Visit the police site introduced by Tough Book on the East Coast of the United States

Highly evaluated for manufacturing that reflects the voice of the site

 It takes about 2 hours to fly a highway from Manhattan, New York.There is Stafford Township in a peaceful landscape.Nearby is a Manaho Kin Wildlife Reserve, featuring a natural landscape.The Stafford Township Police Station, which I visited for this time, is also in the same Mana Hawkin.


 When I visited the Stafford Township Police Station, the chief Joseph Giberson greeted me with a full smile.


 According to Giberson, who has been the chief of police for 27 years, said, "There are 36,000 reports in one year. Stafford Township Police Station is an advanced IT armament in New Jersey.It is a police station, and it uses Panasonic products for tough books and police cars on board cars. It supports police and criminal activities. Panasonic has a strong relationship of trust. "

 As supplemented with the words, Panasonic Systems Communications North American Security Solutions Business Unit Greg Perat Vice President said, "Panasonic's business method has built a close relationship with customers and listened to its voices.It is reflected in. Regarding the video cameras mounted on police cars, I visited more than 200 police stations in the United States nine years ago, listened directly from police officers, fed back to the Japanese development department, and designed.We have been developing. "

 In addition, Panasonic Communications, John Cusic Product Manager, who was a police officer, said, "The bodywan camera, which is worn by police, has launched the first product three years ago.The new product released last year (2015) reflects the demands of police officers for lighter and miniaturization. Improved the use of clip -type modules that are easy to remove cameras based on the opinions of police.Is added.

パナソニック システムコミュニュケーションズノースアメリカ セキュリティソリューションズビジネスユニット長のグレッグ・ペラット バイスプレジデントパナソニック コミュニケーションズのジョン・キューシック プロダクトマネージャー

 In fact, in the evolution of the bodyworn camera, the voice of a police officer at the Stafford Township Police Station that we visited this time is also reflected.In fact, on the day of the interview, he used the morning time before the interview to collect opinions from police officers.

ボディウォーンカメラ「Arbitrator Body Worn Camera System SA366」ボディカメラを固定するためのクリップ型モジュール簡単な操作でネクタイ部分に装着することができるスタッフォード・タウンシップ署のトーマス・デレイン警部

 "Panasonic has a lot of voices, and in that you can use it for the final product, you have more trust than other companies.Having a sense of security is leading to a sense of security, "said Inspector Thomas Delaine at the Stafford Township Station, which leads the site.

 Giberson said, "When introducing cameras and PCs, we examined various products, but the product quality of Panasonic was overwhelmingly high, and the system has a system that can provide prompt support in terms of service.Listening to customer feedback is the reason for choosing Panasonic. "
