What members of society think "I do not use a PC at home"

On February 7, NEC Personal Computer announced a new PC model. It was emphasized that Japan has a lower penetration rate of PCs than young people in other developed countries.

Japanese young people have a low ownership rate of their own PCs compared to other countries

 Furthermore, according to NEC's survey, nearly half of fourth-year university students carry a (notebook) PC at all. It is clear that about 70% feel that “I think PC skills are necessary, but I do not have confidence”.

70% of fourth-year university students answered that they were "not confident in their PC skills"

 "Away from PCs" is sometimes cited as one of the reasons why young people are moving away from However, not only young people but also many people say "I don't use a PC at home" these days. We asked "people who have a PC at home but never use it" why.

I don't use a PC at home

"Smartphone or tablet is enough" "Starting up is troublesome"

 The most common reason for not using a PC at home was the opinion that "smartphone or tablet is sufficient". In the old days, it was difficult to gather information and watch videos without a PC, but now smartphones can play that role, and tablets can be used on a larger screen.

There are also opinions that "smartphones are enough"

 In addition, compared to smartphones and tablets, "PCs take a long time to start up, so it's troublesome" and "I have to sit where the PC is". , It seems that it is a neck that you have to sit down and face each other.

 Why did they buy a PC in the first place? Many of the people who have their own PCs bought them when they were students for reasons such as "to write reports", "want to watch videos", and "want to collect information". However, even though they bought it, there were people who said, "I could write reports and papers on the school PC, so it was just a tool for watching anime."

 Even now that he has become a member of society, he doesn't seem to feel the need for a PC for the reasons that "I don't need a PC at home because I can do my work at the company" and "I can use a Windows tablet for small tasks".

 I myself have been using only my smartphone and tablet for a while since my PC broke down a year ago, but I have never felt particularly inconvenient.

Neither "I can't use a PC", "I don't have confidence in my PC skills" or "I don't have the money to buy a PC", but "I have a PC but I don't need to use it so I don't use it". , the reality seems to be different from the problems faced by young people.

People who "can't live without a PC"

On the other hand, there are also people who say, "I can't live without a PC." Such people collect information, listen to videos/music, and play games all on their PCs. Just like turning on the TV as soon as you get home, "PC immediately after returning home" has become a habit.

 There were some stalwarts who said, "I own more than 10 PCs, mainly notebook PCs", but these heavy users are skillfully using different things, such as "smartphones when traveling, tablets and 2in1s at cafes". .

 For heavy users, PCs seem to be indispensable as a means of entertainment, even though they are used for work.

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