Set a Wi-Fi router for mobile lines on the telework line

 The masterpiece explains how to improve the radio wave condition of home Wi-Fi, but for those who need to prepare Internet lines at home in a hurry for new Coronavirus infections (COVID-19).As a special edition, it explains how to build an Internet connection environment using a mobile line.The mobile line is very useful when you want to introduce it in a hurry without waiting for a line work.


List of articles in "I don't know" of home Wi-Fi!

 Last time, among several methods, we recommended the introduction of Wi-Fi routers for stationary mobile lines for home lines that assume use in telework.

まずは契約したnano SIMカードを装着しておこう。SIMスロットは底面にある。ここに初期ログイン情報も記載されている

 From this time, as an example, let's actually set the UQ WiMAX "Speed Wi-Fi Home L02".

 Since the battery is not built -in with a stationary type, it is necessary to connect the power supply.Unlike an optical line, the installation location can be anywhere as long as the power supply is removed.If you keep it near the window as much as possible, the connection of the mobile line is easy to stabilize.In addition, the contracted nano SIM card should be installed before setting.


 If you use the "Huawei Hilink" app for Android/iOS, you can easily access the Wi-Fi for the initial setting by using the "Huawei Hilink" app for Android/iOS.Of course, the initial configuration SSID and encryption key written on the bottom can be set and connected manually.In that case, it is an orthodox setting method that uses a web browser to log in.Let's look at this setting method next time.



 The setting on the PC is also possible with a Wi-Fi connection, but it is easy to connect with a wired LAN cable.The reason is that each time you change the initial setting SSID and the encryption key, the body is reset.At that time, you have to re-connect to the newly set Wi-Fi, but if you connect to a wired LAN, you do not need this procedure, and you can proceed at once until the end.

 This is not a technique unique to this router, but a Wi-Fi router in general, so keep in mind.

 In this series, the automatic connection function of the buttockshoot method called "WPS" is not recommended.The details are as described in this series, "Try using the 14th Wi-Fi Connection Settings using the 14th Bota Push".Because it is quite troublesome.

 It's not a very difficult setting, so it's easier to use this serialization first without being linearly, so it's easier to keep using it for a long time.


 In the HILINK app, the initial setting of Wi-Fi can be read from the QR code on the bottom of the router itself.Here, we will introduce the setting method on iOS, but it is basically the same in Android.However, in the case of iOS, there is a task to download and install the configuration profile on the way, but this is not required for Android.

カメラへのアクセスを許可してから、本体底面にあるQRコードをスキャンする読み取った接続情報の画面で[設定]をタップすると、構成プロファイルのダウンロード作業に移る。Androidではこの作業は不要だウェブブラウザーが起動するので、[許可]をタップすると構成プロファイルがダウンロードされる[設定]画面を表示させると、「プロファイルがダウンロードされました」と表示されているのでタップする[インストール]をタップし、続けて未署名の確認をし、最終的に[完了]をタップして終わらせる。インストール時にはパスコードの入力が必要になる「HiLink」という構成プロファイルがインストールされていること確認しておく設定画面の[Wi-Fi]を見るとSpeed Wi-Fi HOME L02の「SPWH~」に接続されているはずだ。もし接続できていなければ、QRコードを再度読み込んで接続しようホーム画面が表示されると、Speed Wi-Fi HOME L02に接続できているので[ログイン]をタップする本体底面に書かれている「初回ログインパスワード」を入力する。IDは不要で、パスワードはスラッシュ以下の数字のみだ初回ログイン時はスプラッシュ画面が表示される。自動更新のチェックを入れて[設定]をタップしよう

 Next, let's set the Wi-Fi.On the SSID setting screen, when the "5GHz priority function" is turned on, the same SSID is set in the 2.4GHz band and the 5GHz band.If you want to distinguish it, turn it off.

 The speed of IEEE 802.11ac is effective only in the 5GHz band, so if you value speed, it is easier to understand the connection.When this setting is turned off, "_5g" is automatically attached to the end of the name.

 After changing to the original SSID, connect to Wi-Fi again to complete.


 Once this Wi-Fi connection is completed, connect it from the device you want to use with the set SSID.Next time, let's explain the first connection using a web browser.