What should be done when moving and immediately after moving.If you neglect to confirm, you need to use the app

Following the previous "Three things to do before the iPhone model," this time, here are some things to do to "move" and "immediately after" to the new iPhone.

If you simply restore the data with a new iPhone, it would be nice if you had an old iPhone "backup", but it would not be enough.For example, to take over LINE talk history, cards such as Suica and PASMO registered in "Wallet" require deletion and reissue, and one -time passwords used in internet banking must be canceled and re -registered.


Wait a minute to format your old iPhone in a hurry.You may have forgotten something.The same is true for the author who can't let go of the old iPhone after the migration of the data.It's not too late after checking what you need to do and you can operate a new iPhone with a new iPhone.

Three things to do before the iPhone model

What is the correct answer for "moving"?

By the way, do you know that there are several ways to "moving" from the old → new iPhone? In addition to restoring from iCloud backups, "Quick Start" that allows you to transfer the old iPhone to a new iPhone.There are restoration from the backup saved.In recent years, "Quick Start", which can be easily cloned, is the mainstream.iOS 12.It is a function that can be used after 4 or later.


If the new iPhone is turned on and "Hello" is displayed (immediately after the format), it should be guided to "Quick Start".If you shoot a fluffy mark displayed on the new iPhone with an old iPhone, the data will be transferred.


Note that the old and new iPhone is on the same network and Bluetooth is turned on.Depending on the data capacity to be transferred, the iPhone cannot be used for a while.It is recommended as a simple moving method, but it is possible that the power is not turned on due to a failure or the camera does not work, so in such a case there is no option other than restoration from the backup.Backup is important.

Start all installed apps

There are two and two areas of the app.Use almost every day, two or three times a week, only occasionally used.In my case, after moving to the new iPhone, I will start all apps for the time being.Delete apps that have been put in the trial and apps that do not start every six months.It also saves storage capacity.

If any app is hard to throw away, you can judge from the data capacity and the date of use.Listed on the [General] - [iPhone storage] screen from the setting app.Still, if there is resistance to the deletion, tap the app name and select [Remove the app].The app will be deleted, but you can leave the data used in that app.

If you simply want to make the home screen clean, press and hold the place where there is nothing on the home screen, tap [-] displayed on the app icon, and select [Remove from the home screen].The app icon is deleted, but the app is not deleted.You can also organize the applications to check with widgets.


If you are running the app one after another, you will need to log in and you have forgotten your password.After moving, we recommend launching all the apps for the time being.

Some apps require a unique backup and takeover code

Some apps require their own data migration work.The representative is LINE.If you want to leave a talk history, backup in the old iPhone LINE app is essential.I think that the balance of LINE Pay is linked to the account, so it is unlikely that it will disappear, but be sure to check your password.LINE moving is introduced in detail in the previous article.


Apps such as games require a takeover code, and may be required to be authenticated on a signed terminal.After all, it is recommended to dispose of the old iPhone after the application can be used correctly with the new iPhone.


Suica and PASMO require deletion and re -registration

SUICA and PASMO registered in Wallet require "delete" on the old iPhone and "re -registration" on the new iPhone.Suica and PASMO are not allowed on multiple devices, so they need to be deleted once.Please be assured that "deletion" means erasing the registered information of Suica and PASMO from the old iPhone.It is linked to the Apple ID and can be restored with a new iPhone without any problems.Detailed procedures are introduced in this article.

古いiPhoneからSuicaやPASMOの登録情報を削除する新しいiPhoneでWalletに再登録する。ただし、新しいiPhoneには、古いiPhoneと同じApple IDでログインしておくこと

Credit cards used for Apple Pay etc. can be registered on both old and new iPhones, but there is no merit to leave credit card information that can not be used on unused terminals.After registering on the new iPhone, delete your credit card information from the old iPhone.

Be careful with internet banking apps

If you are using an online banking app, don't forget to set the "one -time password" to be used when remittance.For registration of one -time password, it takes time to enter a confirmation number on the phone that comes in automatically.In order not to panic when using it, it is recommended to set immediately after moving.Please note that some financial institutions require one -time password release on the old iPhone.


Check around the settings

It is a good idea to check other settings.For example, the "iPhone name" is inherited from the old iPhone.Check so that you do not get confused when tethering.It can be displayed by tapping in the order of [General] - [Information] in the configuration application.Also, change the password ("Wi-Fi" password) that can be displayed in [Mobile Communication]-[Internet Sharing].

It is also good to review the words registered in the user dictionary, the setting of the alarm, and the data of the apps to synchronize with iCloud.I hope it will be helpful for moving to a new iPhone.