The web meeting is too heavy!What are the points to choose a mobile PC from the hybrid work era?

 A telework that has been rapidly penetrated due to corona.Instead of being swayed by a crowded train, the meeting with internal conferences and customers was online, and it was established as a daily business scene.In addition, as the use of cloud and mobile devices has expanded, a new way of working, a hybrid work that actively chooses a place to work, rather than an emergency response, is being born.It is a work style that thinks about where to do that job is the most productive, and selects a place to work actively according to the business content at that time.

 Following these new trends, there are growing voices seeking more productive specifications and functions instead of a PC that should be able to work at home for the time being.What points should the decisive judge of the company PC should hold down?Here, let's consider a PC condition suitable for hybridwork, taking a laptop on the mouse computer as an example.

コスト重視は間違い オンライン会議の常態化でスペックが重要に

 Companies that have used mobile PCs only in the sales department may have introduced a large amount of cost -oriented notebook PCs due to the transition to company -wide home work.However, in situations where the screen is shared at a remote meeting using a web conference tool and opening materials at hand, there are many situations where the processing performance of the CPU and lack of memory capacity are felt.In particular, if you connect an external display in consideration of work efficiency and use it in a dual display environment, I would like to be careful about the memory capacity.Of course, the CPU is more comfortable when using multiple applications at the same time as the lower grade Core i3.

 そこでオススメしたいのがマウスコンピューターの14型モバイルノートPC「mouse X4-i7」(プレミアムモデル)。CPUに第10世代インテル®Core i7-10510Uプロセッサー(4コア/8スレッド、最大4.The point is that it is a model that uses 9GHz) to enhance the memory to 16GB and the storage to 512GB, respectively.While emphasizing power saving, it has the performance that can handle telework comfortably by enhancing the upper CPU and memory.Nevertheless, the price is 126,280 yen including tax, and the cost performance is high.

mouse X4-i7(プレミアムモデル)


 There are other reasons to recommend Mouse X4-I7.Although the influence of the new Corona is still invisible, the work style of people has changed to something that is not tied to the conventional office, so it is easy to carry as much as possible to PCs, which are work tools, and secure power supply.Mobility that works for a long time is required in places that cannot be done.

Web会議が重すぎる! ハイブリッドワーク時代のモバイルPCを選ぶポイントは?

 In this regard, the most slim and lightweight Mouse X4-I7 in the "Mouse" brand is excellent.The thickness of the body is about 17.It is very thin as 5mm and weighs about 1.It is not a burden even if you always carry 13kg.Because the body is thin, it may be anxious if the opportunity to use outside increases, but the exterior uses high rigidity magnesium alloys and is sturdy.

 また、「省電力を重視した構成」と前述した通り、mouse X4-i7に搭載されるインテル®Corei7-10510UプロセッサーはTDP 15Wの省電力版で、約12時間(JEITA測定法2.It contributes to the battery operation time of 0).In this case, working outside the whole day will not be a problem.



 MOUSE X4-I7 cannot be missed not only in the high productivity supported by individual parts such as CPU processing performance and memory capacity, but also in terms of work efficiency when operating by humans.12 mobile notebook PCs that emphasize portability.Type 5 and 13.Although there are models of 3-type screen size, Mouse X4-I7 adopts a 14-inch display that is one size larger than such products.

 Since the resolution is a full HD, the display area is not wider than the high -resolution external display (it is easier to arrange multiple windows), but it is simply compared to a small mobile notebook PC on the screen.Is big and easy to see.I have heard that people who have been using desktop PCs + external displays in the office have started working at home on mobile notebook PCs, making their eyes tired, but also reduces burden on these bodies.。By the way, the panel surface is treated as non -glare (non -glossy), and the reflection of external light is also suppressed.


 Telework, which has penetrated society as a countermeasure against the new colona, has changed the working place itself from a conventional office to a digital workspace that premiers the use of cloud and SaaS, and has an environment where you can do business with high productivity anywhere.。These "work styles that do not choose a place" will not return in the future.Mouse X4-I7 is just one of the best in preparing for the future hybrid work.

さらに上のグレードを望むなら「MousePro-NB420Z 」「DAIV 4P」

 The MOUSE X4-I7 introduced this time is affordable at 126,280 yen including tax, and is conscious of cost balance to some extent.We also recommend the 14-inch business mobile PC "MOUSEPRO-NB420Z" (premium model) and the 14-inch notebook PC "DAIV 4P" of the PC brand "DAIV" for creators.

 MousePro-NB420Zは、以前レビュー(薄型軽量で約25時間のバッテリー駆動!? ニューノーマル時代のモバイルPC「NB4」の衝撃)の後継機で、第11世代のインテル®Corei7-1165G7プロセッサー(4コア/8スレッド)を採用しつつ、16GBメモリと高速なNVMe対応256GB SSDを搭載。重量は約1.Almost the same as 14kg and Mouse X4-I7, the battery drive time is about 20 hours.The price is 159,280 yen including tax, but it should be a little expensive, but it will be active in all directions.


 もう一方の「DAIV 4P」は、14型WUXGAディスプレイを搭載するクリエイター向けモデルで、sRGB比100%の広色域パネルを採用しているのがポイント。CPUはMousePro-NB420Zと同じくインテル®Corei7-1165G7プロセッサー(4コア/8スレッド)だが、解像度が縦に120ピクセルほど広く16:10のアスペクト比はクリエイティブ系アプリケーションとの相性がよい。

 In DAIV brand products with many high -spec models, this unit does not have a discrete GPU, and uses the IRIS XE graphics with a built -in CPU, but the weight is less than 1 kg, about 985 g, battery, battery.The drive time is also about 12 hours.For employees who are responsible for creative production in -house, they can choose these models according to their business content.The price starts at 153,780 yen including tax.


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