Toshiba "Libretto 30/60"

The time is 1996, about 19 years ago, and it is still the second day of the first issue of our magazine "PC Watch". A new mobile whirlwind has blown into the PC industry. That is Toshiba's "Libretto 20".

東芝「Libretto 30/60」

Until then, IBM's "Palm Top PC 110" existed as an ultra-compact mobile PC that runs Windows, but the CPU, memory, HDD, etc. are powerless, and Windows 3.1 manages to work, but Windows 95 works. Was tough. The Libretto 20 was an epoch-making ultra-compact mobile device that can use Windows 95 in earnest.

Until then, "mobile notebook PCs" had a B5 file size as a matter of course, and the genre called "sub-notebook" dominated. Toshiba called the Libretto 20 a "mini-notebook" and pioneered a new PC genre.

This time, the Libretto 20 was not available, but we were able to obtain two models, the "Libretto 30", which is the legitimate successor, and the "Libretto 60", which has a redesigned platform such as the CPU while maintaining the chassis.