"Huawei Summer Ircon 2021" results announced!What are the best works that attracted a popular illustrator?

From Thursday, August 30 to Thursday, September 30, the Huawei Summer Ircon 2021 was held, co -hosted by Huawei and Mynavi News, commemorating the release of "Huawei MatePad 11".The application theme is "a little extraordinary".On Twitter, it was performed by posting a hashtag called "#Furway Summer Ircon 2021", and many wonderful works from all over the country were applied.

One of the most important works and two excellent works will be decided after a strict screening.Here, we will introduce the award -winning works along with the comments of Illustrator YouTuber, a judge who served as a judge.

さいとうなおき イラストレーター・YouTuber。1982年生まれ。山形県出身。多摩美術大学卒業後、ゲーム会社を経て現在フリーランス。『ポケモンカード公認イラストレーター』ゲーム『ドラガリアロスト』のメインイラストレーター、漫画『バキ』の着彩を担当。YouTubeチャンネルにて『お絵描き上達テクニック』などの情報も発信中。Twitter:@_NaokiSaitoYouTube:Naoki Ssito illust Channel
さいとうさんが一目惚れ!? 気になる最優秀作品は……

Click here for the best works!The appearance of watching a virtual fireworks with a VR headset is drawn in fantastic.Those who are selected as the best works will be awarded the Huawei tablet terminal "Huawei MatePad 11" and "Huawei M-PENCIL (2nd generation)".


"Let's see fireworks." (@Ff00ff-ink)

Comment from Saito -san /

見た瞬間に、とても惹きつけられました!今回のテーマ「ちょっとした非日常」を深掘りした解釈で描かれていて、すごく味わい深いです。作品タイトルの「花火を見ましょ。」という言葉からは、夏の夜空を彩る花火を連想しますが、それは今までの世界。『これからは、VR空間で「花火」を鑑賞するような世界がやってくるだろう……』『今は非日常だけど、これからはきっとそれが「日常」になっていくだろう……』など、さまざまな思いを巡らせることができる素晴らしい作品です!さいとうさんを唸らせた表現力! 優秀作品はこちらの2作品に

「ファーウェイ夏のイラコン2021」結果発表! 人気イラストレーターを魅了した最優秀作品とは?

Excellent works include "Is there anyone?" Depicting a girl who has been armed with dogs with dogs, and "An answering machine" depicting a fox -like character standing boring in front of the pleasure boat information center.For the work!Each will be awarded a 10,000 yen Amazon gift certificate.


"Is there anyone?" (@Vgxo9b)

Comment from Saito -san /


"An answering machine" (@omatsu_99)

Comment from Saito -san /

とてもカラフルで、その色使いにまず興味を惹かれました。非日常的なキャラクターもすごく魅力的! それなのに「彼」がしている(させられている?)のは単なる留守番というギャップがおもしろいですよね。退屈そうに座り込む彼にとっては、平穏な今の方がまさに「非日常」的な瞬間なのでしょう。『きっと彼の日常は、建物の陰に隠れるように描かれているおどろおどろしい妖怪とのバトルを繰り広げる毎日なのかもしれないなあ……』なんて、作品に描かれた風景を通して非日常的な存在の日常を想像させられました。その表現力、脱帽です!タブレット端末を使ってイラストを描こう!

This time, Mr. Saito also received the impression that he served as a judge for "Huawei Summer Ircon 2021".

The interpretation of "A little extraordinary" was different, and there were various interpretations, so I really enjoyed it.And don't forget the fact that each of the high -quality works was drawn on a tablet.I still thought, "If you don't draw on a computer, the quality will go down one step."Jan!?There were many works that seemed to be.For me in "everyday" to draw with a personal computer, this screening itself was a very nice "extraordinary" experience.

Thank you very much for applying for the work!

If you use a tablet device, you can easily enjoy illustration production alone without connecting to your computer.Like the "Huawei MatePad 11" given to this best work, recent tablet terminals have high processing performance and expressiveness, so it can be used not only for rough and sketches but also for finishing.Why don't you take this opportunity to draw illustrations on a tablet device?

Click here for "HUAWEI MATEPAD 11"

[PR] Provided: Huawei Japan