World-leading biometrics, quantum computers, and NEC's "technological genealogy" for the future

NEC Innovation Day held for the first time in 4 years

And it cannot be overlooked that this NEC Innovation Day reiterated that NEC's R & D has shifted to a system that is closely linked to business creation.

In the newly announced technical vision, "Digital Twin that co-creates and tries the future" that provides the foundation that supports the fusion of the real world and cyber, and "Collaboration with people" that provides AI that people can trust and AI that people can understand. We have set out three points: "AI that works and permeates society" and "a platform that enables environmental performance, high reliability, and high efficiency" that is the basis for integrating applications, IT, and networks.

From physical space to digital space, the key is NEC's biometric authentication

In the first "digital twin that co-creates and tries the future," NEC's specialty is biometric authentication, which is an important initiative.

Motoo Nishihara, Executive Officer, Managing Executive Officer and CTO of NEC, said, "NEC's research achievements are among the highest in the world, and many of them are globally only and number one. In terms of the number of papers accepted by the Machine Learning Society, Japan It is the only company in the top 10 and ranked 7th in the world, second only to IBM when limited to BtoB companies. It is comparable to GAFA. " No. 1 in the world including AI and video analysis. In particular, biometrics (biometric authentication) technologies such as face authentication, iris authentication, and fingerprint authentication are overwhelming. The brand recall rate of biometric authentication is also 1. It is a place. "

NEC's biometric authentication technology covers a wide range of products, including not only face recognition, but also iris, fingerprint / palm print, finger veins, ear acoustics, and voice, under the "Bio-Idiom" brand. In the annual benchmark conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), NEC's fingerprint recognition, facial recognition, and iris recognition are recognized as the number one technology in the world.

CTO Nishihara said, "In face recognition technology, we have won the number one six times including 2021. This is like winning the F1 race of a car six times." Even when wearing a mask that has increased due to Korona-ka, the accuracy is 99.9% or more, and the processing speed at the time of authentication is also high, such as searching for billions of people per second so that people who are moving can also be authenticated. Up to 20 times faster. We are also developing technology to meet changing market needs.

In addition, voice authentication utilizes the accuracy of identifying a person in 5 seconds of utterance without using a specific phrase, and fingerprint authentication utilizes the accuracy of recognizing a fingerprint width of only 20 μm. In Kenya, 2 hours after birth. It is possible to verify the identity of newborn babies and infants and use them for identification.

At this NEC Innovation Day, we announced that we have developed a multimodal biometric authentication that can distinguish 10 billion people by combining face recognition and iris. "We can identify the number of people with a total population of more than 7 billion on the earth. We can also contribute to areas where high trust is required, such as finance and medical care."

In addition, it announced that it has newly developed "confidential biometric authentication technology" that enables authentication while face information is encrypted. "It is possible to perform verification while encrypted, reducing the risk of misuse when face information is leaked. Since the user has a private key for decryption, the face information cannot be decrypted on the service provider side. Users will be able to use the face authentication service with peace of mind. It can be provided as a mechanism to prevent leakage of personal information and face information. "

Multimodal biometrics is used in the admission management system for hotel employees at Hotel Mariners' Court Tokyo. At the Tokyo Olympics / Paralympics, an identity verification system based on facial recognition will be in operation at all competition venues and the Olympic Village. In addition, it is said that it has started to develop a system to detect cancer by using the image analysis technology cultivated in face recognition and to provide physical care services utilizing face recognition and AI technology.

He also introduced that he is making new proposals that utilize sensing technology.

In optical fiber sensing, which combines a communication optical fiber and a sensor, even existing optical fibers can be sensed with high sensitivity in m units, such as vibration and temperature, for a maximum of 380 km by special signal processing. It is possible to visualize the distribution of earthquakes over a wide area and traffic flows such as the movement of automobiles. So far, we have conducted joint demonstration experiments with Verizon and the Central Nippon Expressway. By utilizing this technology, it is also possible to detect the state of intruders and moving objects from the outside in real time through an outdoor optical fiber.

We also showed an example of detecting surface changes using multiple satellite image analysis techniques. In the past, it was only possible to detect a specific point every two weeks according to the cycle of the satellite, but by freely integrating various observation images such as SAR satellites and optical satellites, even in bad weather conditions such as nighttime and storms. Since it is possible to detect changes in the ground surface at any point in units of one hour at the shortest, it is possible to check disaster conditions and congestion conditions.

In addition, the motion pattern recognition technology that immediately detects fine foreign matter in the liquid with high accuracy identifies foreign matter and bubbles of about 50 μm, which is 1/20 of 1 mm, by moving image recognition. It is said that it is possible to reduce visual inspections in the inspection process for chemicals in glass bottles and to achieve uniform inspection quality.

