What is the next step that a development -type company that works on environmental equipment will take steps [PR]

 The Osaka N E Dee Machinery, which develops, designed, manufactures, and sells environmental equipment, develops equipment that reflects user needs, breaks the collection bags brought into the intermediate treatment facility and separate the contents and bags.It has produced products that have an overwhelming share, such as a broken bag machine, a broken bag that breaks the content, and in recent years, such as a extraction machine that collects the bags that had been removed by hand.

 The company, which has grown as a development type and proposal company, has decided to go to the next stage with a view to the establishment of a factory in the future.President Soichiro Yamazaki, director of the Technology Director of Technology, who is raising growth with both sales and technology, says, "I want to keep off good things by making use of the strengths of knowing the site."

Developed environmental equipment with the strengths that know the site

――What is the walk since its establishment?

Japan Electro Sensal Device (NED), which is the main business of developing power sensor, has been handed over the solar machine of the Taiyo (now TAIYO) group to fuse with the machine, and in 1994.Established as a machine.He has developed various devices by fusing NED sensor technology and mechanical design technology of solar machinery by challenging the environment.

――Why did you concentrate on environmental equipment?

At the beginning of the establishment, there was one product that sold to the Constant every month.It was a machine that compress and reduce empty cans under the product name "Campo Press".As he began to teach environmental plant manufacturers with the product, he was able to order environmental equipment.

――There was a broken bag machine that became a hit product.

At the time of the power dioxin problem, a collective bag that could collect bags that could generate dioxin from a collection bag brought to the incineration facility was developed in collaboration with the co -company Arimoto Iron Works.At the peak, 20-30 units were sold a year.The competition also issued similar machines, but gained an overwhelming share without permission from the high accuracy.Later, we were reborn as a manufacturer, and the business method changed.


―― What is the development policy?

Yamazaki: We have been there.The hints have fallen only on the scene.What the customer wants next, and if there are 10 companies, there are 10 problems.Collect it into one and make it one machine.The factors that have entered the environmental field with many companies with a history are small turns.According to the designer at the time who developed a broken bag, he said that he was inspired by humans and cats.Although it is not high -tech in the development of a broken bag, it is a low -tech, but simply letting the machine move hand movements such as tearing human beings, the simple structure has reduced the number of parts, and the cost is lower.It is a strength that major manufacturers cannot do.

――What kind of company do you aim for in the future?

In order to step up your strength, it is necessary to develop a standard product that can not only produce a single item but also to mass -produce to some extent.We will develop new pillars such as inspection equipment.We will also develop an environment where we can make more diverse manufacturing.

Yamazaki: Since our products are in low -tech and the niche market, the design must go to the site and know the site and go out for the follow -up of other companies.While solidifying the land of environmental equipment, I think that it will be possible to create interesting products in other fields by fusion of sensors and mechanical technology.For that reason, I want to increase my technical skills rather than increase the size of the company.

Osaka Headquarters: 2-5-12, Nishi-ku, Osaka 550-0012

TEL: 06-6534-6800 / FAX: 06-6534-6868

Tokyo Sales Office: 1-45-2 Oi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-0014 Gibraltar Oi Building 402

TEL: 03-5718-0332 / FAX: 03-5718-0331

Technical Department: 3-6-30 Nishinagasucho, Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture 660-0805

TEL: 06-6489-4401 / FAX: 06-6489-4408

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