Windows 11 appeared!Lenovo Japan (page 1/3) that responds to various lineups and information dissemination to diversification of working styles

 With the release of an emergency declaration, trends in working style are shifting from home work to hybridwork.It is a style where you can work on tasks, such as at home, office, cafe, satellite office, and business partners.As a result, the need for high security to prevent information leakage is emerged while maintaining high productivity in any place.

 The new OS "Windows 11" released by Microsoft is exactly the need for that need.

 What are the elements required for a PC in a business scene centered on hybrid work?We talked to Ryota Motoshima, a work style evangelist of Lenovo Japan (Lenovo).

レノボ・ジャパン合同会社の元嶋亮太氏(コマーシャル事業部 企画本部 製品企画部 モダンプラットフォームグループ マネージャー兼ワークスタイルエバンジェリスト)

Changes that have not been around for nearly 20 years have occurred

――After 2020, the elements required of PCs have changed dramatically, and are changing every day.Do you feel that the elements required of PCs have changed in response to such a flow?

Motoshima: I feel a big change.The tendency to actively choose a PC has become clearer according to your own way of working.As a major flow, the demand for styles that are carried from stationary molds from stationary molds to notebook PCs, and are diversifying.

――What is the ratio of notebook PCs on the market on the shipping basis?

Motojima is now calm with over 70 %.In the past, about half of desktop PCs, 6 to 70 % of laptops are 15..It was a stationary type of the 6 -inch screen.This tendency has changed in the past year or two that has not changed significantly for the past 20 years.The reason why it did not change so far is that the way of working has not changed.Although there was a work style reform for several years, I think that the expansion of the new Coronavirus infection (COVID-19) has become a major trigger because the work style has been forcibly changed in the middle.

――Has the elements required for your PC changed?Please let me know, especially if there were many requests.

Motojima's request for specifications has definitely changed.The number of resources to be processed locally, and high -specs have been required to communicate smoothly at video conferences.

 In particular, for memory, I feel a drastic shift from 8GB to 16GB.In addition, as video conferences have been held on a daily basis, focusing has been given to functions that have not been attracted much.

Windows 11登場! 働き方の多様化に多彩なラインアップと情報発信で応えるレノボ・ジャパン(1/3 ページ)

――What specifically?

Mr. Motoshima, the quality of the web camera, microphone, and speakers.Looking back a few years ago, I felt that the situation has changed dramatically because some of the laptops do not need a web camera.These changes have also influenced product development, and we continuously strengthen our collaboration functions and reflect them in the product.

 For example, the tuning of the web camera firmware can reduce noise in dark places to distribute bright and look good images, and to select a 1080p (full HD) web camera resolution depending on the model.


A lineup and peripherals corresponding to the era of "the correct answer is not one"

―― The shrinking and free addresses of the office are progressing.In such an environment, please tell us the recommended points of your PC.

Motoshima Telework, as well as a free address, ABW (ABW (Activity Bass Working, selecting the optimal work style by task)), the important premise is that the most important premise is "optimal solution is the best solution.It's not one. "The optimal PC varies depending on the company, the department, or the position, or the business content.In other words, if the way of working is different, the optimal PC is also different.From now on, in addition to the two locations, the company and home, it is expected that the working place will be diversified.

-- indeed.

Mr. Motojima: We believe that we can provide value with two approaches.One is the width of the lineup.On the premise that it is difficult to meet all the needs with one unit, we are preparing a lineup mainly for three segments.

 Specifically, there are three people who work mainly in the fixed seats in the office, those who work in the home office, the main movement in the office, and those who change the way of working more flexibly depending on the day.From the planning stage, we are working on development with awareness of these segments and how to use them.

-- I see.What is another value?

Motoshima: The other is peripheral devices.We offer a wide variety of peripheral devices that can be operated systematically with PCs, such as web cameras, keyboards, displays, mobile displays, docking stations, and lightweight AC adapters.

 I myself use an external display to expand the work area and an external web camera to send a video that looks good at video conferences, but by combining it with a PC, it is more efficient.You can prepare a work environment.

 When it comes to operating peripheral devices, issues such as product response status and compatibility will emerge, but if it is our PC, we have prepared compatibility verification, so that point is introduced without worry.You can do it.I think it is one of our strengths to be able to provide a rich lineup of peripheral devices with PCs.

――The peripherals are really diverse and fulfilling.

Motoshima: Yes, ThinkPad users who have been focused on for a long time have been actively utilizing such peripheral devices, but hybridwork has become common.Now, I feel that it has become more useful for a wider customer.

 I think that the part that has been left to the individual to prepare such an environment so far is large, but with the establishment of work from home, the mindset that companies will also have a home environment are gradually penetrating.I have a real feeling.

レノボは、PCと合わせてシステマティックに運用が行えるさまざまな周辺機器を豊富に取りそろえる。PCと周辺機器を合わせて導入できるのは手間が省ける上にサポート面でも安心感が高いWindows 11にいち早く対応1|2|3次のページへ