In addition, NASA's manned spacecraft "Orion" finds 22 billion types of relationships from approximately 150,000 sensors and realizes anomaly detection in the design, development, manufacturing, and testing stages of the spacecraft. It is said that it utilizes the company's invariant analysis and time-series data model-free analysis. This technology is also used in a mechanism to automatically detect signs of abnormality in large-scale plants operated by Nippon Steel, Sumitomo Bakelite, ENEOS, and others.

Current location of AI, communication, and quantum computing

In the second section, "AI that collaborates with people and permeates society," we introduced that AI has achieved automation in analytical tasks such as data meaning understanding and predictive analytics.

Started research on AI monitoring that autonomously maintains the accuracy of AI by converting the judgments of experts, which was difficult in the past, into AI. This shows that it has reached a level close to practical use, and it will be possible to realize automation in areas such as consulting, analysis work, and delivery in AI. "As a future highlight, we would like to differentiate ourselves from other companies in the automation of AI upstream processes. This will enable us to realize a data analysis environment that anyone can use and promote democratization of AI."

In addition, we have started to provide an introduction support service for optimization technology that automates decision-making with AI. "Intention learning" to learn the sense of judgment and intention from the decision-making case you want to reproduce, "Online optimization" to guide the best decision-making adapted to environmental changes, "Quantum computing" to quickly present the optimum solution from a huge number of combinations By doing so, AI will be able to perform personnel allocation, optimization of recommendations, vehicle allocation planning, dynamic pricing, railway schedule correction, and so on.

Regarding the practical application of quantum computing, we provide total support from the provision of cloud services to the education and application support necessary for introduction, and we are developing quantum computing elements for practical use in 2023. He also mentioned that he is aiming to achieve 100 times the quantum interference time. "Quantum computing devices are a breakthrough technology, and if they can be put into practical use, we will proceed with the development of platforms as the next step."

In terms of quantum cryptography communication technology, in 2022, we will commercialize long-distance transmission technology for important mission-critical systems. In addition, it announced plans to commercialize the low-priced CV-QKD existing fiber superimposition technology in 2024.

In fact, in 1999, NEC demonstrated the "individual element qubit," which is the basis of quantum computers, for the first time in the world. "The first people to open up the world of quantum computers were Yasunobu Nakamura and Jaw-Shen Tsai. Both were enrolled in NEC," he said. "NEC is the originator of quantum computing."

On the other hand, when using AI, hundreds of robots are controlled by in-facility cameras, wireless networks, and the cloud, enabling multiple transport robots to work together to optimally carry things and move without colliding with people. In addition to the cases of becoming It has been shown that it is supporting the commercialization of multiple drone operators and service providers.

Regarding AI, we have established a human rights policy from the seven perspectives of fairness, privacy, and transparency. "NEC is promoting business activities with the highest priority on respect for human rights in the social implementation of AI and the utilization of data such as biometric information."

In the third "Platform that enables environmental performance, high reliability, and high efficiency," he showed that he is working on the fusion of AI, communication, and computing.

Here, "non-terrestrial network" utilizing satellites and HAPS, "all photonics network" aiming at low latency and low power by more than double digits compared to the conventional one, optimization of resources of O-RAN equipment, wide area distributed MIMO. Introducing "5G access network" by such as, "Undersea optical transmission" that succeeded in the world's first long-distance transmission by uncoupled 4-core fiber cable. "In particular, 4-core submarine optical fiber cables have only been put into practical use by NEC. They can also be used in applications such as Metaverse, Beyond 5G, and 6G."

Furthermore, from the perspective of security and security, "In the digitalization of governments and local governments such as the Digital Agency and the realization of smart cities, it is important to manage personal data securely. For that purpose, one It requires multiple technologies such as personal authentication, secret calculation, blockchain, secure storage, etc., and NEC is the number one in these technologies. We can propose as a reliable vendor. " ..

"Technology genealogy" accumulated by NEC

NEC's R & D system has changed significantly in the last few years.

The biggest change is that we are building a system that closely connects R & D and business.

The move to accelerate the creation of new businesses while utilizing NEC's technology has already led to results.


The organizational reform of the R & D department, which took place on April 1, 2021, will play a role in further accelerating this movement.

Here, the "Global Innovation Unit" was established by integrating the conventional business innovation unit and the research and development unit. This integrates research and development and new business development.

The Global Innovation Unit consists of six research organizations, four business development organizations, an IP-related organization, and an organization for utilizing the technologies of each business unit such as space and defense. As a head office function, it cooperates with organizations that market for the future and organizations that design.

