"Places for remote work other than home" ranking "Hotels / Ryokan" and "Karaoke Box" are also ranked high ... What is the 1st place?

Have you ever done remote work outside your home? (Provided image)

「自宅以外でリモートワークする場所」ランキング 「ホテル・旅館」「カラオケボックス」も上位に…1位は?

What kind of place do you choose when you work remotely outside your home? When we asked 382 people who had experience in remote work about "recommended places to work remotely outside of home," the first place was "cafe / coffee shop." [Table] Recommended places for remote work ... (See the survey results) In a survey conducted by Biz Hits Co., Ltd. in January 2022, targeting 165 women and 217 men, mainly in their 30s (32.8%). ), 20s, 40s (both 26.4%) answered. When asked "Have you ever done remote work outside of your home?", 72.8% of the respondents answered "Yes". As for the reasons for remote work outside of home, there were voices such as "It is difficult to distinguish between on and off at home" and "It is difficult to concentrate because you are talking to your family or you are worried about the sound of your life". is. When asked about "requesting from a remote work place other than home", the answers such as "quiet environment (151 people)", "Internet environment (111 people)" and "low charge / free (80 people)" continued. rice field. The top results and specific details are as follows. [1st place Quiet environment] ・ Being quiet is a must (35 years old, male) ・ Basically, you can't work unless you are quiet, so it's best to be quiet (40 years old, female) ・ I'm worried about the voices around you No (52 years old, female) [2nd place with internet environment] ・ Stable Wi-Fi (32 years old, female) ・ If Wi-Fi is fully equipped, you can bring your own notebook PC and work normally Therefore, Wi-Fi is indispensable (49 years old, male) ・ High-speed internet connection (51 years old, male) [3rd place low charge / free] ・ One-day flat-rate use, one-month free pass, etc. There is a place (32 years old, female) ・ I don't want to spend much money, so it is ideal to pay for a drink (41 years old, female) ・ A place that does not cost money (59 years old, male) [4th place easy to access] ・ Home A place within walking distance from (28 years old, female), close to the station (32 years old, male), and a neighborhood so that it is convenient to carry a PC (54 years old, female) [5th private room・ You can work in the booth] ・ Choose a place where you can become a space for one person such as an internet cafe (22 years old, female) ・ A place where you do not have to worry about seeing the screen (30 years old, male) such as a private room ・ There is an enclosure, etc. 1 Can secure space for people (52 years old, female) ■ Recommended places for remote work other than at home When asked about "cafes / coffee shops" and "recommended places for remote work", the number one place was by far the best. It was "Cafe / Coffee Shop (108 people)". 2nd and lower are "Hotels / Ryokan (26 people)", 3rd place "Internet cafe (25 people)", 4th place "Karaoke box (18 people)" "Library (18 people)", 6th place "Car (car (25 people)" Answers such as "16 people)" and "Family restaurant (16 people)" continued. The specific answers are as follows. [1st place cafe / coffee shop] ・ Since there are few people during the daytime on weekdays, it is often quieter and more focused than at home with a family. Drinking delicious drinks will make you feel better (28 years old, female) ・ There is no temptation to use comics or TV. Also because there is moderate noise. On the contrary, it is difficult to concentrate in silence (36 years old, male) ・ There are an unspecified number of people and there is a moderate sense of tension. Easy to work on a PC due to the charging environment (47 years old, male) [2nd place hotel / ryokan] ・ There is less noise and it is easier to concentrate. Online meetings are possible at hotels (27 years old, male) ・ Outlets and Wi-Fi facilities are available, allowing remote control in a quiet environment. In addition, you can feel like a petite trip at times other than remote (34 years old, female) ・ A hotel with a remote work plan. If the facilities are in place, you can work with a moderate sense of tension in the atmosphere of being in the office (42 years old, male) [3rd place Internet cafe] ・ Because it is a private room, other than that unless you make a loud voice I can talk like a house without worrying about customers (26 years old, female) ・ I can work with a drink. Power supply, Wi-Fi (34 years old, male) ・ Internet environment is substantial. There is plenty of private space for the price (47 years old, male) [4th karaoke box] ・ The price is cheap and you can get drinks and food if you ask (29 years old, female) ・ Soundproofing equipment is in place (30 years old, male) ・ Everywhere. You can find it anywhere (52 years old, female), even when you have an online meeting between client visits. It was done (39 years old, female), few people (47 years old, male), and it is also attractive to be able to use it for free (50 years old, female)

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