Docomo descends up to 225Mbps LTE-ADVANCED in March 2015/Serially Cheap SIM increase campaign: Router Prince's "Recent Mobile Communication & Router Conditions" (page 1/2)

DOCOMO announced on September 30, 2014 -2015 spring model model.Two models of mobile Wi-Fi routers, "Wi-Fi Station L-01G" (hereinafter, L-01G) and "Wi-Fi Station HW-02G" (hereinafter, HW-02G) were announced.Both support LTE-ADVANCED career aggregation (CA), and the maximum speed speed is 225Mbps.At the time of the announcement, it is the fastest communication speed in the domestic mobile Wi-Fi router.

DOCOMO's maximum descending 225Mbps service is scheduled to be launched in March 2015, and only two mobile Wi-Fi routers are compatible in the 2014 winter-2015 model.In addition, the communication speed of up to 225 Mbps download is possible when the CA can secure a total of 30 MHz width communication, and docomo plans the following patterns.


Other than DOCOMO, KDDI has already provided up to 150Mbps downwards that combine 800MHz (Band 18) and 2 GHz band (Band 1).Softbank Mobile is 2 of AXGP.The 5GHz band (BAND 41) achieves a maximum of 165Mbps, and sells Pocket WiFi303ZT, a mobile Wi-Fi router as the first compatible terminal.Softbank Mobile will provide FDD-LTE career aggregation after 2015.

Let's take a look at the specifications of two mobile Wi-Fi routers to be released from DOCOMO.LG Electronics L-01G (scheduled to be released in March of the year) is compatible with the 2600MHz band (Band 38) of TD-LTE in international roaming, and is high speed when using international roaming in China.Communication is available.

The LAN side has a 5GHz band IEEE802 with less radio interference.Newly responded to 11ac.2.You can also use stable communication compared to the 4GHz band..It is encouraging in the situation where the 4GHz band is crowded.L-02F, which is the previous model of L-01G, is also IEEE802 when a cradle is installed.11ac Wi-Fi was available, but it was a limited function while using a cradle, so in the mobile environment IEEE802..11ac was not available.

L-01G is not supported by the cradle, but the Wi-Fi side IEEE802.Since 11ac is available, the communication environment in the mobile scene has been raised more than the previous model, along with the CA correspondence.

The battery capacity is 4880mAh, which is significantly increased compared to the L-02F 3600mAh.DOCOMO's LG Mobile Wi-Fi router has a long continuous communication time, and it seems that L-01G will have a long continuous communication time.Since the mobile charger function is supported as before, smartphones and tablets can be charged using L-01G.

ドコモが下り最大225MbpsのLTE-Advancedを2015年3月に開始/相次ぐ格安SIMの増量キャンペーン:ルータープリンスの「5分で知る最近のモバイル通信&ルータ事情」(1/2 ページ)

HUAWEI's HW-02G (scheduled to be released in February 2015), like the previous model HW-01F, is a compact mobile Wi-Fi router compared to the LG mobile Wi-Fi router.


The main specifications are compatible with CAs like L-01G, which supports up to 225Mbps down, and faster communication can be used in CA-compatible areas.In addition, the L-01G supports TD-LTE and GSM, and is inferior to L-01G in terms of international roaming use.

Credp is included in HW-02G as standard.When HW-02G is set in a cradle, the output on the Wi-Fi side is automatically stronger, and Wi-Fi can be used in a wide range.Furthermore, the number of simultaneous connections increases from 10 units in normal times to 20 when connecting to a cradle.

However, Wi-Fi when using a cradle is 2.Since only the 4GHz band is available, the communication speed is inferior to the case when using the 5GHz band, 2.Be careful when interference with devices such as microwave ovens using the 4GHz band.

In addition, it is equipped with a Bluetooth, and even if the HW-02G body is in a sleep state, the sleep mode can be remote from a dedicated application for smartphones.The sleep release function with Bluetooth was found in WiMAX compatible "Aterm WM3800R" and "MR03LN" (both NEC Platforms), but the mobile Wi-Fi router that is introduced for docomo for the first time.It will be.

The battery capacity has expanded from 1780mAh of HW-01F to 2400mAh, and the continuous communication time in the LTE-Advanced environment will be 7 hours.

Huawei's mobile Wi-Fi router released from DOCOMO has a functional functional function compared to the LG mobile Wi-Fi router released at the same time, but this time HW-.In 02G, it is likely to be characterized by cradle cooperation and remote return from sleep using Bluetooth.

MVNO's data communication service announced that IIJ, OCN, and So-Net increase the amount of data communication by deferred.In the following, all the price plans of each company are expensive including tax.

IIJ was announced as soon as the data traffic was announced, and in each plan provided, the monthly communication fee was kept as it was, the available communication amount was a minimal start plan (972 yen per month), 1GB was 2GB, the light start plan.(1642 yen per month) was 2GB to 4GB, and the family share plan (2765 yen per month, up to three SIM cards) were increased from 3GB to 7GB.The amount of data communication volume is increased from October 1, and existing users will be increased without procedures.

IIJ also provides "Miopon" for voice calls, and the amount of data communication is increased as well as Miopon.

In response to the increase in data communication volume of IIJ, OCN announced on September 30 that the amount of data communication will be increased in October.After the revision, the amount of data communication was upgraded to a 1GB / monthly course of 1188 yen per month, and the 2GB / month course, 1566 yen per month, to 4GB / month course.

OCN also offers a "daily course" that restricts high -speed data communications per day, and this is a 50m byte / day course with a daily course of 972 yen per month, 80MB / day, 80MB / day per month.The daily course was 100MB / day course, and the monthly fee was deferred and the data communication volume increased by 20MB / day.In addition, the "500kbps course", which can use communication up to 7GB per month at a speed of up to 500 kbps, is not eligible for a series of capacity increase.

OCN モバイル ONEは10月より料金据置でデータ通信量を増加

Next, SO-NET announced on October 1 that the amount of data traffic was increased from the same day.In Play SIM provided by the company, the plan of 950 yen per month is 80m / day, and the plan for 1380 yen per month is 135m / day, and as with other companies, it can be used as a monthly fee.Is increased.
