Awaji City Regional New Electric Power Business Corporate Released Corporate Release

Category: Product service

淡路市地域新電力事業連携に関する協定を締結しました 企業リリース

Release issuance company: Shin Energy Co., Ltd.

Shin Energy Co., Ltd. (Chuo -ku, Kobe, President and CEO: Masahiro Inui/hereafter, Shin Energy) is a Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture (Mayor: Yasuhiko Kado), on Thursday, 1/28, and Ho Co., Ltd. Mutual with Kudon (Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture, Representative Director: Masayuki Yoneyama / Horikudan). Both will be able to promote the first regional new electricity business in Hyogo Prefecture. Agreement content 1. 2. Utilize the energy created in the region and promote local production for local consumption, which is listed by the "Awaji Environmental Future Island Concept". 2. Contribute to the stable supply of power to the region and the revitalization of the regional economy. Strive to spread and promote renewable energy and promote the realization of the carbon native "carbon native" in order to leave a better global environment. , Residents, companies, and government are working together to promote electricity local consumption, non -focus of fuel, independence of energy, and disaster -resistant town development, and as part of that initiative, in Hyogo Prefecture. I agreed with the establishment of the first regional new electricity. Awaji City will sell electricity of two solar power plants (670 kW) held by the city, and will purchase electricity from city public facilities from a rouge to practice electricity local production and local consumption. 。 We will promote the power business for "Awaji City 2050 Carbon Nuulal" to promote circulation of regional economy, create employment, and create renewable energy power supply. ■ Role of the local new electricity (Horikudan) Hoku -dan is the operation of the "Kita -Tan Earthquake Memorial Park" centered on the Nojima fault exposed to the surface of the Hyogo Prefecture Earthquake at 5:46 am on 1995/1/17. , Maintenance has been performed since 1998. This time, in the "Awaji Environmental Future Island Concept", we will implement the local new electricity business in order to create a system that supports regional energy creation. In recent years, natural disasters have occurred every year around the world, and further strengthening disaster prevention bases and improving resilience have become an issue, but in the case of these measures, we also use the revenue of this power business. We aim to create a sustainable region, the importance of disasters. The power business embodies the "Awaji Environmental Future Island Concept" based on the concept of reducing circulation and electricity charges and renewable energy in the three pillars and regional economy. Sinsey supports stable power to city public facilities, private companies, and ordinary households from the Electric Power Division. This project starts with the purchase of electricity born from solar power generation owned by Awaji City, which will reduce the CO2 reduction of 95 kl and 184.5T per year in Awaji City. The profits from these electricity businesses will be returned to businesses in the city, such as renewable energy development in Awaji City, resilience measures, child care support, and transportation infrastructure, and will promote economic circulation in Awaji City. At the start of the operation on 2021/4, power supply will be started to Awajo -shi public facilities. Next, this fall, we will start recruiting for general companies and general households, provide supplies on 2022/4 to achieve further economic circulation and the creation and utilization of renewable energy in the city. As a platform company in Awaji City's energy business, we will also contribute to the CO2 reduction and the construction of a decarbonized society. We will start conducting and investigating renewable energy development at the same time, and will move to implementation for a couple of years. In the medium- to long -term plan, we aim to use graduation FIT power supply, discover resources sleeping in the city, do not foss up energy, and to realize a carbonized society for 2030 and 2050. ■ The outline of support for the regional new power management support (Shin Energy) Regional New Electric Power Business is as follows.・ The power to be supplied is fixed price (not market -linked type) ・ Regional circulation function (regional reduction, employment creation) ・ Full support (power procure, supply and demand adjustment, planning and sales, renewable energy power supply) Awaji environment Toward the Miraijima concept, "2050 Carbon Nutral", we will provide mid- to long -term support with continuous focus on energy saving and renewable energy. As a short -term measure, the solar power generation business, such as carport PVs and roof borrowing PVs, is developed early in public facilities, and then as a medium -term measure, small wind, medium -sized wooden biomass, small and medium -sized biogas, long -term measure as a long -term measure. We will develop the power of the region, and will promote activities aimed at circulating the local economy and resources so that Awajichi City will become a model area of ​​renewable energy circulation in Japan. In addition, using techniques such as crowdfunding and SIB (social impact bond), we are also looking for citizen participation renewable energy with the cooperation of citizens. Corporate press release to details to PRTIMES


* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.