"In the past, some people did the application of research and development and the development of new businesses, and there was little cooperation, but now we can work on this as one organization. The result of commercialization is 1 I want to increase the number of digits. "

NEC established a research institute in 1939. After that, the form of the research institute was changed according to the growth of the company and changes in the social environment. Since 1980, it has opened overseas bases and has research institutes in Europe, North America, China, Singapore, Israel, and India in addition to the four domestic research institutes.

Then, CTO Nishihara touches on the "technological genealogy" that NEC has accumulated over 30 years.

"What was developed by one engineer develops like a bead, entwines with another technology, and further evolves. By doing so, it is possible to carefully grow a sensible technique like a bonsai tree. On the other hand, technologies that have never been accumulated may be newly born by engineers who can be said to be geniuses. In that case, we have formed a team to support and raise the seeds. ", Showing the basic stance of NEC's research and development system.

Currently, NEC has nine fields of technology in nine fields: computing, wireless communication, optical communication, cryptography, collaborative robotics, analysis / prediction / optimization, voice / natural language processing, signal processing / coding, and real-world recognition. It has strengths, and as each technology evolves, these technologies will work together and evolve.

For example, for face recognition technology, Yann LeCun, who is said to be one of the world's three biggest AI giants, was once enrolled at NEC Laboratories America. At that time, we strengthened the AI ​​research and development system at the North American Research Institute and strengthened cooperation with domestic research institutes. As a result, we have cultivated excellent human resources related to AI, and the results have led to the achievement of the current world's number one face recognition rate.

In addition, the mechanism that finds seeds that grow into such strong core technologies in the "technical genealogy", develops them in combination, and creates new value is called "technical mandala", and "technical starting point and business needs". From the starting point, we are exploring new possibilities for the future that will be created by combining technology and business. "" Communication is NEC's original business, but we did not initially envision the use of AI for communication technology. It is also one of the development cases that was born in connection with NEC's advanced technology. "

Prior to the establishment of the Global Innovation Unit, NEC has gradually promoted collaboration between research and commercialization.

"Since 2017, the monetization and future market exploration functions of the Central Research Institute have been strengthened, and the business innovation unit that leads the new business development established in 2018 has increased the collaboration between research and commercialization." In the last few years, we show that many concrete examples have been created in new business development based on research and development.

NEC X, a business development company specializing in incubation utilizing the Silicon Valley ecosystem, is promoting commercialization centered on NEC's cutting-edge technology. Outbound open innovation spun out three operating companies. Two projects are in the preparatory stage for commercialization. In 2021, it just announced a partnership with Alchemist Accelerator. "The network of venture investors and entrepreneurs who understand NEC's technology is expanding, and we are now able to strengthen the development of new businesses," he said.

In addition, dotData, which was started by a world-class AI technology researcher who carved out by utilizing the automation technology of the data analysis process, provides paid services to more than 70 companies. According to Forrester Research, a US research firm, it has already been certified as a leader in the field of machine learning automation.

"DotData and NEC's Data Driven DX Division are creating new businesses based on data."

In addition, BIRD INITIATIVE, which started as a co-creation type R & D business company originating in Japan through joint ventures with 6 companies such as operating companies, finance, and academia, increased sales in 2021 by 7 times compared to the previous year. Two projects are scheduled to carve out in 2022. Currently, co-creation type R & D is progressing in areas such as digital twins, drones, and SCM, and it is said that it is aiming for 6 carve-outs by 2025.

In addition, we are working on AI drug discovery through global open innovation. He is working on the development of personalized cancer immunotherapy using state-of-the-art AI, and in November 2021, in collaboration with Transgene, was able to report good preliminary data in Phase 1 clinical trials.

"In AI drug discovery, we are steadily achieving business growth toward a business value of 300 billion yen in 2025," he said. "Both are new businesses created by multiplying NEC's strong technology and marketability. Until now, research and development and new business development were not always integrated. We were able to enter markets that NEC could not step into and bring about new innovations. "

In addition, through a strategic partnership with Kagome, a food processing industry, we provide CropScope, an agricultural support solution that supports producers with AI technology and an ecosystem. In addition, in collaboration with advanced ventures and efforts for Smart Wellness to verify consumer needs through crowdfunding, sensors mounted on shoe insoles can be used to measure walking quality and invariant analysis. By utilizing NEC's technologies such as model-free analysis and model-free analysis, it is also developing solutions that detect signs of abnormality from the huge amount of sensor data in large-scale systems at an early stage. In collaboration with major companies and universities, NTT and NTT have developed technology to deal with supply chain security risks in information and communication infrastructure. Osaka University has announced the establishment of the NEC Beyond 5G Collaborative Research Institute.

