I have been waiting for everyone at Sega fans!Make a mega drive

Why did the Mega Drive's North American version "Genesis" sell?

 Speaking of game consoles, NES was called NES, and in 1987, NEC Home Electronics launched a PC engine and began to show its presence.It was said that major software makers would launch home game consoles.The Mega Drive was in the arcade -type game and fighting games.

 I don't think there is any explanation for those who played the game around 1990.Workstations, Macintosh, and MC68000 just installed in the X68000 in Japan.The body is engraved with "16-bit".The 22nd of the block de gadget is Mega Drive released by Sega in 1988 (hereinafter referred to as a video).

セガファンのみなさまお待たせしました! メガドライブを作る

 As is well known, Mega Drive has broken overseas, including North America, which was sold under the name GENESIS.Super Nintendo was released from Nintendo in 1990, and the North American version of SNES was released in 1991.Genesis was also strong after SNES, which is said to be because the title on the market was actively launched.

 This is one of the most important and lessons -friendly events in the history of the game, as the PC engine has searched for a game console and a home entertainment with a core concept.Nintendo launched Game Boy in 1989.It is an era when the hardware -based technology has evolved and has their own options.

 Personally, I loved the 3D expression by polygon, and I often played arcade "Virtual Racing" and "Hard Driving" (Atari).On a personal computer, a CD-ROM boom will occur, and eventually you will be able to express it as a game console with a graphic card.

 As mentioned in the video, in 2016, "Talking about the history of Segahad" was held as an event in the GAME ON exhibition at the Japan Science and Museum of Japan.It was coordinated by Yosuke Okunari, a producer of Sega Games Co., Ltd. "Sega 3D Reprint Project".

 I was listening to it as a navigator, but just before the venue, there is a group that does not respond like other visitors.When I approached, Tomio Goto, famous for the NEC microconcon kit "TK-80", was coming.When asked, "What's wrong?" He said, "The group here is a PC engine development team."

■ "Block de Gadget by Endo": https: // YouTu.be/dfslc-E9SM0 ■ Play list: https: // www.YouTube.Com/PlayList? List = plazrpvGG187CVTXCZBUZVHA1V87QJL2GYB ■ "IN64BLOCKS": https: // www.Instagram.com/in64blocks/

Mr. Endo

 President of Kadokawa ASCII Research Institute Co., Ltd. He joined ASCII Co., Ltd. in 1985 after working as a programmer. He worked as a monthly editor -in -chief of ASCII and Director of ASCII Co., Ltd. in 2013. Kadokawa ASCII Research Institute is conducting and consulting about the lifestyle of people in smartphones and the Internet era. He is also the creator of free software such as "AMSCLS" (fullly used in Lha) and "thumb" (thumb shift keyboard emulator). His hobbies are curry, illusion and stationery. In 2018 and 2019, he won a prize for the second consecutive year at the "illusion and illusion contest" of the Japanese Society of Basic Psychology. He is making an animation floating pen using the illusion. His books include "Calculator Shop Koukaku Fighting" (ASCII) and "10 World NHK IT White Box" (co -authored by Kodansha).
