11AX is a field that extends with CBRS, and beyond it is 5G ~ Ruckus Networks interview

 In the "Wi-Fi Standards that improve convenience", the latest trends related to Wi-Fi have 42 connection standards for mesh networks, encryption, WPS, and other convenience and connection standards for free Wi-Fi spots.I have introduced it.

11axはCBRSとあわせて伸びる分野、その先には5Gも~Ruckus Networksインタビュー

 The story about the Wi-Fi standard ended until last week, but at this time, Ruckus Networks President Ian Whiting had the opportunity to come to Japan.As an extra, we will continue to send an interview as the last time.

 Ruckus Networks is the only company that releases corporate products that support Wi-Fi Certified Vantage Version 2, but this interview has not mentioned here.

 By the way, in the interview, in addition to Whiteing, Naohisa Takayama, a country manager in Rakka Snetworks, was present, and asked about future development and 5G initiatives.