Future investment funds also create businesses by fusing R & D and new business development

At this NEC Innovation Day, it was also announced that the NEC Orchestrating Future Fund was newly established.

The NEC Orchestrating Future Fund is a new fund in which NEC plays a central role in investing external funds, and is planned to have a scale of approximately 17 billion yen. Six focus investment fields are set: "5G / 6G," "smart city," "digital government / digital finance," "DX," "healthcare and life science," and "carbon neutral." "We will develop solutions together with start-up companies in business areas closely related to NEC. In addition to early stage investment, we will also invest in late-stage start-up companies to co-create and form an ecosystem. Will be planned. "

On the other hand, CTO Nishihara said, "At NEC, there are four points to implement technology in society: market intelligence, technology development, business development, and social acceptance. To achieve that, only It is important to expand co-creation in R & D centered on one- and number-one technologies, take on the challenge of new business areas that have an impact on society, and create thought leadership to foster social acceptance. "

He continued, "In the future, based on NEC's" NEC 2030 VISION, "we will work to create new businesses in areas such as healthcare, life sciences, and carbon neutrality."

In collaboration with BostonGene, Healthcare and Life Science has started support for drug discovery using AI and personalized treatment for cancer patients. In its carbon-neutral efforts, it has begun efforts to build a green-based social infrastructure and lead to industrial innovation by optimizing the entire supply chain across all areas of industry, government, and cities.

Here, we have taken up FIWARE, which is positioned as a city OS.

At NEC, the European Research Institute was involved in FIWARE's efforts from an early stage. As one of the board members of FIWARE, he has a history of leading technology development, technology management, standardization, market application, and internationalization. In February 2017, it was the only Japanese company to be registered as a Platinum member of the FIWARE Foundation.

Currently, NEC is participating in smart city projects in 13 regions in Japan. In the Super City Project, 17 local governments participate as businesses, of which 12 local governments participate in data linkage infrastructure and service businesses, and 4 local governments participate as overall coordinators. Again, FIWARE is used, and NEC is one of the factors that play an important role in these projects.

"We believe that the efforts of the Thought Initiative will be important here. Following FIWARE in Europe, we also participated in GAIA-X. NEC has taken the lead in formulating FIWARE standards, but it is also deeply in GAIA-X. I want to be involved and take the lead position of NEC. "

"NEC aims to be a company that supports the creation of social value. We want to contribute to solving problems by visualizing information in the real world, analyzing it in a cyggy space, and returning it to the real world. We want to provide new value to people, things, and things by utilizing the cyber space that can be created. "

We are eager to introduce new mechanisms in the field of research and development, and to secure and develop excellent human resources.

For example, the Global Innovation Unit has introduced its own quantitative business development process in order to incorporate the methods used by start-up companies and venture capitalists into a large company called NEC.

"We apply the business value calculation method and the performance evaluation method for new business development to all projects. While brushing up this, we will also utilize it for new businesses created by other business units." And.

The introduction of these new evaluation indicators is also one of the roles of the Global Innovation Unit.

We are also focusing on recruiting and training excellent researchers. From fiscal 2019, NEC will introduce a "selective research professional system" that does not set an upper limit on remuneration for young top researchers in consideration of the market value of researchers. Twenty people are covered by this system, and new graduates who have applied this system have also joined the company in recruitment activities in North America. In India, we have been hiring from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) for nine years, and so far 39 people have been hired as researchers. Currently, the percentage of foreign employees at domestic research institutes has reached 9%. Furthermore, in the business development advanced professional system that started in 2018, following the AI ​​drug discovery area, a new position called Executive Analytics Consultant Lead will be established in the data-driven DX area from 2021 to attract highly-skilled human resources. He also showed the idea of ​​promoting from inside and outside the company.

"At NEC's research institutes, there are people who have an entrepreneurial spirit and people who want to master one area. As a team, we are preparing an environment where each person can make use of their characteristics. At the North American Institute, more and more people are transferring from GAFA to NEC. "

In the "2025 Medium-Term Management Plan" announced in April 2021, NEC announced that it would accelerate commercialization by fusing R & D and new business development, and also invested in R & D in 2021, the first year of the plan. Increased by about 20 billion yen to 130 billion yen. The company intends to promptly launch a common technology platform such as the launch of the 5G market, a digital ID platform such as face recognition, and the NEC Digital Platform for promoting DX, which will lead to a start dash toward the achievement of the medium-term management plan.

The Global Innovation Unit, which started in April 2021, will play a major role in such efforts.

There is no doubt that it will be an important piece for achieving NEC's medium-term management plan.