In the spring of the moving season, we considered how to use mobile lines such as cheap SIMs in a fixed line.

In March of this year, the three major carriers will launch a new rate plan for 20GB, including AHAMO.On the other hand, during this period, there are many relocations due to transfer, employment, and going to school, and it is easy to have a period when the internet line at home cannot be used.Therefore, we considered a large -capacity and easy -to -use internet line, including cheap SIM.

In order to be unlimited data communication, it is necessary to be in the Rakuten Mobile area, but until April 7, you can contract for one year free and you can also get a mobile router for 1 yen.

Although it opens immediately, there are weak points in using mobile lines

The problem when moving, such as moving, is the net line until the fixed line opens.All Internet access is a smartphone or mobile line, and if you don't need any fixed lines at home, it's a different story, but in the Telework era it would be quite difficult.In the modern age, where IoT equipment such as smart speakers and game consoles is increasing, there are many opportunities to need online lines apart from smartphones.

Therefore, even if you apply for an optical line at the moving destination, it will take time to open the spring of the moving season.Especially if construction is needed, waiting for more than a month is rough.There are many cases where the line has not come before moving in even if you apply immediately after the relocation is decided.

If you can't wait so much, the online line that can be opened relatively quickly has a mobile service that can be used for fixed lines.Specifically, "SoftBank Air" or "UQ WiMAX" can be used from that day if you have the stock of the equipment when joining at the store.

However, in the case of both services (and its MVNO), a long -term contract is basically required, so if you stop using short -term use, it will be quite expensive.

Then, it is likely that you should keep using it forever, not a provisional use, but these lines have the problem of restrictions on the amount of communication.In addition, there are restrictions such as a severe decrease in congestion.For those who have been shifting to telework and have a video meeting all day, or those who have several families and love watching videos, optical lines are overwhelmingly advantageous.

There is a way to use Rakuten Mobile for provisional use

Although the introduction has become longer, if it is a short -term use until the optical line opens, there is a mobile line without a penalty for short -term cancellation.The first thing I would like to consider is Rakuten Mobile, which is free for a year if you apply until April 7. 引っ越しシーズンの春、格安SIMなどのモバイル回線を暫定的に固定回線的に使う方法を考えた

There is a condition in the Rakuten line area, but Rakuten Mobile is still attractive.I'm glad that it's 0 yen even if you leave it without using it

This is a condition that Rakuten Mobile has been in the Rakuten Line area, but at the time of writing (March 17), the corresponding mobile router "Rakuten Wifi Pocket" is the first.The contract is provided for 1 yen, and the running cost for one year is 0 yen.In addition, you will get Rakuten points and increase the point redemption rate at Rakuten Ichiba.

Even after a year free, the price is 0 yen for up to 1GB and the data is 2980 yen or more (all, all excluding tax).It can be used for 3281 yen even if you include universal service charges and consumption tax.Even if the optical line opens and no use, it costs 0 yen, so you do not have to maintain it as a spare and cancel it.The line itself is the same contract as a normal smartphone, so if you replace the SIM with a smartphone, you can use it as it is.

Rakuten Mobile is unlimited in its own area, but in fact, if it exceeds 10GB in a day, the speed limit is applied and it is narrowed down to about 3Mbps.If you use it too much, it will hardly affect if you watch a video, but if you use it for your family or do another communication, it will be a little harsher.

The cheap SIM of MVNO is also reduced, making it easier to use data.

If there is a new home outside Rakuten Mobile's Rakuten Line Area, I would like to consider a cheap SIM of MVNO.Cheap SIMs have data -only plans, which are cheaper than plans that can use voice calls.

Moreover, the price cut this spring is less than 2,000 yen even for 20GB per month.For example, in a new plano plan, a 20GB plan for data only is 1750 yen per month, the universal service fee of 3 yen and the consumption tax are 1928 yen per month.

New plan of mineo.Data SIM is 20GB, tax -excluded 1750 yen

From April, IIJMIO has a 20GB data plan of 1780 yen a month, a universal service fee and a consumption tax, which costs less than 2000 yen.

And it is a little tricky usage, but in OCN Mobile One, the cost of the subscription month is free, so if you change the next month's plan by the end of the month, you can use large capacity for the first month.At the time of the article, the 30GB plan is the largest, but a new plan is announced in late March.

Expectations for POVO's "Unlimited Data 24 Hours" option

And I'm looking forward to the au "POVO" starting March 23.The content of 2731 yen per month is similar to "AHAMO" and "LINEMO" if you include a universal service fee and consumption tax if you include a universal service fee and consumption tax, but the 200 yen option is "unlimited use of data 24 hours" at a time.There is.

There is an option that can be used for 24 hours for 200 yen at a time.It is also possible to use in tethering.

If you add options only on days with many data communication, you will not be consumed by 20GB per month for 24 hours, so you can use data communication.If you have a day when web meetings are concentrated from morning till night, or watch videos from morning till night on holidays, if you add an option for 200 yen, you can use it without worrying about the traffic.

However, this option also has a note saying that the communication speed may be restricted when it is congestion of the network or when using videos and cloud games, etc., so it is necessary to check the situation after the actual service starts.