For a new life!How to choose a low -priced wireless LAN router without regret

The rental router fee is surprisingly high ... If you buy a wireless LAN router, it can be cheaper!

It is a rental router that can quickly introduce wireless LAN, but most of them are charged because of "rental".It is also free for a wired LAN router, but it is necessary to pay a separate charge to add a wireless LAN function. 新生活に! 低価格な無線LANルーターの後悔しない選び方

SoftBank light rental router (home gateway) and wireless LAN example.Prices change Iloilo depending on the plan or line contract, and it is often difficult to understand.

For example, if the rental fee of the wireless LAN router is 750 yen per month, you will pay 9000 yen per year.If you have this much money, you can buy a middle -class latest wireless LAN router, so choosing a rental easily will make you feel financially lost.Although there is a sense of security that rental will be replaced for free when a failure, the purchased wireless LAN router has a guarantee of about one year, so it will not be a major advantage.

However, if you use services that require special functions such as "Hikari Denwa", rental routers (home gateway) are almost essential and cannot be simply replaced with regular routers.For example, if wireless LAN can be added for 300 yen, it will take two and a half years to pay 9000 yen, so in this case it would be better to add a wireless LAN by rental.

The biggest drawback of the rental router is that the borrowed router model cannot be specified.Even if you can rent a wireless LAN router for a low price or free of charge, you may feel dissatisfied with the wireless LAN support standard.

An example of NURO Hikari.Wireless LAN can be used for free, but the maximum speed is 450Mbps.The recent 11ac router is a little inferior because it supports 867Mbps in the middle class.