Maybe the files during work have blown away ...?How to rescue at that time

The era of inadvertently pressing the keyboard and disappearing the work for one week has already ended.

The management of version history is evolving more than expected.

In the current cloud -based application, all data is copied and retained, so it is no longer necessary to take a backup manually.More detailed version history is saved, so you can quickly restore all versions of files, one hour ago, one week, one month ago.This time, we will introduce how to back up document applications for Google, Microsoft, and Apple (Apple) that are commonly used.

Google document, spreadsheet, slide

To return Google Document, Spread Sheet, and Presentation to the previous state, select the file> change history> change history in the order.If you are working with multiple people by sharing the file, the main editing content, the time and edited person are displayed, and click the arrow next to the history name.Detailed contents are displayed.

If you want to return to the previous version, click the history you want to return (the difference from the current history is displayed) and select "Restore this version".In that case, the current history will not be completely erased and will remain on the history list as an old history, so you can restore it as needed.

Click on the three points next to the history (…) to duplicate or name them.If you give a name, you can switch the display with "Display only the name version" at the top of the list, making it easier to organize version control.You can name up to 40 documents and slides and 15 spreadsheets.

作業中のファイルが吹っ飛んだかも…? なときにレスキューする方法

Google documents, spreadsheets, and presentations can save the number of history without restrictions.Even if you accidentally delete the file and go to the trash can, you can restore the file within 30 days.

Microsoft Office

If you want to check the file version history with Microsoft Office, the file must be saved in oneDrive.The Microsoft cloud platform has a version control function, so Word, EXECEL, and PowerPoint files should be stored not only on local but also on the cloud.

In Windows Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, you can see all the past versions by selecting files and information> history (if the file is not yet saved in Onedrive, Copy on ONEDRIVE.You will be prompted).All available version history is displayed on the right, and the edited time and edited users are also displayed.Click "Open Version History" under the version history to return to the previous version and appear in a new window.

The previous version of the file is also open, so by selecting "Comparison with the selected version", you can compare and compare all differences from the current version, or select "Restore", and select an old version.Can be the current version.The comparison screen is very substantial, and you can check all the editing contents performed after the current version of the files you are working on.

If you use Office in MacOS, the work will be slightly different, but to check the version of the file, you must also save the file in Onedrive.Click the file name of the document/spreadsheet/presentation displayed in the title bar at the top of the program window and select the version history.When you click the displayed file, the option of "Comparison with selected versions" and "Restore" is displayed in the same way as Windows.

Apple Pages, Numbers, Keynote

In the Apple application, to check the version of Pages, Numbers, Numbers, and Keynote (Presentation), return the file> version> All versions in the order of brows.

The version history screen will be displayed in a full screen layout on the right side of the screen.You can proceed or return the version history with the arrow (or the timeline) on the right, "restore" to return to a specific version.If you return to the previous version of the file, the current version will be the latest version, so you can restore it as needed.

The editing of the current version of the document can be performed as it is in this "All versions" view.If you want to return to the normal view, click "Complete".This is a useful feature when you want to work while referring to the previous version files.There are no restrictions on the number of files that can be saved, and it will be saved automatically during work.

Also, if you press the option key on this screen and operate, the "Restore" button will be "Restore Copy", and the old version of the file can be displayed as it is.

This time, we introduced the backup method of the commonly used application, but there are many other backups.If you are a Dropbox user, you can use the file version control function, right -click the file on the web interface and select "Version History", the version of the past 30 days (180 days for a professional plan or business plan).Is displayed.In Dropbox Rewind, you can restore multiple files.

The backup solutions mounted on Windows and MacOS also support the file version history.In Windows, if you select Settings> Updates and Security> backups, the file history will be displayed.For MacOS, select System Environment Settings> Time Machine.