J: Mesh Wi-Fi "PLUME" Impression: Fun to touch on network products

Network equipment habit.

Previously, the mesh Wi-Fi "PLUME", which was previously reviewed by Gizmodo and called "no blind spot".It is an unusual subscription model (annual system) for a home network, and the stylish design is impressive.If I thought, "I wonder if I will come to Japan" ... I came!

The Internet provider "J: com" has started providing "Plume" as a mesh Wi-Fi service that can be used on a monthly basis.

As you may already know, mesh Wi-Fi is a thing that scatters multiple access points in the house, and access points communicate with mesh-like networks.It is not just a broadcast of radio waves, but is a product that aims to improve and stabilize speed and stabilize at each access point.

This time, I was able to borrow the PLUME body, so I used it at home.To be honest, a network product like a Wi-Fi router was "I don't want to buy it, but I need it, so I can't help but buy it."But when I tried PLUME, the image of such a network product changed dramatically.

First, the body is elegant

First of all, the body is really cool.What an object!I want to rush.J: COM can be introduced from two units, but can be increased to up to 5 units.This time I borrowed 3 units.

The Wi-Fi router was plastic and the LED lamp was shiny, and the big antenna stretched, and it was a very mossari design.But that seems to be a past story.

Plume, it looks like a metal when viewed in the photo, but apparently plastic.However, it has a smooth coating, and when you touch it, it looks like a pottery.The mysterious hexagonal design is also pleasant and somewhat touched.Why is it so good that it's a thing to keep on the outlet all the time.

The setup is also elegant

Setup is very easy.Anyway, it's just "inserted".

By the way, my home is a long maisonette on 1F (entrance), 2F (bedroom), and 3F (living room).With access points (TP-Link Archer C9), which were used in the living room, the radio waves weakened in the 2nd floor bedroom and the speed was about half.At the entrance of the 1st floor, you can just communicate.

I will try how much I can improve my house.

In the case of plumes provided from J: COM, connect one of the access points of Plume from the J: COM router to the LAN cable.This is OK to connect any of the three access points.So don't get lost.At this point, it's already elegant.


I connected.By the way, it is OK to insert it into either the left and right LAN ports.Since it can be inserted directly into the outlet, there is no extra wiring and it is refreshing.

1F entrance.There was an outlet on the shoe box, so I just insert it ...

Actually, it was an outlet of the wall, so the width was not enough, so I bite the octopus tap.In a house where the outlet is depleted, this direct insertion design may backfire.

The 2nd floor is crisp to the outlet in the corridor.how is it?Doesn't it look like a Wi-Fi access point?

By the way, I just inserted the LAN cable about four times in total, but the setup is already completed.

If you select the network name on your smartphone and enter the password, you can use Wi-Fi from 1F to 3F.

This is something that can be done because it is a sub -skop service provided by the provider, but the access points have been paired with each other.IDs are already registered, and they are automatically connected to Plume cloud services.If you want to introduce additional access points, just insert it into the outlet.The setup ends without using the brain at all.

Apps and cloud services are elegant

If you log in to the app with the ID provided from J: COM, you will see this screen.Oh, three rounds are access points, and you can see that the mesh is connected by a line.When I pulled out the access point at the entrance from the outlet, it turned red and separated.

If you tap the circle, you can check the terminals that are connected to the access point.Oh, of course, PLUME will automatically decide which access point will lead to which access point will be the best access point even if you move.

If you use it for a while, you will know the speed history and the usage rate of the terminal.It seems that the usage data is learned in the PLUME cloud and becomes smarter and smarter.He said, "It's about time that he starts" Fort Knight "..."

In addition, ordinary Wi-Fi routers will automatically set channels that must be done manually.It will automatically avoid interference with the next Wi-Fi.If you read too much air ...

Furthermore, there is also a function of parental control that stops children's smartphone communication from the app and prevent access to dangerous sites.Even with iPhone and Android smartphones, the ability to prevent over -use smartphones is increasing, but it is most effective to cut off from the network.It's amazing that it can be done with the app.

as a side note...

It seems that the device usage status and DNS logs are used for analysis and access control functions, so they seem to be stored in Plume cloud.Despite being protected by security policy, this is a big difference from the previous network devices, and some people feel risky.Trade off with convenience.I don't want to spend time on the internet environment at home, so I choose convenience without hesitation ...

By the way, how to improve the important communication.Until now, there was a WiFi router on the 3rd floor, about half of the 3rd floor in the bedroom on the 2nd floor, and the 1st floor entrance was faint.After the introduction of PLUME, the 3F and 2F improved to the same speed, and the 1st floor improved to about half the speed.Not only the appearance but also the mesh Wi-Fi will satisfy you.

Until now, it is a Wi-Fi router in a house that has only been thinking about "buying because it is broken" or "buying a little higher because it is late", but it is an old world.PLUME was surprised by the beautiful design, modern UI, and transcendental setup.Somehow, it was fun to touch the network product.I've never felt this way before.

So where can I buy it?Plume is provided only to J: COM Internet services "J: Comnet" subscriber, starting at 800 yen (2 units) per month.Honestly, the personal intention is that you want to buy a whole mesh Wi-Fi router.Until then, if you say that you can choose other, you will want to use Plume just because the experience was good.I guess it's a service experience with a provider ...(By the way, Plume is only in the United States)

Wi-Fi is late and worried, especially those who live in a long maisonette in vertical.

Source: J: com