Memorial: President Satoshi Iwata HAL Research Institute of Hal Research Institute for genius and memories of second -year high school students by Ken Fujimoto


 I am very shocked after seeing the news that Nintendo's CEO Satoshi Iwata died.He was so great that he had never met you for many years, but after retirement he wanted to go to the old story after a long absence.

 I first met Iwata -san in August 1982, so it was 33 years ago.Iwata was a 23 -year -old new employee.



 As a second-year high school student, I used summer vacation to develop a soundboard for PC-8001 for NEC, and create a program to drive it.I was praising my self -portrait, but I was very well done, so I contacted the company I saw in the magazine and negotiated if I could buy it.

 Among the companies that went to about five companies, the HAL Research Institute was the first company.It was Iwata who responded to a small company with 5 or 6 people.

 追悼:任天堂 岩田聡社長 HAL研究所の天才新入社員と高校2年生の思い出 by 藤本健

 As a result, the HAL Research Institute will be dealing with it, and after that, it was developed with Mr. Iwata, and in January 1983, it was released under the name "GSX-8800".

 The other day, when I was organizing my parents' house, the source code I wrote in the Z-80 assembler at that time came out.You can see that my name and Iwata's name are engraved on the first page output in the dot impact printer.


確か、DECのVAX-11によるクロスアセンブラを使って開発したものだったと思います。 Cromemcoのマイクロコンピューターを用いておりました(7/14修正)。


 At that time, Mr. Iwata graduated from the Department of Information Engineering at Tokyo Institute of Technology and found a job at this small company, but from my high school student, I thought it was a very strange person.

 Tokyo Institute of Technology is a university that I longed for (after all, I did not go in because I had poor grades ...)I thought it was done ...Here, I wrote a program together, like a senior in a microcomputer club, but it was a fact that I had no teeth in its excellentness and I was disappointed.


 Because, just looking at the source code of the program that was made in the summer vacation, I fixed it, and I was told, "I deleted the two hidden commands!"That's why ...When I entered my name, I was given a device that would make a short phrase performance.

 In addition, the interrupt process, which was always worried about how to program, was easily created, and my program, which was originally only three tones, was upgraded to six tones that could be made by Mr. Iwata.It was released in that form.


 Looking at Iwata -san, I realized that I was a second -year high school student, saying, "I am not suitable for engineers, it is impossible to keep up with technical in such a fast evolutionary world." right.

 At that time, I only knew Iwata -san as a member of society, and that's why all the engineers of working people were like Iwata -san, but I noticed later.Iwata was a genius.

 If I hadn't met Iwata at that time, I always thought that I would have been working as an engineer at some manufacturer now, but I am grateful to Iwata if it was good.


 After that, even when I entered university, I always studied by forming a synthesizer circuit and creating a program under Iwata -san.There is no doubt that the knowledge at that time is my current base.Someday, I want to thank you .... If I retired from the president, I wanted to go.Unfortunately, I couldn't achieve that.

 After getting great, I had to look at my face in newspapers and television, but I thought I was fine because it was the same atmosphere as that time.No way, he will die so quickly ...Please take a rest.I'm really thankful to you.


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