U.S. military vehicle Hanvy, docked for the largest maintenance in the past

Something leaked again

 Hanvy found that oil leakage from the rear decomposition and transfers was found at the time of the vehicle inspection last year ("The 255th U.S. military vehicle Hanvy, an oil leak is discovered again after weight development once a year", "The 256th US military vehicle Hanvy, 4WD car, 4WD car.Oil leak is discovered! "Of course, at that time I had it repaired, but about three months later, I found that there was some disturbing stains on the ground.

 Hanvy has a chronic disease in the fuel tank, and if you make it full as much as you can, it will leak from above.So, if I stop it while refueling, I try to stop there, but because of the shaking, it may leak out after driving.

 At the time of the inspection, the outside of the tank was wet, and if there was something that leaked, I was told to take measures.So, if I checked it sometimes, I thought it would be right ...

 The fuel tank is located under the rear seat, but the spots are before the front seat.It was around the joint between the engine and the mission or the oil pan.It is not a differential nor a transfer, but a place that has never been leaked.

 When you touch the spots, it is an unknown feel like oil like water.It doesn't seem to be ATF of AT's operating oil, and when you follow the wet place, it seems to come from above the oil pan.Apparently the engine itself.If so, it was quite deep, so I rushed to the familiar Sky Auto with haste.

 And as a result of the check, it turned out that it was leaking from various places around the engine.It was docked for repair.Her.

Rose the front part

 The leak was engine oil, coolant (cooling water) and fuel.After all, the point is the engine itself, and everything that leaks around the engine is leaking.Fortunately, it doesn't seem so bad, but I can't help but repair it.In addition, there is a possibility that it may be leaking from the hidden place, so I decided to have it look thoroughly.

 And Hanvy looks like this.

Hanvy suddenly weakens when the hood is gone.A huge radiator is installed diagonally just below the bonnet hood louver

A small radiator riding in front of the radiator is a power steering oil cooler.Remove with the radiator

 First, remove the bonnet food and expose the engine room.The engine is behind the front wheels and is not clearly visible in this state.You can clearly see that the radiator in front is in the way to work.

The fuel pump was no good

 When you look through the gap behind the radiator, the front part of the engine is dark and wet, and you can see the trace of liquid flowing in the hose at the bottom.Apparently, the oil leaked from somewhere was transmitted below.


The thick hose under the middle is a hose connected to the lower side of the radiator.The wet lines are running sideways because they were skipped by the wind of the cooling fan.

 This hose is a radiator lore hose.A hose for sending coolant cooled by a radiator to the engine.The leak point is not here, but higher.

 However, since it is not clear from the side, remove the object in front of the engine, such as a radiator, a power steering oil cooler, and a shroud that sends the wind to fans.

I removed the radiator.You can see that the engine is in the back and is biting into the cabin.

The radiator hose is just behind the fans and on the lower left.On the left is a trace where the liquid dripped

 In this state, you can see the lower one.There was a mechanical fuel pump diagonally behind the radiator lore hose, and liquids were attached to the pipe and frame below.Apart from the leak in the hose, it seems that fuel leaks are causing fuel pumps.Unfortunately, this is a replacement.

 Even so, you can clearly see that most of the Hanvy engine rooms are occupied by radiators.The back of the engine is inside the front window.

 Looking from the inside of the car, there is a cover that is swelling between the driver's seat and the passenger seat, and there is the rear of the engine right behind it.It is natural that the room gets very hot in summer.

Proposal replacement of water pump

 I still remove it.Next is a cooling fan.

State with the fan and the fan belt removed.The inside of the radiator hose is quite wet.The right side of the pulley with a fan is also

A coupling to fix the removed fan and fans.This is dirty but not abnormal

 I could see the inside of the rewer hose hidden by the fan, and it was wet more than I thought.Also, the right of the pulley is also wet black, so it seems to be leaking from here.

 Then remove this pulley.

When you remove the pulley, a water pump will come out.Both the right and the left are wet

 The axis with a pulley is a water pump that circulates cooling water.The water pump was not abnormal, but it was easy to break down, and if it broke, I had to break it up again, so I decided to replace it with a new one.

You can see the engine unit.There is also 6200cc, so it's really big.The flat disk in front of the engine is a brake disc.It is attached to such a place

 When the cooling fan is gone, the whole engine is clearly understood.The pulley on the right is an alternator, and in the case of Hummer H1, which has commercially sold Hambee, the alternator is relocated to the other side, which seems to have an air conditioner compressor.Hanvy has no air conditioner, so there is no compressor.

 That's it.When the fans are gone, the feeling that nothing is suddenly gone will become stronger.This is the first time that I have been rose so far, and it seems like it looks like a full -fledged wound.

 But I can't say that.Next time, I will do more and more.