Connect the LAN of IPv6 with router

The IPv6 plug and play mechanism is very well made.Last time, I built the smallest IPv6 network with two PCs, but this time I will use a router to connect the subnet.Make sure that the setting of individual PCs is simplified in full -fledged network construction.The larger the size of the network, the greater the advantage of IPv6.

Connect the two subnets with a router

Last time, we built the smallest IPv6 network on two PCs.Let's remember the operation of the IPv6 plug and play at this time.The link -drocal address was automatically configured on both PCs, but the global address was different.It was necessary to manually set the address to one PC and use the "RA: Router Advertisement" command.In other words, to use the plug and play network configuration, a machine to perform router advertisements in the network is required.

Then, you might think, "I should use a router -only machine rather than having a PC advertisement."That's right.Usually, the router in the subnet makes the router advertisement and assigns an IPv6 address to a PC in the subnet.

This time, we will build a network as shown in Fig. 1 using two PCs and one router.It is a configuration that connects two subnets with a router.The central router makes the two subnets router ads, enabling automatic PCs on both subnets.

Fig. 1 Connect two subnets with routers

The router used is Yamaha's IPv6 compatible router "NVR500".(photo1).This model is equipped with a broadband compatible WAN port, LAN port (4 -port switch), analog phone port, and ISDN port.The WAN port is also a second LAN port.Therefore, in the network in Fig. 1, the NVR500 uses the IPv6 compatible local router, and the WAN port is used as a LAN port for local "subnet 2" connection.

Yamaha Broadband VOIP router "NVR500" used in one photo

Network design and wiring

This time, this time, this time, we will use UNICLECALE address, which is equivalent to IPv4's private address.Look at Figure 1 again.The two subnet network prefixes

AndFD00: 0: 0: 1 ::/64 subnets are connected to the NVR500 LAN port (LAN1), and PC1 (Windows 7) is installed.Then, the subnet of FD00: 0: 0: 2:/64 is connected to the WAN port (LAN2) of the NVR500, and the PC2 (Windows XP) is installed.This time, one is Windows 7 and the other is Windows XP, but Windows Vista is mixed, or both are Windows 7.

Router settings

When the wiring is over, set the NVR500.Yamaha's router has a "simple setting" using the web, and can be set to connect with a provider with IPv6.However, web interface does not support the setting as a local router compatible with IPv6, but is operated from the command line.For this reason, it is necessary to set the NVR500 and one PC to communicate with IPv4, and then set the Telnet from the PC.This procedure is explained in the NVR500 manual, so please refer to that for details. ルーターでIPv6のLANを接続しよう


Log in to screen 1 NVR500

From here, enter the IPv6 settings, enter Administrator and migrate to the administrator mode (screen 1 ②).Here, as well, an administrator password is required, so it is the same as before (③ on the screen 1).If the prompt becomes "#", the configuration command of IPv6 can be used.

Screen 2 is the IPv6 setting command to build this network.When specifying a port (interface) with the command, please note that the LAN port is specified as "LAN1" and the WAN port is "LAN2".

Set IPv6 on the screen 2 NVR500

Let's explain the command on screen 2.For more information, see the PDF format manual in the CD-ROM attached to the NVR500.

If there is no error in the command entered here, the setting will be reflected immediately.If there is an error, an error message will be displayed, so let's put it correctly.

Router settings後の作業

After setting, check and save (screen 3).

Check the setting status of the IPv6 of the NVR500 screen 3

Show IPv6 Address

The IPv6 address of the router is displayed.First, let's look at the composition status of the router LAN1.① is a UNICLOCALE address set with the command.The screen is "global", but you don't have to worry about it.The address that starts with (3) and later "FF02:" is a multi -cast address with an increased number of situations used in IPv6.

In LAN2, ④ to ⑥ is displayed in the same way.If there is no problem


Save it to non -volatile memory with the command.If you do not save it, the setting will disappear at the moment you turn off the NVR500, so please do not forget Save.

In order to check all the settings of the router

Show Config

Use the command.Then, all settings are displayed, including setting values other than IPv6.When all operations are completed,


Ends with the command.If you get out of the administrator mode and enter again with EXIT, you will log out from NVR500.

(Next page, following "Automatic composition of PC IPv6")