratio of 7 %) has increased significantly since last year (Figure 7)."Remote issues distribution" (64).0 %), "Online Remote Class" (54).Although the percentage of respondents such as 2 %) still has a high percentage of answers, Obunsha has analyzed that the pace of school and normal classes has returned, and has attracted attention to improving the efficiency of teaching and reducing the burden on teachers in face -to -face guidance.According to the use of the introduced student mobile terminals, the total response ratio of "being used" exceeded 70 % of the entire terminal -introduced schools (Fig. 8).However, "can be fully utilized" (10).The ratio of 2 %) has decreased since last year's survey, and "OK can be used" (60).Obunsha has analyzed that the increase in the ratio of 2 %) has shown further expectations and awareness of the use of ICT.Regarding issues in utilization, "Raise teachers' utilization skills" (85).7 %) is the highest response ratio following the past survey.Obunsha has analyzed that the increase in scenes that require ICT operations in high schools and that the issues of knowledge, techniques, and support systems required are revealed.The challenge in the utilization of student mobile devices is "Improvement of student information morals" (67).The answer ratio of 8 %) increased by more than 10 points since last year (Figure 9). In addition, the answer comments have raised many concerns and concerns about troubles that are often born through SNS and chat functions, in addition to the individual information literacy issues. [Survey Overview] ・ Survey theme: Survey on ICT utilization status at high schools nationwide ・ Survey purpose: Investigation of the introduction of ICT equipment and ICT -related services at high school sites, the actual status of the use of ICT -related services, expansion and continuous operation Know the issues and the necessary services in the future ・ Survey targets: A total of 5,062 private high schools nationwide based on the unique list of Obunsha (including secondary schools / high schools and high school schools) Except) ・ Survey method: Send a questionnaire DM to the target school, accept answers on faxes and web pages ・ Survey scale: Analysis and survey of questionnaire answers from all 805 schools: early December 2021 Early January 2022

Children and IT, Masakazu Takahashi