"Pokemon Legends Arseus" Final PV is released.What is the mystery of Arseus, a Pokemon that holds the key to the story?Fukuslow, magmalashi, and Futachimaru evolved into a different figure!?

 Pokemon has released the latest promotion video "FINAL PV" for the Nintendo Switch software "Pokemon Legends Arseus" scheduled to be released on January 28, 2022.

広告『Pokemon LEGENDS アルセウス』(Switch)の購入はこちら (Amazon.co.jp)

The following quotes

Nintendo Switch software "Pokemon Legends Arseus" latest information

What is the mystery of Arseus, a Pokemon that holds the key to the story?The latest promotion video is released!

 Pokemon Co., Ltd. (Minato -ku, Tokyo; President: Tsunekazu Ishihara) announced as follows about the Nintendo Switch software "Pokemon Legends Arseus" (released on Friday, January 28, 2022, accepting reservations).increase.

The latest promotion video is released!

The latest information TOPICS1: What is the mystery of Arseus, a Pokemon that holds the key to the story?

 Pokemon Arseus is said to have created everything in the world.The protagonist conducts a survey in the Jade region while involving the Kongou's Oji and Shinju Dan Hime, approaching the mystery.Apparently, the secrets related to Arseus seem to be hidden in Mt.Can the protagonists really reach the truth ...?

『ポケモンレジェンズ アルセウス』ファイナルPVが公開。物語の鍵を握るポケモン、アルセウスの謎とは? Fukuslow、Magmalashi、Futachimaruはこれまでと違った姿に進化!?

テンガン山の上空に発生している「時空の裂け目」 山頂の上空には部分的に亀裂が入っており、通常の空とは異なる色に染まっています。ヒスイ地方の人々は「時空の裂け目」と呼んでおり、得体の知れない現象として恐れています。どうやら発生の原因には、あるポケモンの力が関係しているようです。

山頂に建つ謎の神殿 テンガン山の山頂には、大昔に建てられた立派な神殿があり、キング・クイーンなどの特別な加護を受けたポケモンたちの像が美しく並んでいます。標高の高いテンガン山の頂上には、厳しい道のりを乗り越えた者しかたどり着けません。仲間のポケモンたちと鍛錬を積んで、その目で確かめに行きましょう。

The latest information TOPICS2: The first partner's three Pokemon evolved!

 Mokuro Hinarashi Mijumaru, the first partner of the protagonist.As both adventures are repeated and stronger, it will eventually evolve.Mokuro is Fukuslow, Hinarashi is a magmalashi, and Mijumaru is to Futchimaru.As it evolves, it will not only change the appearance, but will increase the ability and become more encouraging as a partner.


 It is a pretentious Pokemon and always care for wings.With a knife -like wing called a blade wing, enemies enemies.


 A Pokemon with an absolutely non -burning fur, and any flame is fine.Turn your back during the battle is a tact of attacking with the back flame.



さらに進化したこの姿は、いったい……!? Fukuslow・Magmalashi・Futachimaruが更に成長すると、次なる進化が待ち受けています。ヒスイ地方で3匹が進化した姿は、どうやらこれまでに発見されていた進化形とは違った姿をしているようで….?Let's go to the adventure together and see what it looks like.