Windows 11 has a lot of display settings!Multi -display is even easier to use

Check "Remember the position of the window based on the monitor connection"

 In Windows 11, the functions of using multi -display have been enhanced.Rather, it may be better to say that Windows 10 did not work properly.

 There was a phenomenon that when multiple displays were connected, they entered the window with the window placed on each display, and when they returned, the position of the window turned on their own.

 There were various causes and countermeasures, but it was difficult to solve it from the root.The author has been using six displays on the main PC for more than 10 years, so it was a problem.

 しかし、Windows 11ではなんと「設定」から「システム」→「ディスプレイ」を開き、Check "Remember the position of the window based on the monitor connection"と、ディスプレイが再接続された時に、ウィンドウを適切な状態で再表示してくれるのだ。

A state where a window is placed on a multi -display

 When I tried it in my environment, the window that had canceled the connection moved to another window.In particular, it does not move to the main display.And one of the windows at the destination was pushed out to other displays as in some way.

Remove the display.The window moves to another display

Windows 11はディスプレイ設定が充実! マルチディスプレイもさらに使いやすくなった

 Still, when the display was reconnected, it was automatically displayed on the original display.Since the display position and window size do not change, work can be resumed immediately.Also, I am grateful that the unknown window movement that had occurred at the time of Windows 10 did not occur and became comfortable.

When the display is reconnected, the window position returns

 When the display is broken, the window moves to another display.However, if you want to display it only on the display, you can check "minimize the window when the monitor is not connected".

 That said, the window that moved to another display would return to the original when the original display was reconnected, so it would not take time.

Check "Minimize the window when the monitor is not connected"

 Even in games that do not support HDR (High Dynamic Range), the "Auto HDR" function that automatically adjusts brightness is also newly installed.I couldn't turn it on in my environment, but if the hardware is supported, I can experience more real video images.

Also supports HDR

 By the way, Windows 11 also has an API called "DirectStorage".It is a function that allows you to load the game at high speed by combining with high -speed storage.

On the left is the conventional screen, and the right is the screen where Auto HDR is enabled.