The dream of the administrator is fulfilled!Visualization & monitoring that makes the network visualized in Visio

Codima Toolbox is a unique tool that allows you to visualize your network with Microsoft's drawing tool "Office Visio".We asked Mr. Tsunei Uchiyama, CEO of Japan, which sells products in Japan, about the charm of the product.

Up to automatic drawing and equipment management with Visio

Codima Toolbox is a Codima Technology product and is composed of tools such as Automap/AutoAsset/automonitor.In short, it is called "Electronic Topology Management and Real -time monitoring" (Japan IT Secure CEO Tsunei Uchiyama).

Mr. Tsunei Uchiyama, CEO of Japan IT Secure

Automap is a tool that automatically detects network devices and automatically collects device information, and has the function of automatically drawing on Microsoft's drawing tool Visio.Various topology such as L2, L3, subnet, and VLAN can be created, and the display can be displayed and wheel -type wheel display can be selected.In AutoAsset, you can select parts from the Visio screen for inventory information such as devices and applications and access directly.It is easy to compare past networks with the current network. 管理者の夢がかなう!Visioでネットワーク見える化&監視

Network Pologi diagram drawn by Visio

If you are an administrator, how great this is a useful and useful feature.Normal network management was generally performed in the table of Excel files, where the configuration diagram representing the topology and the inventory information are listed.However, in order to check the information of the device from the topology diagram, it is necessary to match the configuration diagram and the inventory information table.On the other hand, if you use Automap, you can automatically collect inventory information, create a topology diagram, and manage the composition of the device.

Automonitor will further realize network monitoring.In addition to collecting life and death monitoring and statistical information by pinging and SNMP, it also has functions such as a pass analyzer that selects and analyzes a pass between devices when performing a performance deterioration, and eliminates the bottleneck.。It is a dreamy tool for administrators in terms of easily visualizing the devices that are connected to the network and can be visual monitored.

Display the SLA average for each interface

Don't give up until you find it!Detection mechanism

The unique feature of Codima Automap is that it uses a variety of protocols before automatic detection.The value of the tool changes depending on how much these tools can be grasped by automatic detection.In that regard, CODIMA AUTOMAP uses multiple detection and inventory collection protocols such as SNMP, CDP, NDP, and WMI."First, contact the top router via SNMP, grasp the connected lower switch. Next, get the IP table from the lower switch and check the connected PCs and printers. Inventory.The information is collected by WMI and registered in the database (Mr. Uchiyama).Since the unique database that collects vendor equipment information is also used, there is little leakage of collection and detailed inventory can be collected.It is possible to check the specifications of network devices, port tables, and links, as well as CPUs and disk usage on PCs, hot fixes and installed software.

Just hit the pointer and the inventory is displayed

The product is provided in the form of adding add -ons such as AutoAsset and Automonitor, focusing on Automap, and requires a separate Microsoft Visio.The fee is determined by the number of management devices, and is 760,000 yen (assessment kit) for 100 devices."We have prepared a subscription license to think about SIer's business in Japan and use software for one month for other companies."The target is to manage large -scale networks, such as universities and large companies.